Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3740: Immortal sutra


"Clarify exactly what happened.

Ben Shao will not care what power is behind you. If you **** it, Ben Shao will send death to the West.

And if you don't deserve it, you can just leave. "

Shi Feng said to the man in the snowsuit.

"If I leave forcibly, what can you do?" I didn't expect that when he heard Shi Feng's words, the man in the snowsuit returned so coldly.

He didn't seem to feel that the man in front of him really dared to kill himself.

"Then, that is death!" Shi Feng answered this sentence directly and simply.

"Oh." The snow-covered man laughed suddenly when he heard himself dying.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a flash of his figure, disappearing instantly.

"Get out!" However, just before he disappeared, he saw Shi Feng in front of him, a white light shining.

"Uh!" There was a sigh of pain, and it suddenly sounded.

Under the white light, the disappearing snow-colored figure appeared instantly, and the next moment, he flew back towards Shi Feng and this side.

"Oh!" He smashed in front of Shi Feng's feet.

"Well, you can handle this person at will." Shi Feng said lightly, and said to Ning Cheng behind him.

This demon has been warned just now, and dare to leave forcibly, that is death.

And he ignored his words, so his end is already doomed.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, good ancestor!" Ning Cheng grinned abnormally and answered.

Then, his body flashed, and he flew to Shi Feng, raising his right foot very directly.

Lying on the ground, the man in the snow suit saw Ning Cheng's foot raised high towards him, his eyes widened, and he shouted at Ning Cheng:

"you dare!"

"Well!" Ning Cheng naturally dared, and that kick struck directly on this guy's beautiful face.

"Ah!" A painful roar sounded.

This roar, in addition to pain, is endlessly unwilling and angry.

This guy, stomping his face with his feet, this is an endless humiliation to himself.

"Yeah! Yell! Keep calling me!" Ning Cheng didn't move directly after stepping down, but crushed directly on that guy's face.

That white and beautiful face was constantly deformed under Ning Cheng's feet.

"Wait, you will regret it!" Xueyi shivered with anger and shouted again.

However, the more he shouted like this, the more powerful Ning Cheng's feet were.

"What the **** happened? How come you came to this chaotic land?

Where are your two uncles now? "

For the demon man, Shi Feng no longer cares about it and asks Ningcheng.

"This shemale, want to grab my charm Ji! Shizu, I will slowly kill this **** before I tell you."

Ning Cheng said.

And when he said this sentence, this pervert, a rare cold intention was revealed.

That's it.

Hearing Ning Cheng's words, Shi Feng nodded secretly.

It wouldn't be surprising if Ning Cheng picked things up deliberately with this abnormal temperament.

But did not expect that this time, it was the demon man who picked the matter first.

Everyone has inverse scales.

The female corpse named Mei Ji is Ning Cheng's inverse scale.

Well, during his lifetime, Ning Cheng was the one he loved deeply. According to Shi Feng's knowledge, the reason why he became this abnormal state was because of the death of Mei Ji, which caused him to be greatly stimulated.

And this Yaozu Xueyi has such quirks, and wants to grab his charm.

This is tantamount to taking Ning Cheng's life.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." The perverted grotesque was still echoing.

Immediately, a dark skeleton disappeared, and Ning Cheng and Shi Feng were surrounded immediately.

A skeleton, tearing and biting at the demon man above the ground.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Mishaps, echoing constantly.

"My father is the elder of the demon tribe. I am the first day of the demon tribe. If I die, my demon tribe will kill you with the power of the tribe."

The Xueyi Demon man shouted again.

However, these words will not make Shi Feng fluctuate at all.

"Ah! Ah!" In response to him, it would only be Ning Cheng's more violent torture.

Let him scream even louder.

The death of this demon man is already doomed.

Gradually, the screams stopped, and the demon man had been torn to pieces.

Jiuyou Ning Gong works, and the power of death is instantly swallowed by Ning Cheng.

The power of death of a **** king Qizhongtian demons genius, Ning Cheng immediately felt the full energy in Dantian.

Later, Shi Feng was also moved by his thoughts. The white demon blood spewed at him, and the power of his soul was immediately devoured by him.

With the death of the demon man, the dense dark skeletons also disappeared.

"Master, hehe hehe." Ning Cheng shouted at Shi Feng and smiled at him: "Thank you for your help this time."

It seems that after killing the demon, his mood is already very good.

"Next, where are your two uncles now?" Shi Fengwang said back to him.

"Master, rest assured, both uncles are fine." Ning Cheng answered.

Then he said, "After we left, we walked on the road of space. At that time, we didn't know where to go.

He just found an exit and came out.

As a result, he entered this chaotic land.

After learning about this chaotic place, we have been cautious. For us at that time, facing these fierce people and those aliens was really like a lamb to be slaughtered at any time.

Fortunately, all three of us survived.

We once entered the Wuli Mountain and were hunted down by a horrible creature. This time, it was really dangerous and dangerous. Almost, we became the feed for the big guy.

However, it was a blessing because of misfortune. When we fled, we accidentally touched a mark. As a result, the three of us entered an ancient battlefield.

There, at a glance, there were corpses everywhere, all the souls who died of war countless years ago.

It feels to us that those living creatures must be extremely powerful before they die. In addition to those corpses, naturally, there are also soldiers and storage mysteries they used to die.

Naturally, those belong to us. "

"That is to say, how did you get that war halberd and the weird secret skills you controlled earlier?" Shi Feng asked.

"Yes, Shizu. Hehe, hehehehe." Hearing Shi Feng's question, he laughed happily.

"Master, you should have seen it before, right? I found an ancient scroll from the storage ring of a bone, called the Immortal Sutra.

According to the ancient scroll, the immortal scripture was created by a person named the immortal ancestor, and the secret methods recorded in it are all mysterious. "

"And this war halberd!" Said, Ning Cheng grabbed the void, and then grabbed the black war halberd full of death.

Chapter two

The black halberd reappears, and the breath of death rushes again.

Ning Cheng handed it to Shi Feng, and said, "This halberd, I have named it the indelible sky halberd. At that time, it was also held tight by the corpse."

This halberd, Shi Feng could not see any grade.

Some mysteries have no grade or no grade.

Such as the death sickle caused by Ling Yefeng.

As for what Ning Cheng's halberd belongs to, it is unknown.

It is undeniable that this halberd is truly extraordinary.

This guy not only got the adventure and the secret method, but also found a soldier who was happy.

Can find mysterious combat skills and extraordinary war soldiers, Shi Feng was also interested in what he called the ancient battlefield.

"You haven't answered yet, where are your two uncles now?" This pervert guy is already immersed in the gains of that moment.

There is no mention of the intention of Xiao Tianyi or Yun Yimeng at all.

"The two of them, there was a lot of harvest there, I was bored, and came out.

And they were reluctant to leave there. "Ningcheng answered.

"So it is." Shi Feng nodded secretly when he heard that.

That being the case, there is no need to worry about them anymore.

And since they stayed there, they must have gotten something in their minds besides this pervert, and stayed there to practice.

Also, it's a good thing.

"Master." At this time, an ancient scroll appeared in Ning Cheng's hands.

On the front side of the scroll, the ancient four-character "Eternal Classic" is striking.

Ning Cheng handed this immortal Scripture to Shi Feng.

"Master Shi, hold it, I have the secrets in my heart." Ning Cheng said.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded slightly.

You are also welcome, and put in the immortal maggot he handed in.

As a mysterious mystery, Shi Feng is naturally interested.

The most important thing is Jing Ningcheng, these secret methods are the secret methods of death.

Even if you do n’t practice, you should be able to learn something from it.

Would be a good thing.

"You hold it and wear it on your body.

And these two, you give them to your two uncles. "

After Shi Feng put away the immortal heavenly scriptures, she handed them three Ningcheng jade pieces.

These jade Jane have his mark on it.

At that time, as long as the three of them each hold Jade Jane, they can sense them with the magic lamp of Solo.

Ning Cheng frowned slightly and took it from Shi Feng.

He always felt that there was something in Shizu's words.

But soon he realized that he was asked to run a leg and go back to the place to find the two masters.

"Well, run errands." Ning Chengyu said secretly in his heart.

Although he was perverted, he actually respected the teacher.

The person in front of him is the most respected person in this life.

"Master, rest assured, I know what to do." Ning Cheng answered to Shi Feng.

"Well, let's go," Shi Feng said to him.

As soon as the words fell, they saw the two figures flashing at the same time, and disappeared into this messy mountain forest.

The two of them shuttled through the Langkawi Mountains and headed out of the mountains.

"Master." As Shi Feng shuttled, she suddenly heard a deep shout.

The voice from the terrible land skeleton Yan.

"Come to me later, I need to go back to the fierce land." Shi Feng said to Skeleton Yan.

"Subordinates are waiting for the owner at any time." Skeleton said.

Earlier in the time of Dugu City, the ghosts complained, and the far north of the chaos land gathered a lot of strong people to break up the Yuanyuan battle.

Today, Shi Feng entered the Lang Luo Mountains to find Ning Cheng, and also learned the news of Xiao Tianyi and Yun Yimeng.

The matter here can be considered as over.

It's time to go to the far north.

At this moment, he went out to the Langkawi Mountains to inform those who complained about the arrangement of Fengshan, and they could return to their duties.


In the Langkawi Mountains, two figures are extremely fast.

Whistling winds kept ringing in his ears.

"Master, after the day of separation, my master turned to look for you, I wonder if you have met?"

Ning Cheng beside Shi Feng suddenly spoke again and asked.

After leaving, in fact, what Ning Cheng was most worried about was Ling Yefeng, his master.

These guys of Jiuyou Yimai, one by one, respect the teacher most.

"Relax, your master is very good, and now you have returned to Tianheng." Shi Feng said to Ning Cheng.

"That's good." Hearing Shi Shi said, Ning Cheng nodded in peace.


The sky gradually lights up.

The sun also rose slowly from the horizon.

Seeing that as soon as the Langkawi Mountains were about to leave, Shi Feng and Ning Cheng suddenly heard, a dull cold drink, suddenly came:

"Whenever you come out of the Langkawi Mountains, come and search!"

Not far ahead of them, stood in twelve figures.

One by one, with extraordinary magnificence, it seems that origin is not simple.

"These people want to die?" Ning Cheng said, looking at the cocky men.

"Don't fool, this is ours." Shi Feng said to Ning Cheng.

Originally, Shi Feng also counted on the three of Ning Cheng. He could hear the name of Lord Jiuyou and searched for himself in the past.

Now it seems that in a chaotic land, he knows nothing.

"Our people?" Ning Cheng said, puzzled.

Subsequently, the figures of the two of them stopped in front of the twelve.

"Do you recognize me?" Shi Feng said, asking those humanities.

"You!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the leader who had just uttered a snorting sound immediately moved.

Immediately, his eyes opened.

Even the people behind him changed their looks immediately.

The people chosen by Ghost Resentment are all good people.

And these strengths are good, the same day is also following the master of the Mexican ink Mo Que, headed for Dugu City.

Therefore, they naturally recognize this one.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the twelve of them suddenly move, kneeling on one knee, and shouting in their mouths: "See Lord Jiuyou God!"

Especially the one who just woke up to this one, was already full of worry.

Just now, it can be said that he was rude to this person.

And with his understanding of this spleen, he was really worried and let himself die.

This, but the Lord who does not blink!

Those who have provoke him, even Mo Que, have lost their lives miserably.

"Jiuyou God?" Ning Cheng said quietly.

From this perspective, this patriarch has now established his power in this chaotic land.

"Notice that the person God is mainly looking for has been found, and you don't have to stay in this Langkawi mountain."

Shi Feng spoke leisurely and said to them.

"Yes, Lord God!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the twelve people responded quickly.

"Okay, that's it. Get up and back down." Shi Feng said again.


After drinking the word, the twelve got up together, and then twelve to the figure flickered together and disappeared in front of Shi Feng.

Seeing that this was not because of his previous impolite guilt, the man who took the lead finally secretly relieved ...

(End of this chapter)

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