Noble Emblem

Chapter 715: God knows when it's your turn

Sasa's mood is now mixed, she doesn't know if she should believe the words of the elder sister, but she has to admit that the elder sister's words make logical sense.

If the elder sister is really the kind of murderous, heedless family character, their older brothers and sisters have already died, how can they still live to this day.

Maybe what the older sister said is true?

Looking at the suspected Salsa, Monica once again pushed the box on the table in front of the other party: "Mulin's poison and ashes can only suppress it. To lift it, special magic materials need to be prepared. The production time is quite long. In the past ten years, I have given her three refills. Each time I secretly stunned her with hypnotic magic before pouring her ashes and detoxifying powder into her belly, and she didn't know it. Some time ago, I After collecting some of her body fluids, after inspection, she found that her poison was almost resolved, but she still needed to take two more medicines, with an interval of about three years each, which was the second to last. "

"I could have done this alone, but now, my strength has been severely affected, and sleep surgery is no longer effective for her." Monica smiled a little oddly: "So, you can only rely on you It doesn't matter if you lie to her or force her to drink, whatever you want. "

"Can't wait for your strength to recover and help Mu Linzhi?" Salsa responded to the ashes, in fact, most women are very resistant to this stuff.

Monica said: "It takes at least a month to recover my strength. The poison on Mu Lin's body can't wait so long."

Sasa sighed, "Okay, let me."

Monica smiled slightly and turned into countless transparent spiders on the spot, crawling away from the slits of the door and the slits of the window.

Salsa was startled and couldn't help screaming.

When a large number of spiders crawled, they made soothing sounds, dense and layered. Salsa was a female, and she had a strong hatred for bugs, and she had a slight dense phobia. She looked at these translucent small Things crawled around in his room, and suddenly felt scalp, cold hands and legs.

Fortunately, these spiders walked extremely fast and disappeared without a trace in less than twenty seconds.

Although there were no spiders in the room, Sasa looked at her room and decided to immediately move to another room to sleep, and the furniture in this bedroom could not be ordered anymore. It would be dawn and burned immediately. .

Salsa didn't sleep well until dawn, and a large number of spiders gave her a great discomfort. The second was that box of ashes ... She couldn't think of any way to let Mu Lin eat.

In comparison, Beta slept very comfortably.

He first left a magic beacon in the beauty inspector's bedroom, and then hid himself in the mansion space to rest.

There will never be a safer place in the world than luxury mansion space.

He slept for at least ten hours ... Professionals can indeed stay awake for a long time, but fatigue can still accumulate, only the professional can be more resistant.

After he woke up, he ate some dry food in the mansion space first, and then came out.

When Natalia was in the bedroom, wondering why someone had disappeared, Beta suddenly appeared in front of her, terrified her to scream, and the full jelly kept rolling.

"How come you suddenly ... just appeared." Natalia asked angrily, and she patted her heartbeat flat on her chest.

"It's just teleportation."

Of course, Beta can't tell the truth to each other. After all, the magic of mansion is only he can now. Even if the colorless magic tower is modeled by magic, it will not be preached. After all, it can be used as a killer magic. The tighter the better.

Beta estimates that there are currently only one or two people who are allowed to learn the mansion space in the colorless magic tower.

Moreover ... the mansion space is not so easy to learn.

Natalia, of course, has heard of teleportation, and she said reluctantly when she heard the words: "Since you can teleport, you can go wherever you want. No one can catch you, why hide in my house. "

"Of course for something." Beta sat down and said, "Remember what I said to you, do other nobles behave strangely?"

Natalia nodded. "Now I'm a bit frowning."

"Oh?" Natalia looked indifferent: "What does that have to do with me?"

Indeed, Natalina also noticed anomalies, but she was a weak woman, she didn't have too great ideals, she just wanted to live peacefully. Now the nobles are very good, and she doesn't come to bully her as a widow. Why is she so troublesome?

Looking at Natalia's expression of reluctance to get involved in trouble, Beta had already expected it.

Most people are unwilling to undermine their peaceful lives.

But is life really secure now?

Beta slowly said, "Ms. Beauty Prosecutor, indeed, your life is going very well now, but have you ever thought that one day you will become like them, a puppet that acts according to the established order. "

Natalia froze, thinking of those nobles who looked a little weird and would only cycle through the repeated steps, and she felt a tremor.

Shaking her body, Natalia laughed. "It's impossible ... I'm just a little prosecutor, worthless."

"Those aristocrats who are like puppets should have several positions lower than yours."

Natalia's body was stiff. After a while, she sat down, covering her face with her hands, and then said, "Well, sir, you won, what do you plan to do next?"

Beta said: "The two of us alone are too weak. We have to unite with other nobles, those who have not become puppets."

"I think, Madam, your network, if you want to find some aristocratic friends who are willing to resist and are willing to explore the truth, it should not be difficult.

"I'm in charge? No problem!" Natalia nodded. "But what can you do, Your Excellency?"

"Ms. Do you think ~ ~ a master caster is useless?"

Natalia is not a professional, so she can't feel how strong Beta is, but she also knows that the master caster does have proud capital. Only in the team, she can stabilize the army. Role.

"Then the last question." Natalia looked at Beta with a pair of beautiful eyes, with some doubts in it: "We act to prevent ourselves from becoming puppets, so what is your purpose, help us, what are your benefits? "

Beta looked out the window and replied, "I and the behind-the-scenes controller are a bit rude."

This is half true and half true. He does not deal with Monica, but now his main purpose is to draw soul from the square key. The members of the royal family except Salsa and Mu Lin ... Dead people.

The most troublesome was Monica. Before finding her out, Beta always felt that there was a coolness behind her.

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