Number of People

Chapter 1203: The gengzi scroll is afraid that too much love will mistake the beauties

  Chapter 1203 The Geng Scroll

   After packing up, Ping'er seemed to have remembered something, and gave Feng Ziying a reproachful look.

Feng Ziying thought that the other party was blaming her for acting recklessly regardless of time and place, and then patted Ping'er's plump buttocks, "Not just anyone can come in my room, even before Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling came in. I have to knock on the door first, and if they hear noises inside, they will definitely not disturb my interest. Besides, can we keep things about you and me from them for the rest of our lives?"

Ping'er only felt flustered and his face was tight with embarrassment. In front of Jin Chuan'er, Zijuan and Ying'er, he usually acted like a confidant sister righteously mediating disputes, but in the end he also fell in love with this master. Bed, I don't know what Jin Chuan'er, Zijuan and Ying'er would think if they knew it? And mandarin ducks...

The reason why she glared at Feng Ziying earlier was not because of anything else, but because she was blaming the other party for making Yuanyang's heart flutter again. Others are fine with that, but this lady knows who Yuanyang is, so she doesn't move. That's it, once you move, it will be difficult to turn back, but how will you solve it in the future?

   "Yuanyang entrusted me to bring this..." Feng Ziying was taken aback by a single sentence, and she didn't know how to answer for a while, Yuanyang?

  How could Yuanyang ask Pinger to bring things here?

   This is a bit embarrassing.

The vague relationship between Feng Ziying and the mandarin duck has never been broken. Even Feng Ziying is not sure what the ambiguity between herself and the reason bag is, maybe it is her habitual teasing, But Feng Ziying didn't know what the effect would be.

Of course, the more important thing is that Feng Ziying didn't have much energy to think about other things during this time, especially in Yongping Mansion this year, and it took only a few days to go back, plus Shen Yixiu was pregnant, and she was still facing going to Baochai and Baoqin sisters. , and Sister Feng, the tiger and wolf, he even neglected Daiyu a little bit. Fortunately, this girl has long since given up, and she also knows that she is indeed busy with official duties here, so she doesn't care too much. Li, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my temper a long time ago.

Taking the sachet from Ping'er, Feng Ziying put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed subconsciously. A special body fragrance lingered in the nasal cavity, which was very comfortable, but it immediately attracted a soft hum from Ping'er beside her. Feng Ziying put it down embarrassingly, and scratched her head in embarrassment, "Is the girl Yuanyang so close to you?"

Ping'er is just a little bitter and jealous, which is inevitable for every woman, but she also knows that it is not her turn to worry about such things, and in the future she will have to face the doubts of her best friend, Yuanyang, who loves sisters, so On the contrary, I feel a little guilty in my heart.

Feng Ziying's question also reminded her of the past: "When grandma and I came to Jia's mansion, Yuanyang was already by the old lady's side, but it is not as inseparable from Yuanyang as it is now. After serving the old matriarch, the mandarin ducks gradually won the favor of their ancestors,..."

   "Then Amber and Pearl have some opinions on Yuanyang?" Feng Ziying still doesn't know about Yuanyang's past, but he also knows that Yuanyang can stand firmly beside Jia Mu, and it must not be easy for Yuanyang to stand for several years.

"It's also due to all parties. The mandarin ducks themselves are very smart and capable, and they have a good relationship with Hu Pozhu and the others. She has a tough temper. In addition, she is a child of a family. Her father Jincai is in Jinling to guard the old house and manage the farm for Jia's family. Her brother Jin Wenxiang is in Jinling. The mansion is also responsible for purchasing, and this kind of relationship is very comparable to others,..."

   "Well, then why did you hit it off so well?" Feng Ziying was curious about this.

The relationship between Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang is not particularly harmonious, of course it is definitely much better than Mrs. Xing, and Wang Xifeng is Mrs. Wang's niece, so the relationship is naturally unusual. Logically, it is impossible for a mandarin duck to follow Jia Mu closely. How good is the relationship with the children.

"Yuanyang is a sincere character, but there is room for restraint in his actions. The slaves are not the kind of cunning people. After getting along with each other, everyone can understand the other party's temperament after a long time. Isn't that the way it is?" It seems to be recalling the story of myself and Yuanyang before.

"The old ancestor and his wife will inevitably have some stumbling blocks, but it is difficult for grandma to be caught in the middle. Grandma can come out to please the big things, make the old ancestor happy, and comfort the wife. We can't let grandma and his wife and grandparents do everything, so sometimes it's just slaves, mandarin ducks and Jin Chuan'er who make things up, and it's okay for grandparents, madam and grandma to turn a blind eye and close their eyes. After that, why make everyone unhappy? Aren’t they all doing things for the government?”

Feng Ziying couldn't help clapping her hands, and joked: "It turns out that the Rongguo Mansion is actually controlled by you, Yuanyang, and Jin Chuaner. It seems that the two masters, the ancestors, and the wives and grandmas are all puppets. I just know the inside story, I have to think about it, don't let our Feng family become like this in the future, push me to the front of the stage to be a marionette, and the grandmas are also fooled by fools, just listen to your arrangement Already..."

Although he knew that Feng Ziying was joking to tease him, Ping'er still pouted: "Master, you can't say such things. If outsiders listen to you and go in, you won't be able to think about Qingtai in this mansion in the future. Let's talk about Grandma Shen and Grandma Shen." What kind of person is Miss Bao, how can the people below fool you? Miss Qin is not simple,..."

"Well, I have said so much, but I don't mention Sister Lin, it seems that you don't like Sister Lin, Ping'er." Feng Ziying was happy, and looked at Ping'er: "I'm afraid Zijuan will mutter if I want to listen here. ,..."

Ping'er gave Feng Ziying a blank look, "Miss Lin is pretty and elegant, but she just doesn't bother to care about these mundane affairs. Besides, Miss Lin's house must also be used as a concubine's room. Even if Miss Lin doesn't want to take care of it, she can leave it to her aunt." Come on, no matter how bad it is, there is still Zicuckoo, don't underestimate Zicuckoo, this girl's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Yuanyang, but she is softer, but she is not much inferior to Yuanyang in handling things."

   "Ping'er, you have thought carefully. It seems that I will have to let you plan for me in the future." Feng Ziying put her hands around Ping'er Feng's waist and whispered.

"My lord, I can't afford to be a servant. Your Feng family will probably be more complicated than the Rongning and Ning families in the future. You have Jin Chuan'er and mandarin ducks. They are much better than slaves. Ping'er shook his head, but there was also a look of longing on his face.

  Yuanyang talked about all the banquets in the world that day, and also said that the girls in the garden might disappear in two or three years, and there would be no possibility of meeting again, which made her a little sad.

But in the current situation, Uncle Feng is going to marry Miss Bao and Miss Bao, which means that Yinger will follow, Miss Lin will marry in a year or two, and Zijuan will also follow. Jin Chuaner, Qingwen, Xiangling, and Yu Chuaner who are already here, if the second girl who has an affair with Uncle Feng also goes to be a concubine, doesn't that mean that Siqi will also go there, plus grandma and For myself, this is almost a half of the current heyday in the garden.

In the past, Ping'er's closest sisters were Yuanyang, Xiren, and Zijuan, followed by Siqi, Qingwen, and Jin Chuaner, and Ying'er, Xiangling, and Yu Chuaner. Zijuan, Siqi, Qingwen, and Jin Chuan'er have been together all their lives, and they usually get along in harmony, and everyone discusses and gets things done. That is undoubtedly the beautiful vision I am most looking forward to.

"Maybe when the time comes when you 'Big Three' get together again, you will decide the affairs of the house?" Feng Ziying was still teasing Ping'er, making Ping'er only roll his eyes: "My lord just likes to tease us so much. The current person? That’s all for the maidservant, but Yuanyang put all her affection on you, and you are not afraid of hurting her heart? The servants are very curious, why did the master subdue the girl Yuanyang, but she has never been here before. There was a little rumor in front of people. If it wasn't for the assassination and injury of the master this time, she might not know how long she would have to hide it. However, the mandarin duck is not too young. Don't plan, it will be difficult, don't break her heart."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing when she heard what Ping'er said. How do you say such a thing?

Mandarin ducks have affection and intentions, and of course I am willing to ask her to come here, but it is always a matter. Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er came over, Qingwen came over silently, and Zijuan wanted to marry Daiyu. , this is going to ask for mandarin ducks, is this really going to confirm her reputation as a good-natured woman?

   "I used to whip a famous horse because of drunkenness, and I was afraid that I would miss the beauty." Yu Dafu's poem echoed in his mind, and Feng Ziying couldn't help blurting it out.

It doesn't exactly refer to mandarin ducks. Like Yingchun, Jia She is still playing sloppy to himself, thinking about using Xing Xiuyan to "exchange". This kind of behavior also makes Feng Ziying very speechless, but because she can only be Accepting Yingchun as a concubine, so some words seem not so justified.

Although Ping'er has no literary talent, Feng Ziying's two sentences are easy to understand, and he couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "I think the servant has never been afraid of such a thing, besides, if the mandarin duck can be with Master, why delay talking about it? Isn't that what the mandarin ducks are looking forward to, and the master is just as happy?"

Yu Dafu's era naturally cannot be compared with this era, but Feng Ziying is equally aware that if there are too many emotions, it will definitely be diluted. Perhaps many people think that they don't have to invest so much, but as a man who has traveled through modern times, it is difficult to do it right. Sleeping on the same bed with me, skin-to-skin kissing, even turning a blind eye to the innocent woman entrusted to you for the rest of your life, you will more or less pour your feelings into it, but you are always in it consciously or unconsciously, but you don't know it.

   The second update, please vote more, if you don’t have votes, just like the character.



  (end of this chapter)

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