Noble Emblem

Chapter 38: Fallen like this

Yi Liya, the goddess of life, ranks the oldest among the four main gods. Her combat effectiveness is not strong, but because the priest is in charge of life, she is believed by many people, and she has gradually become the fourth main **** from the end of the temple. It is said that she has a gentle personality, so her believers are also very kind. With the concept of admonishing the world to do good, her priests are very good at all kinds of treatments. They are very popular both in the noble class and the civilian class.

But there are many believers in the goddess of life, and there are no birds in the forest. Liang Lidong has seen the believer of the goddess of life who has been abducted and cheated in the game. It is not strange that an old man came out and took Belin away. The group of priests is too polarized. Good priests are quickly becoming saints, while bad priests are playing with little boys. Liang Lidong killed at least twenty such perverted priests in the game.

担心 Because of worrying about Belin, Liang Lidong walked quickly, and soon reached his destination.

A very large building in front of my eyes, almost covering the area of ​​Uther's castle. The entire building is made of white marble, reflecting a dazzling sheen in the sun. The entrance of the temple is very large, about 30 meters high and about 20 meters wide. The road leading to the entrance is also made of marble, which is extremely luxurious.

Walking outside the temple, there are many people wearing turquoise costumes visiting the temple, and some men also wear green hats and are very religious.

"The situation seems to be wrong. The goddess of life is a simple **** of goodness. Her temple cannot generally be built so luxuriously, and she will not drive believers out of the temple ..." Liang Lidong took out two scrolls from the space backpack. Put it in your hand: "Zander, you take two scrolls to the sky, and if something happens, I will use the spiritual channel to give you instructions."

"Are you going to face the temple?" Joan's voice was unbelievable: "Just for a farm girl, is it worth it? That's a temple."

"Bei Lin is my student." Liang Lidong said lightly: "I naturally have to help her with something, and it may not be able to fight. I will let you prepare for it, just in case."

Bian Zhende shook his wings and said, "Just as you are, I believe that you will make the right judgment." After speaking, he grabbed two scrolls and flew into the air all at once.

Li Liang Lidong shared Jeanne's vision through the spiritual channel. Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the temple is shaped like a temple, surrounded by temple buildings, a large open space in the middle, creating a landscape of fake mountains and water, and then at the bottom of the middle empty space, there is a tall statue of a goddess. The vision of crickets can be seen very far. Liang Lidong saw the goddess with a blurred face, but felt a bit strange. He remembered that the goddess of life in the game, the statue of Elijah, was not like this, and the height and the proportion of the measurements did not seem to be Too the same.

It's getting weird! Liang Lidong sighed and walked to the main entrance of the temple. Before entering the door, he was stopped by two young men wearing turquoise robes. They looked proud, but when they saw that Liang Lidong was also the caster, Did not show much rudeness: "Sir, this is the Temple of Life, and idlers are exempt from entering."

"Do you not allow believers to enter the temple to worship?"

Qi Liang Lidong asked curiously. Although these two young men are wearing robes of believers in the Temple of Life, they are just ordinary people. Their believer's robes are not enchanted, the magic lines above are only illusions created by color, and they have no extraordinary spiritual power, even ordinary people can distinguish them, not to mention a genuine caster like Liang Lidong.

"The temple is a sacred place. How can ordinary people come in at will!" One of the youths looked a little impatient. His tone was impatient, but because the other party was a caster, he did not make the emotion strong. Expressed it: "Why did your lord come to our temple? Please explain why you came, so I can decide whether to let you in."

He didn't even cast the caster's face, and Liang Lidong didn't know whether to say that this young man was proud, or that this young man had no one in his eyes? After all, their positions are different, and their views on things, things, and people are different. In one's eyes, a person who is arrogant and in the other's eyes may be a brave man. He stepped forward and said easily according to the young man's shoulder, "I'm looking for someone. Not long ago you had an old man wearing a big tree logo robe here and took one of my students away, so I came to see See, after all, my student's parents entrusted her to me. At least I had to take her home safely, don't you think? "

The youth's face became flushed. As he struggled, he said angrily, "Let go, you let go, you hurt me."

伸出 He stretched out his other hand, pushing Liang Lidong, trying to push him away, but the other side was like an iron tower and remained motionless. Although it is said that Liang Lidong's level is not high, he has only three levels now, but his physical attributes are already '8.05', and the ordinary person in front of him is not a professional, nor is he born with divine power, and it will be '6' if he is dead, and he does not understand Force skills, there is no way to escape from Liang Lidong's men.

Another young man wanted to rush over to help, Liang Lidong raised his index finger towards him and burned it with a cluster of pale golden flames. At first glance, the man stopped his figure and his face was afraid. Although this cluster of flames has no lethality at all, but it shows the identity of the other party. This is a caster, ordinary people and casters are the enemy, and everyone will know what the consequences will be.

"Sir, you are a distinguished person, why bother us little characters!" This man seemed to be sincere, with two runs.

"You also know that you are small characters? I thought you were the bishops here!" Liang Lidong laughed. "Tell me, did an old man come back with a girl?"

"Yes, but they will go out soon," the young man answered.

"Where did you go!"

The young boy answered without thinking, "Going to the castle."

Liang Lidong sighed, pointed at the young man, and a green light fell into the other's body. Then he said: "This is a poisonous magic. If there is no one to help you solve it in six hours, it will happen. You will die in ten minutes, become green, and then become a pool of thick water. Even if someone helps you solve it, It would be troublesome if it were n’t for the caster, and you do n’t know if your bishop or priest is willing to fight the danger of injury to detoxify you. ”

The face of the young man became unsightly. Liang Lidong was tempted to leave, and the man suddenly shouted, "I remember, the person who took away your student is our priest, Mr. Ackerman. He is also a caster, very Awesome, he said the girl was talented and wanted to take her as a student. He was in the left hall of the temple. "

"You wouldn't be finished if you said so already!" Liang Lidong pushed away the person who was holding his shoulders and went to the temple.

Another young man shouted, "What about the toxin magic you planted on me?"

"Wait until I come out!" Liang Lidong waved back while walking inward.

The faces of the two youths are very ugly. One is that the collarbone is pinched by Liang Lidong and the other is worried that he will be in danger after six hours. In fact, Liang Lidong's finger just aggregated some life elements and shot into the other's body. There was no lethality at all, but it would have extremely weak healing effects. But these two young people are just ordinary people. They know Distinguish between harmful magic and useful magic.

After entering the gate, he walked through a long corridor, and then he entered the middle courtyard of the temple. When sharing Joan's vision, he saw the temple garden from a high altitude, but when he was inside, he felt that it was wider. In addition, he looked directly at the statue of the goddess at the bottom of the garden. He really felt strange when he looked at it, and he faintly felt that the goddess seemed to be exhaled.

Many people in the courtyard are walking, all ordinary people, seemingly servants in the temple. When someone saw Liang Lidong, he immediately stepped forward to ask: "Sir, do you come to the garden of the goddess of life to pray for a child or to find someone?"

The priesthood of the goddess of life includes the inheritance of future generations. Liang Lidong lied without blinking and said, "I'm looking for His Excellency Akerman. I made an appointment with him yesterday."

Seeing Liang Lidong in a caster costume, he suspected that there was a fake, and said, "Come with me."

Xi Liang Lidong followed the male servant around the magnificent garden, and it took about five minutes to reach his destination. The servant pointed at the wooden door in front of him, then bowed and walked away, doing his own thing.

I walked closer to the wooden door, and Liang Lidong heard Bei Lin coming out with a scared voice: "No, no, I already have a teacher, I don't want to be your student. Otherwise, my teacher will be angry."

"I am the priest of the Temple of the Goddess of Life in Winter Wind City. Even the city owner can sell me a little face. Your teacher who can only nest in the village to teach people to learn Chinese characters and earn some food, is not even as good as a finger. , Follow me, you can have a better future. "

The man's voice was hoarse and old, and Liang Lidong stepped forward, knocked on the door twice, and twisted the door lock, and walked in.

She was hiding in the corner, curled up in a ball. And the old man in the turquoise believer's robe heard the voice ~ ~ turned around immediately, because he was disturbed and had some angry faces. After seeing Liang Lidong's red believer's robe, he 愣After a moment: "Who are you?"

"I said just now, even your little village mage is not as good as your finger."

"Teacher!" When she saw Liang Lidong, Belin jumped up and leapt like a frightened kitten to hide behind Liang Lidong.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Lidong opened the character information of the old priest with a dark color:

Name: Ackerman (LV6)

Race: Human (Old)

Class: Priest (Goddess of Life)

Age :? ? ?

I saw this message, Liang Lidong's skeptical in his heart, so old, actually only LV6, presumably not a great talent.

"Oh, you're the girl's teacher? It's just right!" Ackerman blinked tan, and his eyes were old and cloudy: "Her characteristics are very suitable to become believers in our goddess of life. Since you are Her teacher should understand her value. She deserves a better future. Of course, I won't let you lose a talent in vain. You will receive twenty gold coins as labor! "

If there is no one in the eyes of the two young people at the door, it can be regarded as that they are still young and do not understand world affairs. But this old priest is at least 50 years old, and this is also a contempt for virtue. Has the decades of life lived in the stomach of a dog? The Temple of Life, what has happened in the past three hundred years, has actually fallen like this!

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