Number of People

Chapter 1008: Jizi scroll's misfortune moves westward, drives away tigers and wolves

  Chapter 1008 The misfortune of the self-character scroll moves westward, driving away tigers and wolves

  As the soldiers of Neikalkha retreated, the entire Qian'an City was shrouded in the atmosphere of carnival.

   This battle lasted from Chenzheng Shifen to Youshi, during which there was almost no rest, and everyone was immersed in this state of extreme tension and alertness.

All the forces that could be mobilized in Qian'an City have been mobilized, the entire first battalion of the Yongping New Army, the sailor battalion brought by Hou Chengzu, the three thousand armored cavalry from the Yehe tribe, and Luo Yiguan's The cavalry of Ji Town fought from different directions and on different battlefields.

The city wall is still smoky, the arrows inserted obliquely on the gateposts are still burning, the doctors are sweating profusely to diagnose and treat the wounded soldiers, and the rest of the soldiers have begun to regroup, according to the sentinel, the general Our orders began to re-arm, taking turns to rest and guard.

  Although this battle is over, no one can guarantee whether the Mongols will make a comeback. Only Feng Ziying knows in her heart that it is impossible for the Neikha people to come again, at least in Qian’an, and they will not come to gnaw on this hard bone again.

The victory of this battle and the safety of Qian'an City does not mean that other places in Yongping Prefecture are safe. On the contrary, the danger of Luanzhou and Changli has increased, but Feng Ziying believes that the people of Nekhka Time is still undecided, they need to weigh and consider carefully, continue to fight like this, what should they do if they encounter similar situations again.

  Feng Ziying also needs to consider how to avoid this kind of situation from happening in Yongping Mansion. It would be best if this disaster can be brought out.

The armored cavalry of Ye He's tribe has not returned yet, but the loss is estimated to be not small. Zuo Liangyu is still checking the situation one by one. This is his responsibility as the chief general. Accompanied by the inspection, it is the duty of the coach.

Hou Chengzu said that he had captured two noble generals who should be from Hongji's assassination. Busia Mara begged to spare their lives. Now they are being imprisoned in the city. Feng Ziying really wanted to know who Busia Mara was interceding for. What do you want.

   "My lord." Busia Mara came faster than expected.

   "Busia Mara, what's the matter, have you captured someone connected with your Yehe tribe?" Feng Ziying signaled Busia Mara to take a seat.

  After going through this battle, the friendship between the two seems to have gotten a little closer.

In any case, Busia Mara and Delgler and the three thousand cavalry of Yehe tribe have proved their performance worthy of praise, if it hadn't been for the three thousand armor cavalry of Yehe tribe to shake Nekarka with the last blow People's morale and military spirit, maybe this battle will last for a while.

  Of course, the final victory must belong to our own side. At that point, the Nekalkas are already at the end of their strength and cannot break through Lu Jin.

Busia Mara choked, calmed down a little, and then said lightly: "It's Mangguda and Bilingtu. I know them. They have been to the Yehe tribe. They are the former leader of the Hongji tribe, Nuantu. Son, and Jaisy's cousin."

   "Oh, Nuantu's son?" Feng Ziying nodded.

He has done some understanding of the tribes of Eastern Mongolia. Among the five tribes of Nekhka, the Hongji tribe is the strongest. The previous generation is the two brothers Nuantu and Boyan. Nuantu is the leader, but this generation is Boyan's son, Zaisai, is now the leader. Nuantu has several sons, and Mangguda and Bilingtu should be two of them.

"Well, the Hongji assassination sent 15,000 troops this time, which is the largest among the five tribes in Neikalkha. So this time the Eastern Route Army was headed by Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu in name, but in fact It's Jaisy making up his mind," Busia Mara explained.

"Well, the last wave of attack should be the main force of the Hongji Squadron and the Horqin people?" Feng Ziying laughed, "I guess it will make Zai Sai very heartbroken. Seize the top spot of the five Ministry of Nekhka?"

Busia Mara did not expect that Feng Ziying knew so much about the custom of respecting the strong on the grassland, and hesitated for a while, "It should not threaten the status of the Hongji assassination. The strength of the special department is second only to that of the Hongji department, but Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu is very supportive of Zai Sai, and the Zalut department ranks third, but this time the loss is not small. The situation of the Bayue special department is similar, and the Bahrain department should It is considered the most complete, but the Bahrain Department is the weakest, even if it does not suffer any losses, it cannot compete with the Hongji Department."

   "Busia Mara, what is your purpose for keeping Mangguda and Bilingtu behind? Just because Zai Sai married your cousin?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "I don't think it's possible, right?"

"My lord, I am not only thinking of Yehe tribe, but also of Da Zhou." Busia Mara said in a deep voice, "You may not know the influence of Jianzhou Jurchen in Eastern Mongolia, but it is no less than that of Chaha. I’m from here, the Horqin Department is the closest to the Jianzhou Jurchen, if nothing unexpected happens, Belle Ming’an from the Horqin Department should be planning to marry a daughter to Nurhachi.”

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was taken aback, "Nurhachi is an old man who doesn't cultivate, and still eats tender grass at such an old age?"

Busia Mara didn't quite understand the Han saying, but she could probably guess what it meant, "My lord, this is not easy, once Ming An marries his daughter to Nurhaci, it will basically be regarded as an alliance with Jianzhou Jurchen. "

   "Then your uncle Jin Taishi married your cousin to Zaisai, and the Yehe tribe and the Hongji assassination tribe did not form an alliance. They are different?" Feng Ziying asked.

"That's different. The Hongji tribe can only be counted as a large tribe among the five tribes of Inner Kalkha. The tribes of Erka are not weaker than the five tribes of Nekhka, and the Chahar people are far better than the five tribes of Nekhka, and they are their suzerains. It is impossible for our Yehe tribe to put the strategic choice of survival in Mongolia Even a person from Chaha is not qualified.”

   Busia Mara's words made Feng Ziying take a deep look at the other party, "You have seen it deeply enough."

"In Liaodong, our Haixi Jurchens have lost hope of becoming the strongest. If we want to survive, we must either join the Jianzhou Jurchen or the Great Zhou. We would rather choose the Great Zhou." Busia Mara said lightly: "In addition to my father's death, it is also because Jianzhou Jurchen is not worthy."

Feng Ziying didn't ask why Jianzhou Jurchen was unworthy. Compared with Da Zhou, Jianzhou Jurchen is not worth mentioning, but the other party can rise in Liaodong. It must be said that Da Zhou himself has many problems, but this is not the time to discuss this From time to time, he will slowly solve and correct all this, and there is still time.

"Okay, Busia Mara, you haven't said the reason why you left Mangguda and Bilingtu, don't tell me that the enemy should be resolved or not. Since you dare to invade our Dazhou, you will naturally You have to be mortal." Feng Ziying said.

"My lord, I haven't finished the topic just now. Jianzhou Jurchen's influence in Eastern Mongolia has penetrated very strongly. Except for the Horqin people, the Jalut and Bayuete tribes among the five tribes of Nekhka all tend to build Zhou Jurchen, Zaisai is more independent, while Droliktuhunbatulu is more inclined to Chahar people, but Zhuoliketuhunbatulu is getting older, and he is gradually handing over power to Zaisai, so if If Dazhou wants to prevent the Jianzhou Jurchen from pulling the whole of Eastern Mongolia, then he should consider pulling the Hongji tribe, and Zaisai is the key."

  Feng Ziying's eyes became serious, "You mean you can bring the Hongji assassins over? But they are now invading the Great Zhou in the south, and I want to win him over. Isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

"My lord, I know you have great ambitions, and your father is the governor of Jiliao. You can't fail to see the changes in the situation in Eastern Liaodong. This time, the five tribes of Neikalkha invaded south and were also affected by the Chahar people and Jianzhou Jurchen. Of course, there is also the habit of the grassland tribes to plunder the Han people's territory, but in the long run, the five tribes of Nekhka should be a goal worth fighting for. In addition, my lord, although we won this battle , but the Nekhka people still have 30,000 to 40,000 troops. What if they bypass Qian'an and Lulong and attack Changli and Luanzhou? I think you are the last thing you want to see this scene..."

Busia Mara's words made Feng Ziying realize that she seemed to have underestimated the old woman Yehe who was good at martial arts. Fighting endlessly, if you don't have a bit of political savvy, you will underestimate the other party too much.

   "Then what do you think we can do?" Feng Ziying said leisurely.

"Go talk about moving Zai Sai, let the five tribes of Nekalka and the Horqin people give up attacking Yongping Mansion, isn't that your biggest goal?" Busia Mara said: "Send Mangguda and Bilingtu Going back is an excuse and an opportunity."

  Feng Ziying shook her head: "I don't think Zai Sai will give up this southward invasion just because of Mang Guda and Bi Lingtu. They lost troops and lost their generals. If they can't achieve a decent result, I'm afraid they won't be able to explain to their own tribe after returning."

   "I don't believe that your lord has no other ideas and arrangements." Busia Mara looked at Feng Ziying and said calmly.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Busia Mara, what do you mean?"

"Didn't your lord keep emphasizing that you are an acquaintance of Yongping Mansion? If you want to seek government in his position, if it is not the territory of Yongping Mansion, your lord will not care about it. If you can find a suitable one for the people of Neikalkha Wouldn't everyone be happy to drive them away from Yongping Mansion?" Busia Mara looked at Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying's face was cloudy and uncertain. Did this ghost woman see through her thoughts? I don't seem to have shown any horse feet.

  Bushia Mara smiled, and finally won a move from this guy. This feeling is very refreshing.

   Brothers, happy Chinese New Year, happy family!



  (end of this chapter)

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