Nirvana of Rebirth

: Just run towards eternal immortality (part 2)

The final chapter just rushes towards eternal immortality

The almost brightly lit mansion was lit up slightly above the water level, until the sky surged, until the black clouds ran away and dissipated, until dawn, until the floating clouds were plated with gold.

Lin Luoran had already woke up. In fact, she hadn't slept peacefully all night, but today she must spend this day like a precision mechanical clock.

She must wake up at 5:40 and will have time to dress and wash her. At six o'clock there will be the best make-up artist in Beijing and the stylist will not miss a one-minute drive to her door to groom her. She must complete it in one hour. At the same time, it was far outside another luxurious mansion in Beijing. The entire fleet including Cadillac Sixth Army One, Lincoln Extended, all Audis, and Ferrari, Porsche, Bentley, Jaguar, Maserati and other famous cars as the auxiliary vehicles, began. The methodical rigging of floats, each of which is a sturdy family from Beijing's political and business giants, who will attend the wedding. The entire process of tying the floats takes 30 minutes. Then Wei Yuanhu, who is neatly dressed, will board the wedding car after all the auxiliary cars are in place. Then the team supervisor will prompt the car. Later, the city will see such a mighty luxury team crossing Beijing City, and then check the time at 8:30. Zhong arrived at Lin's home. Then go to the wedding home.

The Land Rover car of the makeup artist team stopped. The photographer and makeup artist rang the doorbell of the villa, greeted the owner and friends of the house, and then went upstairs.

Lin Luoran is wearing a white skirt-length dress with a knee-length dress with a purple ribbon around her waist. It is not the kind of exaggerated wedding dress that looks like a flower. This is her wedding dress, simple and elegant. Sitting in front of Nuo's makeup mirror, looking at the light tones that make up her skin, she applied a little powder. Then the straps were untied, and then the stylist curled up, and the stylist flew into a bun.

She is blooming her thrilling beauty for another man.

Next to her was Ye Huishang, but now looking at her, Ye Huishang's eyes couldn't be happy anyway, she asked a little bit disappointed, "This is a lifetime thing, do you really think about it? ."

The makeup artist team ignored the meaning of the beautiful woman next to her, and was still doing the final perfect touch-up.

Lin Luoran stood up suddenly, then opened the door of the independent dressing room and ran outside. When she went downstairs, relatives and friends watched her as she rushed down.

Mother Lin, 6 Jiaying, who was holding a cup of tea, turned her head and said, "Oh, are you done, so fast?"

Before she could finish her words, she saw Lin Luoran in a formal dress ran out two or three steps on high heels. Ye Huishang followed out and gestured to the bewildered people in the hall, "Follow me again later. You explain."

Immediately afterwards, he saw Lin Luoran who had taken her Audi tt key opened the door and was about to go up and Ye Huishang arrived, "Can you drive like this, go next. I'll see you there." Then he sat in. Ye Huishang checked his watch and said, "There are still fifty minutes left."

Lin Luoran's heart was beating violently. She saw that a good sports car quickly rushed out of the zone, and then got on the highway, walked through a few fork roads, blocked the car twice, and then she knew and missed the alley area very well. The street appeared before her eyes.

That used to be her childhood, and now there is a person living there. There is a person living in this city.

Su Can and others contacted Wang Weiwei and others in the courtyard, and saw a white Audi car stopped abruptly outside. Even the grandma who was sweeping the floor in the morning raised her head by the abnormal noise and watched the girl gallop. come out.

Appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

Her white clothes win over snow, and her moon shoots down the Hanjiang River.

"So Niu Cha Lao Lin, shouldn't you be the convoy waiting for marriage at your house now?" Liu Rui, who was still biting the white-faced bun bought from the corner of the door, widened his eyes.

Xue Yiyang's mouth chewing on food suddenly stopped moving as his eyes widened.

After that, the two of them were dragged one by one by Tang Wu and pulled closer to the room.

Su Can looked at Lin Luoran, and found that she was so white that it was difficult to look directly at her.

"Su Can actually I hate you very much. I really want to kick you a few more times every day, and I want to bite you hard every day." Lin Luoran's face is also red from the violent running and the chest ups and downs, but these She couldn't care about it. She remembered what the fat man said before his death, so she understood what she should do at this moment. After a pause, the mist filled her eyes, "But I still can't stop myself from seeing you. you."

"So I think I should fall in love with you."

Su Canton lived, and he now sees that the magnificent sunrise in Beijing is not real at this moment. But his expression was as dark as a place out of the sun.

The two people remained silent for so long. See-saw.

Ye Huishang’s phone rang frequently, she pinched off and pinched off, watching the two squeeze their phones tightly, then answer and hang up, looking at Lin Luoran’s sudden weak back, she fell anxiously, "They The convoy turned over here, we have no time!"

Lin Luoran saw Su Can's painful expression, she knew they would never be together.

The girl took a step back gently, and then wiped her stubborn tears with her arms to prevent her from overflowing her eyes. She turned and left. When she opened Ye Huishang's car door and sat in, she couldn't restrain her mouth open and crying. .

The white Audi tt moved away, and then at the intersection of the cross street, it encountered a luxury car convoy rushing to this side of the road. The spectacular traffic jam blocked a block of traffic.

Lin Luoran got off the Audi tt and was sent to the current black car. The convoy set sail again, and the traffic went smoothly.

On the bus going to the hotel, a student from No. 27 Middle School asked Wang Weiwei, "I heard that the wedding will be in Taimiao?"

Wang Weiwei shook his head and said, "The Taimiao is an ancient imperial palace. Although it has been opened, how can it be the venue for the wedding. The wedding venue is the Wangfu Hotel."

Located in the center of Beijing Wangfujing, the banquet hall on the second floor of the Wangfu Hotel, which is located close to ** and the Forbidden City, is used as the venue for the wedding banquet. The entire banquet hall can accommodate 400 people for a large banquet.

The most magnificent among them are the two mahogany doors that even the wide door handles are gilded into the banquet hall.

Su Can shook hands with too many people like walking corpses here, and even took photos with them as nostalgia.

Also met with the senior officials of Wang Lin's family. Lin Ronghuan, who had a face that was still brave but brought some vicissitudes of life, showed a rare smile to Su Can. Lin Xiaowu's mother asked about Su Can's current situation. There were also 6 Jiaying with weird expressions, watching Su Can and sighed secretly. There are also many people in the Lin family, looking at Su Can's expression, it seems that there is such a sense of regret. There is also Wang Bo, the father of Wang Weiwei. Uncle Wang Guidong. Er Bo Wang Haiping and many other people. Su Can remembered that they said a lot to himself, but he didn't listen to a word. I only heard a vice governor saying that he would build a science and technology industry base and let Facebook Chinese to guide him in the past. Su Can didn't know whether he should promise or not.

Many people watched him from a distance and listened to Wang Weiwei's explanation of those who seemed to be from the Wei family. For the marriage of the Lin and Wei family, many people with great backgrounds in Beijing will be there.

In the end, it was Lin Luoran’s father. Lin Guozhou, who was full of beard and manly, found Su Can, pulled him aside, took out a cigarette and handed it to Su Can. Su Can did not smoke, took it back and lit it himself, and took a deep breath. In a deep voice, "Lin Jianwu told us about Lin Luoran and you a long time ago. If it was you and my woman who were going to stand on the stage today, I wouldn't say a word. In fact, Lin Luoran's three aunts and six aunts, those relatives and friends, for the sake of her happiness, will respect her choice more, but now things are like this, and it can only be this way."

"Of course I am not saying that Wei Yuanhu is a bad boy. In fact, he is very good. He is like that in all aspects. I also believe that he will be very good to Luo Ran." Lin Guozhou took a deep breath and said with some reverie. "In fact, when I saw Lin Luoran opening beer cans for you in your Uncle Wang's house, I thought about it at the time. Her mother would definitely like to see her quiet and virtuous side of her daughter who usually goes to heaven and earth."

"I also thought about it, one day when I am tired and retired, and staying at home, will the same scene happen, then Nizi will open a beer for the two of us and our father will have a drink and a glass, and then I will often Take my grandson to Beidaihe to engage in my photography hobby, hold him and watch him grow, worry about his kindergarten quota, pick him up from school every day, and think about whether he will go to family school in the future, or experiment two, this It’s too far." Lin Guozhou put out the cigarette **** in the luxurious smoke extinguisher in the banquet hall, patted Su Can’s hand, and his extremely magnetic voice sounded, "But Su Can’s life is not just like the first time I saw it. . Cherish what you have and don't lose it again."

After he finished speaking, the country's information minister waved to Su Can with his back on his back, and walked back to his seat, as he did as a benchmark.

Su Can wandered in place, and his heart fell like a **** setting sun with the music in the banquet hall.

At this time, he saw Wei Yuanhu coming by at the entrance of the passage. He said something to the people who accompanied him, and they walked away, leaving him to come straight to Su Can. The two stood face to face and watched for a long while,

Wei Yuanhu finally spoke, his horn raised slightly, and he said oilily, "In the end, I still won."

Whether waiting for the dawn or not, when the magnificent setting sun finally breathes out its vitality, the curtain ends in the evening. Night will finally come.

Then the wedding started.

Brilliant and grand melody descended on the banquet hall. Accompanied by the sound of the artillery, the paper flowers bloomed. Lin Luoran and Wei Yuanhu stepped onto the front desk at a rhythmic pace, came to the emcee, and faced the audience. There was warm applause.

Lin Luoran saw Su Can get up and walked out of the ceremony hall.

The last focus in her eyes was also lost.

Li Pengyu, Wang Weiwei, Xue Yiyang, Liu Rui and other people who knew him looked gloomy when they saw this scene.

After leaving the banquet hall, Su Can leaned against the wall next to him. He took three deep breaths back and forth. He saw that many waiters outside the banquet hall looked at him in surprise, and then seemed to have thought of something. He looked inside the banquet hall. The beautiful girl gave him a look of sympathy.

Su Can looked straight ahead, as if he saw the Lin Xiaowu who had turned griefly in front of him back then, and then disappeared. He seemed to hear his voice talking to him close at hand when he was in Rongcheng.

Then the sound disappeared. Then the emcee of the banquet hall behind him mellowed and faltered. Such as the evening drum and the morning bell.

But it immediately gave him an enlightenment.

He used to insist on walking on the path of self and thought that he had been insisting on something, but now he understood that he was wrong.

Life can't just be the first time you saw it. That's why it must be cherished, so it can't be lost.

The waiter who had received excellent quality training all around was surprised to see that this man who seemed to have been the hardest hit in his life before, now walked back to the center of the gate of the banquet hall.

At this moment, Cangshan is not flying. At this moment, the lights all over the hall are not so glaringly glaring when added to one place.

Everyone turned their heads ninety degrees and looked at the man standing in the center of the hall door.

Then Su Can stepped forward, charging like a tank in the aura, so that everyone in the audience could only open their eyes and watch him step forward to the podium.

The so-called fate is always in his own hands.

So he must move forward, he must walk the distance from this section to that section, and then hold something that must be held, some people, something that is eternal for him. Once you have missed something, you may never go back and do it again in your life. This moment is enough to become an eternity in memory when we are old.

"Should he not?" Wang Weiwei still kept his 90-degree sideways movement, and he slowly stood up.

"Su Can Lin Luoran" Xue Yiyang and Liu Rui looked at the man who stepped in without hesitation without any pause, and besides mumbling words that might be related to his behavior, they were left alone.

The emcee was still singing, but the voice became louder and louder with the deflection of his head. Brains like Wei Yuanhu didn't even react. In fact, too many people are suppressed by this kind of domineering.

Whether they are shocked or not angry, will they cause an overwhelming shocking influence? These are as unimportant as a pile of shit.

In fact, these things are insignificant and irrelevant compared to what Su Can has to do.

He only knows what he wants to hold now, which is very important. As thick as life.

Then he crossed the distance from this section to that section. Grabbing Lin Luoran's cold hand, even Lin Luoran was shocked by watching the visitors from the sky. It is conceivable that under the solidified light on the scene and the expressions of the sculptural crowds, this man who only protects the most important things is like The brilliance of an eagle like a falcon.

Holding tightly, Su Can did not say a word of nonsense, pulling Lin Luoran, who was already crying almost at the time, turned and rushed down the stands, along the red carpet, came to Tang Wu, the third-to-last table with his left hand. He held Tang Wu tightly. It is a warm hand. Warm enough to never leave.

So he held Tang Wu in his left hand, and the girl in white Shengxue next to him with his right hand, just like that, under the white light, going faster and faster, faster and faster, and finally ran out of the banquet hall impatiently.

In the end, Su Can still meticulously didn't forget to pull back and close the two magnificent mahogany giant doors in the banquet hall, holding the doorknobs and rolling them back.

All the brothers and friends who grew up together on the spot, all those relatives and friends, three aunts, four aunts, and two uncles and aunts, all those political magnates, business elites, and celebrities from all walks of life. All living beings in this banquet hall, whether they are in various forms, or the crowd suddenly surging in the final hall, are enclosed behind that door with the sound of the two giant doors closing.

This is the last memory of everyone at that time.

Many stories have been born after that year.

The Fifth National People's Congress of Huangcheng was held in the Great Hall of the People's Congress of Huangcheng. After Zhou Zhaofeng was removed from his post, the meeting passed the resolution that Su Licheng, the former mayor of Huangcheng, was formally promoted to the mayor of Huangcheng.

In the inaugural speech, Su Licheng just faced the audience with tears and tears, "I was born in another city, worked in Huangcheng, grew up here, and harvested here. As a beneficiary of the exhibition, I am grateful for my diligence, wisdom, and boldness. , The enterprising people of Huangcheng, who have passed on and promoted the long-standing virtue culture so wonderfully and publicly, without the hard work and kindness of the people of Huangcheng, without these simplicity and persistence, thank them for giving this ancient and magical land Vitality and Charm, I will work with my political team, under the leadership of the municipal party committee, to make every effort to build a more beautiful blue sky and white clouds in Huangcheng and a cleaner and more group-oriented energy enterprise."

The lingering sound continued, and prolonged applause rang out from the whole hall.

In the same year, Phoenix Investment Holdings acquired a% of the shares of Phoenix Industrial Company in Phoenix City for US$3.82 million through foreign equity mergers and acquisitions, completing its overseas shell-making process. In September, a venture capital named Big Pineapple Investment Co., Ltd. injected US$5 into it. In February of the following year, Phoenix successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and ipo raised 700 million Hong Kong dollars. Phoenix Industrial Group has successively integrated several coal mines, coal washing plants, and coking plants in Xichuan and Guizhou provinces to become the largest coal coking private enterprise in the southwestern region. It drove the integration of coking coal chemical enterprises in the entire province and played a leading role, which was quite extraordinary.

Its chairman Wu Jianshe and general manager Li Jinsheng are also called the two "black gold princes" of the rising Great West.

In the same year, the "World of Warcraft" game with 350,000 paying players introduced an epic weapon with a built-in arena mode for the second season. The name is "Cruel Gladiator's Phoenix Crossbow". There is a row of descriptions of this weapon. Yellow word. It is marked-"Made according to Lin Yanwu's requirements."

No one knows who Lin Yanwu is, but it does not prevent players from wiping this weapon and using it to kill the excitement of enemies and countless dragons.

Su Can failed to give Lin Yanwu a gm account, but his request was later implemented through thousands of people who play games. It's just that the young faces that used to be enthusiastic in the Internet cafes have now disappeared. The game era that belonged to them, whether it is StarCraft or World of Warcraft, has eternally ended in this way.

Following the establishment of the authoritative foundation of domestic financial magazines by Pineapple Media, Shangmai Music has obtained several investments, and has become the first domestic record digital music company with the copyright resources accumulated in the early stage, and signed a large number of artists. Sometimes I turn on the TV, and occasionally I can see Zhao Hao's mouth-watering comments on a certain talent show.

Many people are speculating about every movement of Lin Luoran, Tang Wu and Su Can. But only the most intimate friends can open their Facebook page, where there are many photos, some of them strolling during the cherry blossom season in Tokyo, some of the cafes on the Champs Elysées in Paris, and some of the turquoise islands of the Maldives that are about to sink. The canopy and light-colored beaches, as well as beautiful wooden villas. Some of them are a Labrador named "Brother Can" they adopted, and some are the inverted triangular pyramids described by the Louvre and the Da Vinci Code. Some are the grand blue sky and white clouds in Tibet, the prayer wheel and the Sakya Temple. Tang Wu kneels on the futon and prays for pious blessings, while Su Can is busy taking pictures of the magnificent double-repair murals on the second floor. Another is Lin Luoran's hand waved in. The camera, it should have been a blow on his head. Others are family gatherings. There are many hearty meals made by family members on the table, which seems to be ready for the next moment. And so many photos similar to this.

During the classmates gathering, they talked about them, and some people said that they seemed to have seen them appear in Sanya, Hainan, passing by and couldn't recognize their fuzzy faces.

According to sources, it is said that they were married somewhere abroad. Countless people will be suspicious.

In short, they go to all parts of the world every year and return home from time to time. Only the people closest to them know their movements.

Su Can occasionally miss those people who are lost in their lives, such as Xiao Yunyun, Chen Lingshan, Lin Xiaowu, Sun Man, such as Song Zhen who went to the United States after the fall of the high empire and never returned to China.

Sometimes in the boat of the old fisherman paddling in the barrier lake of Huangcheng, along with the ups and downs of the waves, Su Can can turn out the old photos and look at it. He seems to have seen those past years Fresh people repeatedly appeared in front of him one by one.

Life should be infinitely beautiful if you see it for the first time.

Bow to everyone at the end! Thank you for that sentence. This is the best rebirth saying.

I was hungry and cold late at night, but tears filled my eyes.

Finally, it can be fair to say that I will go out and have a good rest tomorrow. I will write your testimonials in the hotel tomorrow.

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