Noble Emblem

Chapter 204: Very special magic

After Woking left, the golden light directly turned into a little golden dust, and then sprinkled evenly at every angle of Liang Lidong's soul world. Alas,

Most of the dark clouds in the world have disappeared, and the dark shadows walking on the edge of his soul world, like zombies, have also been mostly purified by golden dust, and his soul world has become more clean and thorough.

This is the gift left by the goddess of woking.

Liang Lidong withdrew from the soul world and awoke from his deep sleep. Then he turned on the system and found himself receiving several system messages.

‘The player gets special energy, which translates into a lot of character experience. ’

‘Player level increased to lv8! \\

‘The player is given a chance to extract his expertise. Is it drawn? ’

‘Player level is increased to lv9! ’

‘Player level is increased to lv10! ’

‘The player is given a chance to extract his expertise. Is it drawn? ’

‘The player advances to the master class and gets an additional random career talent. ’

‘Player gets random professional talent, noble honor! ’

Honor of the nobles: When the nobles of the descent and the army lead generals and the number of troops exceeds twenty, the characteristic of this talent will be triggered, and the morale of the army +3.

The talent of "honor of nobility" is not bad. Although Liang Lidong's own strength was not directly enhanced, as long as he carried the army, the army's combat capability could be improved in a moderate manner.

There are not many soldiers at 3 o'clock, but the morale limit of the army is only 10, and the morale of the trained army is usually between 5-7. A little morale.

But with this talented aristocratic nobles to lead troops, as long as the basic morale of the army is not bad. Soon a powerful army.

He was not in a hurry to extract the expertise, but continued to pull down the system prompt message, and soon he stopped. Because there is one more system message prompt at the end.

‘You successfully raised your level to level 10 and became a master of admiration for everyone. As your strength increases, the Yunlong blood in your body becomes more and more pure, and you gain the hidden abilities in Yunlong blood. ’

Yunlong Wisdom: Yunlong is a very intelligent creature. Not only can they use the power of their own blood vessels, they can also learn the skills of other creatures, and integrate their abilities into the blood vessels into their own abilities. As a result, you get two blank Warlock cast boxes.

Liang Lidong thought he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and found that he did not read wrong. Then he laughed and patted his thigh.

The so-called warlock cast bar. In fact, it is the magic book of the warlock. However, unlike the mage's spell book, once the magician has learned a certain magic, it cannot be removed or forgotten, because this magic will be integrated into the bloodline, become an instinct, and become more powerful.

The magic in the mage's spell book can be changed at will. So no one knows what the wizards' magic routine is today.

In general, the Warlock's spell book. You must get the legendary level, that is, the fifteenth level will come out. I did not expect that Yunlong's blood is so strong. At the tenth level, you can get the warlock spell bar.

Although there are only two, for Liang Lidong now. It is a very important enhancement.

What magic should these two cast bars hold ... Liang Lidong only thought for a few seconds, and the first magic came out, and it was uncontroversial, there was no suspense, and it was the magic that almost all casters would choose.

Mysra Mansion!

This is a third-order space magic. The special skills that can only be learned after the caster who understands space theory reaches the master level. In terms of categories, it belongs to special auxiliary magic, but in the game, almost all casters regard it as the most practical. magic.

Mysra is the magic goddess. This is the magic invented before she became a god. She can build a special space with a length of 3 meters in height in the different dimensions for the caster and his companions to rest.

It sounds like this skill doesn't work at all. It has only three meters in length, width, and height. What a mansion is, and it's just for people to rest. It does not help in combat. Completely waste skills.

But as long as you think about it from another angle, when the caster has to rest in the wild, even if someone is vigil, there is no danger, but it is impossible to keep the bite of mosquitoes, and generally the ground in the wild is either cold and humid, or dry and hot, and If there were any dragons passing by, one breathed out and burned the people below into coke.

It sounds incredible, but there are quite a few such things in the game. Players camped in the wild to rest, and then sprayed back to the Temple of Life by passing dragons. There was no reason to be wronged.

But the different space constructed by Misela's mansion is different. It has a moderate temperature and no mosquito bites. It will not be attacked by any outsiders. It can sleep comfortably and sleep well. What a great thing.

When traveling, security is the most important thing!

And this is also an excellent sanctuary. Those who are chased to the sky and nowhere in the ground will hang up the caster at the sight, find a chance to open the Mysra Mansion, hide inside, and rest for ten. For a few hours, then come out full of blood and blue, and fight again with you.

Any enemy who encounters such an opponent will have a big head.

Because of so many benefits, players agree that this space is only 3-3-3 in size, and even if it has no decoration, it can completely be regarded as the word 'luxury'.

In the game, when Liang Lidong broke through to the legendary level, because he did not learn Missela's Mansion at that time, he remembered several offensive spells to remember other offensive magic, but he regretted it and could n’t change it.

Now he would never let this happen again, and how to write the Mysra Mansion into his cast box.

And most importantly, the player's own space backpack can be superimposed with Mysra Mansion to form a larger space of different dimensions. In a video on the forum, Liang Lidong saw a talented player caster who did this. He remembers all the steps, so he plans to try it.

He is now a master of level lv10. The space backpack has become a large space of 4-4-4. If it can be added to the different space of Mysra Mansion, it will become a very large 7-7-7. space.

And in this way, he can freely enter and leave this very large space, which is a warehouse and an excellent safe resting place.

He restrained his excitement, breathed a long breath, looked out the window, and found that the sky was already light.

He is not in a hurry to extract the two characters' expertise. The first thing to do is to buy back the materials of Mysra Mansion. As long as he successfully casts the magic once, he can memorize the spell into the cast box and eliminate the need for cast s material.

Eliminating spellcasting materials is a more convenient place for warlocks than ordinary mages. There are many special magic materials that are expensive. Warlocks can cast without obstacles, which saves money.

After getting up from the bed, he poured himself a glass of water and drank it. He called the servant of the hotel and asked them to bring breakfast.

After half an hour, he walked out of the hotel, at which time it was completely bright.

Walking on the street at random, maybe because it is still early, there are not many people on the street. He asked a few passersby, and then came to the mercenary union in Tonggu City.

Compared with the mercenary unions in Winterwind City, the mercenary unions in Tonggu City are much larger and have more people. Many mercenaries carrying weapons are coming and going here.

Before going to the second floor to buy magic materials, Liang Lidong was stopped and asked at least six times, asking him if he would like to join a certain team and venture out to make money together.

The caster is a very rare profession. It is not too difficult for players to become casters due to the general high education, but even so, the number of player casters is still less than half of the player's physical occupation.

In this world, there are not many literate people, let alone any high number modeling. Many times, in order to learn a spell, the caster has to learn at least a few years of modeling structure, while the players are much simpler. Depending on their talents and professions, there are many people from one week to three weeks.

But in any case, it is much faster than the spellcasters' years of learning.

Most adventurous teams have no caster following. So Liang Lidong received so many invitations, in fact, it is normal.

After pushing off the enthusiastic invitation several times, Liang Lidong came to the second floor, this place is a place specializing in magic materials.

Liang Lidong quickly found what he wanted. Space dust, lightning strike wood, and ruby ​​debris.

He gave these magical materials to the only salesman on the second floor, a mediocre white robe magician with only lv2.

This man politely quoted the price and then enthusiastically sent Liang Lidong away. Then he closed the door on the second floor and changed his enthusiasm and calmness ~ ~ his face became tense, he hurried up to the fourth floor and pushed open the door.

Behind the desk in the door was a gray-haired old man who was processing documents over half a meter high.

The white robe magician said pantingly, "President, just now someone bought space dust, lightning strike wood, and ruby ​​fragments. I personally feel that that person should be a master caster, and his spirit is strong. very stable."

The gray-haired old man nodded: "I see, you go down immediately, send some people to follow him, investigate his address, and then come back and tell me."

The white robe magician left in a hurry, and then closed the door.

The gray-haired old man put down his pen, and he took out a small book from the desk drawer, which recorded a lot of weird names. He looked at them one by one, turned page by page, and then stopped his fingers in front of a name.

"Space dust, lightning strikes, ruby ​​shards." He smiled slightly. "Yes, this is indeed one of the lost magic, the magical materials required for Mysra's Mansion." (To be continued.)

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