Chapter 3710: Animals!

Since it was necessary to walk up, Shi Feng could only raise his leg and stepped on a dark stone ladder in front of him.

Then I walked up the dark stone ladder step by step.

At the beginning, everything was as usual, nothing happened.

The black fog rolling around was still flowing like this in rhythm.

However, just after Shi Feng walked 998, all the fog raged.

In the magic fog, a terrible violent storm force burst out, and the road thundered violently, emerged violently in the storm, and rolled Shi Feng.

Shi Feng was suddenly in a thunderstorm, but these forces could not affect him.

Standing proudly still, he continued to step on this dark stone ladder and walked one step further.

However, although the physical body was not affected by the storm and thunder, Shi Feng still had the urge to fight that destiny monarch more and more.

I really don't know what this guy did in such a ghost place.

Test yourself?

Your sister's!

Gradually, Shi Feng climbed up the stone ladder and sold the stone steps one by one. He found that the thundering force of the rolling storm became more and more fierce.

In addition to the storm and thunder, there were also raging black flames, fierce darkness Hong Tao, and even violent dark thorns one after another, constantly breaking through.

One after another blasted at Shi Feng.

Although it can be said that Shi Feng can still compete, with the burst of strength, it is not as indifferent as before, and the physical body begins to oscillate with the strength.

"If you continue this way, I am afraid there will really be a threat to me."

Shi Feng said that when he said this, he raised his head, looked at the rolling black mist, and looked at hundreds of endless black stone staircases.

This road seems to be endless.

I really don't know what kind of ghost place this festival is.


Then step by step.

Slowly, each time Shi Feng took a step, the power in this dark mist leaped up.

However, this road still looks so distant.

It was getting dark.

Eventually it turned black.

But it is not dark, and it has no effect on Shi Feng at all.

"This power, I am afraid ... has reached the power of the King of God?"

Shi Feng felt the power of the whole body, said.

Everything is as he thinks.

It really is that every step, the power starts to keep on constantly ... constantly increasing.

Shi Feng really doesn't know how powerful you will be when you look at the endless sacrifice of the Devil Mountain.

I am afraid that the **** level is inevitable.

"Since the Ming Emperor was able to go up that day, it should be, on the same day that God was so heavy, right?" Shi Feng thought secretly.


As they stepped in again, at this moment, dark magic claws appeared in the magic mist, and each claw contained the terrifying power of destruction.

Began violently toward Shi Feng.

Today's Shi Feng, sacrificed the power of the extermination of the black thunder, the whole person dangled in the black thunder.

As soon as each claw approached, it instantly turned grey under the magic thunder.

"Huh? Someone above!" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly felt that her face changed.

The power felt at this moment, and above it, should be almost the power above the Five Kings of God.

However, he did hear the sound of anger and drink from above.

It seems that there are more than one or two people.

It seems that there are dozens of them.

Shi Feng hastened his steps, one step, two steps, three steps.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a sound of extremely unusual trembling sounded.

Shi Feng felt that the power of her body violently changed suddenly.

Originally thought that after stepping into this place, this power reached the five levels of God King.

I didn't expect that here ... it was directly the power of the gods.

Billowing magic mist, became extremely violent.

It seems that a huge wave set off by the storm in the sea, containing the power in the magic mist, is also extremely fierce.

Demon flames, demon claws, demon seas, demon winds, and even the power of the earth stabbing up from the stone ladder at your feet became extremely fierce, like a wild beast.

"This too, is getting too fast!"

Shi Feng looked up again, and saw that the black stone ladders still extended.

Still can't see the end.

However, Shi Feng saw 23 young figures above, each standing on a black stone ladder.

These people are very young, all around 20 years old, all men.

Moreover, the talents are also good. The lowest one is in the sixth king of God, and the highest one is a man in a purple dress. He is extraordinary in temperament and heroic, and even reaches the **** of heaven.

Now the place has changed a lot. The man in the purple clothes swept a force of purple wind to protect the others.

Everyone else urged them to resist.

However, with the exception of the man in purple, the young people are all struggling.

If it was n’t for the strongest, I'm afraid it had already perished in this rolling mist of magic.


"Let's retreat from here? If we go up this way, the consequences will be unimaginable," said a man from the Eighteenth Heavenly Kingdom.

He has resigned.

"The ants said that a great change in this sacrificial demon mountain is very likely to cause trouble.

Brother Ziyi is here, and I should go up and take a look.

It's a bit uncomfortable to just quit. "A man who is also the eighth heaven.

"Brother Ziyi, how?" At this moment, a disciple looked at the man in the purple robe.

Immediately after, all eyes looked at him.

Seems to be consulting this person.

Compared with others, this one is called Ziyi, and his complexion looks much flatter.

As a **** of heaven, these forces have not yet caused him any harm.

"Go up and see, you are all behind me, be careful, don't be careless." This Ziyi said.

"Good Brother Ziyi."

"it is good!"



After hearing Zi Yi's words, others immediately nodded.

"Oh!" But at this moment, Zi Zi suddenly made a sound of surprise.

Then he immediately lowered his head.

Shi Feng's eyes were still looking at these people.

After seeing that heavenly **** realm and other young men, he had determined that these people were not the gods.

I'm afraid it's the upper bound.

When hearing these people's words, when talking about the word "蝼 虫", Shi Feng's face suddenly became cold.

Tiange City was slaughtered, and those murderers were regarded as their ants and weeds.

The presence of these people here, he speculated, would most likely be related to them.

At this moment, while Shi Feng was still looking at them, the man named Zi Yi lowered his head and looked at Shi Feng.

Subsequently, each individual looked down.

Chapter two

"Heaven is a god!" Then the man from Ziyi exclaimed these five words.

The five-character sound was not low, and it soon passed into other people's ears.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a sudden change in their faces, and someone suddenly exclaimed:

"What, Tenjin exists!"


"This man is so young, even a few years younger than Brother Ziyi, it turned out to be a **** of heaven."

"Which Tianjiao is this? Have you ever met?"

"No, never seen it."

"Well, it's strange. However, being in this **** and being of this age, it must not be the man in the ant world."


Unexpectedly, these people even called the gods realm directly called the ants ant realm.

"It doesn't seem wrong, you are indeed from the Upper Realm." At this time, Shi Feng said coldly, and said to those above.




Hearing Shi Feng's words, his face changed again.

Just now it was concluded that Shi Feng was not the realm of the gods, and as a result he heard his words.

"So, are you the gods?" Said a young man who was a **** king, Jiuzhong Heaven.

"Anyway, it's not that you have no upper bound." Shi Feng answered.

Followed, the rest of the steps stepped forward, walking one step at a time.

"Oh!" Seeing Shi Feng continuing to step up, the Zi smiled suddenly.

He said, "Originally, I was still thinking about how to continue, and I was still worried that I wouldn't be able to get to the top of this demon mountain.

It's much easier to have you now. "

"Brother Ziyi, do you mean?" Someone asked immediately.

There were also people who looked stunned, as if they understood Brother Ziyi's meaning and grinned suddenly.

Zi Yi pointed her finger at Shi Feng and said:

"With me, use all our strength to capture it, put it in my mark, and let me conclude a master-servant contract with it."

"Oh I got it."

"good idea!"

"Haha, this is a good move."


At this moment, everyone looked ashamed, and some even started laughing.

Even if this person is in the same realm as Brother Ziyi, but there are so many of you here, it is not easy to surrender to this person.

With him, put him on top, then everyone's pressure can be reduced a lot.

And even if there are sudden changes, you can know in advance.

"Oh, that's it." Shi Feng didn't understand what the man meant.

After hearing what he said, he understood it.

Then he spoke again and said, "It seems that the people in Tiange City were indeed killed by you?"

Tiange City was slaughtered and the corpses were rotten. It should have been some time.

Unexpectedly, after so many days have passed, these people still stay here and go to this sacrifice demon mountain.

Really, God help me too!

"Why, listen to your tone, do you want to avenge the ants in that city?"

It was a burly young man who spoke these words, showing his pride, and said to Shi Feng.

After hearing his words, Shi Feng was already completely sure.

The killing intention on his body suddenly rushed up.

"Looks, it really is." Sensing the change in Shi Feng's body, the strong young man said again.

"Haha." Someone laughed. "That ant world, I thought there was no heaven and **** realm.

Unexpectedly, I met one here.

These geniuses, I am afraid that they are the first in the world, and have not suffered any setbacks. On weekdays, the ants walk side by side and become used to prestige.

Hahahaha, it's just a pity that today he met us and met Brother Ziyi. Soon, he will understand that there is a sky outside, there are people outside.

Haha, hahahaha. "This person is getting more excited.

"Haha, alas, the face of a genius in the heavens and gods, I really want to slap him severely!

In fact, this has always been the dream I used to desire.

Brother Ziyi, can you please let me slap him fiercely. "This is one of the few people among them who has the lowest cultivation, the King of God Liu Chongtian.

She is as thin as a monkey and looks a bit wretched.

"Random." After hearing what he said, the man named Ziyi responded only slightly.

Later, he saw that his right hand was pressing down, and a violent purple hurricane suddenly launched, and crashed towards the stone maple below.

At the same time, everyone else also shot, using their strongest soldiers to launch their strongest assists.

Although there is Brother Ziyi, they still dare not care.

After all, this is a genius in a heavenly state.

The power of other people turned out to be the power of pure purple wind.

One after another.

The space that was already violent became more violent, violent, and chaotic with the emergence of these forces.

"Huh!" And Shi Feng, who was still stepping up, sent out a very disdainful hum.

Even if there were so many powers, no matter how fierce they looked, he would not pay attention to them at all.

Later, he saw the black thunder lingering on him, like an iron chain tangling up.

The first one to hit was the power launched by Brother Ziyi.

Then they saw the strongest purple wind, and it collapsed directly under the black thunder.

The other purple winds collapsed as soon as they were touched.

A force, like a piece of paper.

"Ah, what's going on?"

"How could this be."

"Our power!"

"Even Brother Ziyi's power ..."


At this moment, each face changed greatly.

An individual is like a ghost.

I can't believe the shocking scene I saw just now. This ... this feeling is like dreaming.

"How is that!" Even Brother Ziyi, the strongest, was shocked, his eyes widened.

In the face of a genius who is also a **** of heaven, he was completely afraid to carelessly.

What he launched just now is also his strongest force.

As a result ...

"how is this possible!"

Suddenly, all these young people have realized that it is not good.

This, I'm afraid I kicked the iron plate.

"Run! Get your best strength, go up!" Then, I heard this Brother Ziyi shout.

He took the lead in moving his feet and hurried forward.

Immediately afterwards, other individuals also rushed.

Really, hell.

"Hum! Let's go. Wait for these beasts and you'll see what it means to be truly desperate."

Shi Feng said.

He is not in a hurry.

I'm not afraid that these people will fly away.

He had already tried it, and he could no longer fly on the black stone ladder.

Flying around, still on the stone ladder, constantly hovering in this space.

So, not in a hurry.

Step by step, step by step.

He continued to move up.

And he believes that, after a while, these beasts will encounter more powerful resistance.

They have committed an unforgivable crime, and the only thing waiting for them tonight is death ...

(End of this chapter)

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