Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3687: The battle is over?

Chapter 3687 End of the Battle?

Golden meteorite, ancient shadow.

Two forces of terror struck Shi Feng.

However, Shi Feng's body was shaken, and Bai Yan was raging in all directions.

Among the white flames, there was a thunderous thunder that kept beating.

Suddenly, the golden meteorite and the ancient ghost were hit by the raging white flame.

"Blast it!" Shi Feng yelled coldly.



Then he heard two loud noises, and suddenly burst out.

The Protoss Powerful God Ji, and the Demons Powerful Power Dome suddenly changed dramatically at this moment.

They saw with their own eyes that the full blow that they launched was destroyed by the white flames launched by this man.

He was so severely wounded under the power of the peerlessness that he could use such power.

This is simply not human!

And such a person can't keep him alive!

"You and I shot with all my strength. I'll see. You can take a few more shots from you and me!"

Protoss and Demon are two strong men, after the previous recovery, the physical injuries have basically recovered.

The face of the Devil is a gentle and elegant gesture.

And when he said that to God, his gentle face appeared fierce and determined.

"Again, kill with all your strength!" God Jiying drank.

The drinking sound just sounded, golden light, and then broke out on the body of God.

Billowing magic fog, once again burst out from the body of the grid.

The two bodies moved at the same time, and violently struck Shi Feng again.

Shi Feng was violent in white, and after destroying the golden light meteorite and the demon shadow, Bai Yan did not disappear. Instead, he looked like a white beast fiercely, and rushed towards the dome of the sky and the gods.

At this moment, the full-strength lattice dome and God continued to rush forward.

Under the frenzy of the two, Bai Yan, the flowing black Dao Lei, began to annihilate continuously.

Collapse, Collapse, Collapse.

But in an instant, Shen Ji and Geqiang rushed to Shi Feng in front of him.

The two saw the incomparably broken figure again, with scars on their faces, showing their incomprehension.



God followed the grid and gave a drink at the same time.

All the golden light on God's body immediately condensed on his right hand.

The right hand covered with golden scales flashed brightly with golden brilliance, exuding a fierce breath, lifted up high, like a giant blade, slashed down towards Shi Feng.

The lattice dome still carried a monstrous devil's mist, and his right hand became a devil's claw. I saw an extremely gigantic devil's claw above their heads.

Along with the movement of the grid dome's claws, they grappled towards Shi Feng together.

With these two forces, space once again entered a boiling state.

Heaven and earth, as if to be forcibly torn by their power.

"Wait, it's you!" However, in the face of such violent force, Shi Feng even said this sentence.

With his hands in fists, above his right fist, a thunderous flash, and above his left fist, Bai Yan burned.

Kuanglei's right fist has the power of flames and yin, and the left fist also reveals the breath of thunder and yin.

Subsequently, both fists came out and greeted them toward the protoss and demons.



Two roars exploded at the same time.

Shi Feng's fists had already collided with the hands of the Protoss and the claws of the Demons.

However, "Boom!" The claws slammed down from the sky were violently caught on Shi Feng's body.

Shi Feng didn't evade and allowed to attack, "Uh!"

It was just a muffled hum in his mouth, and his body shivered.



However, there were two painful voices, which were issued from both the Dome of Heaven and the mouth of God Ji.

The two felt the power of Shi Feng's wild fist, only felt that they were shattered by the strength of this person.

This, the seriously injured person, had previously resisted the full strength of the two of them, and was just hit by the magic claw.

Tough and incredible.

The grid and God followed, and the body was shaken.

At this time, Shi Feng grinned sneer and said, "If this is the case, then this battle can be ended."

As soon as he said this, his fists moved into a crazy dance again.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


One punch after another, smashing wildly against God Dome with Shen Ji.

Fist punches, punches to flesh.



"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


They burst out in pain, and kept exhaling from the mouths of these two peerless powerhouses.

After the punch of Shi Feng just now, these two strong men have already been wounded.

Suffering from this torrential offensive, their injuries are getting worse and worse in an instant.

"Boom boom boom boom!"


However, Shi Feng's attacks continued.

Kill them while they are ill.

This is the consistent aim of Shi Feng.

The two punches have been a constant crit.

The flesh was beaten sorely.

The meridians and bones have been constantly interrupted by Shi Feng.

When Shi Feng's fist stopped, the two strong gods in the triple world of heaven, the whole person, was already paralyzed.

At this moment, they have lost their combat power.

Shi Feng stopped hitting, and her hands moved at the same time, holding her two hairs.

Then, the next rush, toward the battlefield below.

These two guys have been defeated by themselves, so this battle should be completely final.

Protoss, demons, can already be wiped out.

As he fell violently, Shi Feng's eyes had already revealed fierce light.

Those aliens invaded Tianheng, I do not know how many souls killed Tianheng.

Now is the time to ask them for debt.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"Haha, hahahaha!"


However, just as Shi Feng fell wildly, the protagonist, God Ji, even laughed at this time.

"Did this guy get frustrated?" Shi Feng said disdainfully looking at the laughing God Ji.

"The Emperor Jiuyou, you must think that you and I have been defeated. This war is over.

impossible! Totally impossible! My protoss is stronger than your imagination. Although the two of us are defeated, my protoss, there will be more powerfuls, and one after another.

At that time, someone will naturally kill you for me.

Haha, hahahaha! "

The sound of this divine laughter has continued.

"Huh!" Shi Feng grunted coldly when he heard these words.

"No matter how many people come, no matter what kind of enemies come, dare to violate my Tianheng, this emperor will not kill!"

Shi Feng said.

When it comes to the end, Shi Feng's tone has become extremely firm and extremely cold.

Others don't need this God to continue, Shi Feng knows the power of this protoss.

But when he was going to fight this protoss, he was already ready to fight this evil race to the end.

No matter what kind of enemy will appear in the future, he cannot change his mind!

Chapter two

"Arrogance! Ignorance!"

However, when he heard Shi Feng's words, this God Ji uttered this sentence.

"Pop!" Immediately, I heard an extremely crisp and crisp sound, resounding in the face of this God.

Although Shi Feng's hands were still holding the two strong aliens, he felt a slap turned into the power of Yin just as soon as he thought about it, and fanned him fiercely.

This time the shameless protoss of the Protoss was humiliated and warned.

"Ben Shao doesn't want to hear the voice of your despicable race anymore. If he speaks out again, Ben Shao will make you suffer unbearably."

Shi Feng's voice became abnormally cold.

"Haha, hahahaha!" However, this divine follower ignored Shi Feng's warning at all and was still mad and laughed disdainfully.

Shi Feng let him laugh for the time being, and his body was still falling.

"Look at it!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou! The Emperor Jiuyou is back!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou has captured the two alien powerhouses."

"Great Emperor!"

"The Emperor is back!"

"Yeah! It's really the emperor, ha ha, okay, great, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"


In the battlefield below, the warriors who fought against the aliens immediately saw the three figures crashing down.

Suddenly, one by one, the warriors became extremely inspiring again, and laughed loudly.

"Ah!" However, there was also a warrior who laughed and was penetrated directly by his opponent, sending out a terrible roar.

However, this warrior did not fall down, showing fierce light, staring fiercely at his opponent.

"Ah!" A roar of anger roared from his mouth, "Your alien is defeated, my tribe is the true master of Tianheng! Ah!"

Under the roar, the strong human race forward madly, grasping the neck of this alien.

However, the alien's hand that pierced through his body was shaken violently, and the martial artist was instantly shattered.

The exhilarated Terran Warriors are still engaged in crazy killings with aliens.

Kill the enemy and be constantly destroyed by the enemy.

However, in general, morale has increased greatly on the human side.

Everyone from the Protoss and Demon races naturally saw countless sights in the sky. One by one, their faces had revealed an unacceptable shock.

"Master God, defeat! Defeat!"

"Master God!"

"Master Geqiong!"

"Failed, us, failed?"

"Ah!" It was an extremely unwilling, roaring pain.

The morale of the Protoss and Demons became increasingly dispirited.

"Master!" Ling Yefeng, holding a sickle of death, also saw the returning master, and shouted.

"Okay! OK!" Destroyed the old patriarch, and at this time also issued "OK".

As Shi Feng left, the gods of the gods were still fighting fiercely.

The other two gods are two heavens, and the five gods are one heavens.

The human family Ling Yefeng, holding the sickle of the **** of death, the power of the violent cut, also reached the level of the duality of the gods.

Coupled with that blue woman help!

Among the heavyweights are Skeleton Yan and the eight ghosts who together opened the gates of ghosts.

Destroy the tribe and urge the three major artifacts. Although they cannot reach the power of the triple heaven of the gods, they can also continue in the power of the double heaven.

Therefore, with the destruction of the tribe, the battlefield on this side is still the upper hand of the human race.

The aliens are strong and tired.

With the arrival of Shi Feng, after the morale of this party was flourishing, the power launched was even stronger.

"Haha, master, worthy to be my master of the skull! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Skull Yan laughed and shouted.

"This battle, this is the ultimate." Shi Feng said slowly.

On his body, the power of thunder suddenly burst out, and began to rush towards the battlefield where Ling Yefeng was.

After helping them destroy these gods, the battle situation can basically be controlled.

"Oh, it seems that it's not too late for me to enter this world. This battle is really worth seeing."

But at this moment, all the creatures in this world heard this soft voice.

After hearing this femininity, countless people's faces changed again.

Even Shi Feng, with a calm face, opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the power of the thunder that rushed out of himself suddenly disappeared at this moment.

It disappeared without a trace, just like smoke, evaporating instantly.

"Who!" Shi Feng stunned suddenly.

"This ... this is ..." Immediately, the protagonist Shen Ji, who was caught by Shi Feng in Shi Feng, changed his appearance.

"God follower, who is this?" Ge Qiqiang, who had not spoken anymore, said at this time.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Immediately afterwards, I saw this God followed, and then laughed.

"This lord, successfully entered Tianheng!"

"Ha ha ha ha, this adult is here."

"This lord, it's finally here!"


"Human race, this battle is not final! You, you are about to die, hahahaha!"


At this time, Shi Feng was too lazy to care about this ridiculous God.

His eyebrows were tight and wrinkled, and he stared at the bright sky that was still empty.

"Is that adult?"

"Is that really the adult?"

"That adult is here?"

"Has that adult arrived?"

"Ha, ha ha, that adult has successfully arrived!"


The warriors of the Protoss began to laugh at this time.

The morale, which had been slumped, was invigorated again.

The demons, looking at them one by one, were still at a loss.

However, morale has not been so weak.

They already understood that the Protoss had a remarkable existence!


Shi Feng's eyes were still gazing. Gradually, in the sight, a fluttering figure appeared in black.

It was not tall, like a woman.

The looks are soft, and there is a gloomy breath on and around the body.

And Shi Feng felt a mysterious ancient atmosphere from this "person".

Like this one, the characters who have come out of the incomparable ancient times.

"Protoss strong! Strong unsettling me!" Shi Feng secretly uttered this sentence.

As that "person" gets closer, his heart begins to beat at this moment.

An indescribable sense of depression!

"Master God!"

"Master God!"

"Welcome to Lord God!"


Then, one by one, the protoss yelled out a respectful cry ...

(End of this chapter)

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