Number of People

Chapter 1239: Geng Scroll Feng's New Year's Eve

  Chapter 1239 Geng Scroll Feng’s New Year’s Eve

   Rubbing the smooth jade back of Baoqin, panting and moaning under her hot body, Feng Ziying fought hard,...

  Fish and water jubilation, endless love,…

   After being happy, Baoqin's eyes were sparkling, and she was still not tired, leaning against Feng Ziying's arms, "Sir, do you think I can conceive...?"

   "Huh?" Feng Ziying was slightly surprised, this question is not like Baoqin's style.

   "The concubine means, if the concubine conceives first and then gives birth to a son, will my sister be unhappy?" Bao Qin said quietly.

  Feng Ziying had some headaches. It was really hard to say what happened between these women, and he also couldn't judge it, let alone explain it.

Baochai and Baoqin must have worked together when facing Shen Yixiu and Daiyu, but in the second room, the relationship between the wife and concubine is no better than that between a wife and a concubine, and Baoqin is so intelligent and quick-witted. There was no fear in her heart, Feng Ziying felt that it was really hard to say.

"Hey, my sister doesn't have to think so much. I'm pregnant early and late. I have a son and a daughter. Baochai and my sister are both equally happy to me. You both have the surname Xue and you are sisters, so why should you worry about these things?" It’s not that my younger sister doesn’t know about Baochai’s temper, besides, she’s an older sister, so doesn’t she even have such a heart?”

  Feng Ziying patiently explained.

Baoqin also knew what Feng Ziying meant by emphasizing the sentence "she is a sister". As long as Baochai has a son in the future, it will not be purely a dispute between the concubine and concubine. If Baochai fails to give birth to a son, then his own son will naturally be regarded as the legitimate son, but the aunt is still Baochai.

  From another point of view, Baochai has no reason to be dissatisfied or hostile. At most, she is a little uneasy in her heart, but intellectually, she will still maintain a close relationship between the two.

   "It seems that my concubine is a little narrow-minded, and I am always worried that my sister will be angry..." Baoqin smiled sweetly, "However, my husband's suggestion to my brother today makes me very puzzled. Is it too worrying?"

  Knowing that with Baoqin's knowledge, sooner or later, she would come to realize that something was wrong here, so Feng Ziying didn't intend to hide it from Baoqin, and of course it was impossible to reveal too much.

"Well, it's not too late to do things. Other people think it's very successful, but I have higher expectations for Brother Tiao. I predict that there may be some turmoil in Jiangnan and Hu Guangming in the next year. Qin There is also a prediction from the Tianjian that the weather in the Northland may not be very good in the next year. Once there is a famine in the Northland, there will be greater pressure on the demand for food, and the transportation of grain by water is mainly to protect the capital and along the water transportation. , but to places like Liaodong, Shandong, and Shanxi, I’m afraid it will be difficult. Shipping can reduce the pressure to a certain extent. At that time, I estimate that there will be a shortage of shipping capacity, and it may even become that you can’t rent it even if you have money. Boat,…"

This reason sounds quite reliable, but it is doubtful that Qin Tianjian can make a forecast for the weather in a year, but every year Qin Tianjian will make some predictions, which is originally a bet It is normal to predict whether it is accurate or inaccurate. Anyway, it is good or bad weather. If you explain it with some vague words, it will be more confusing.

   "What Xianggong means is that by that time, Xianggong hopes to have a fleet that can be used at any time?" Bao Qin roughly understood the meaning, "You mean the father-in-law...?"

"Well, Liaodong and Eastern Mongolia, my father needs to use these to control the situation in Eastern Mongolia. Now that Liaodong is facing the Jianzhou Jurchen in the north and east, it must avoid being attacked on both sides. The ministries on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia and Haixi The Jurchens must be firmly in their hands, turning enemies into friends or even helping them, and giving them the necessary benefits."

Feng Ziying’s words are basically in line with the facts. At present, maritime trade and maritime merchants are mainly concentrated in Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong. Of course, there are some Songjiang Prefectures in Nanzhi, but they are far less than Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong. The area north of Yangzhou is restricted by the previous maritime ban policy. Basically, there are not many decent sea merchants, and there are not even many smuggling sea merchants. Many of them use fishing for some smuggling, and the volume is not large, let alone sea trade.

It was not until the policy of opening the sea was officially implemented that Denglai began to take actions in this regard, but it still attracted shipyards from Fujian and Zhejiang to build factories, and maritime merchants only tried to conduct trade here, and the scale was very small. After all No one would easily set foot in an area they were not familiar with, and this gave Xue Biao and the others a chance.

As for Liaodong, there is no need to mention it. The land is basically the control area of ​​Liaodong Town, and there is no development along the coast, and the population is also insufficient. Therefore, it is purely because of the need for logistics supplies that it is considered to be in Yuguan, Niuguan. Zhuang and Jinzhou opened ports, but this kind of port opening can only be supported by the needs of Liaodong Town and Eastern Mongolia, which is far from enough, or it can only guarantee profits by appointing specific ship dealers to monopolize.

Baoqin thought she understood her husband's intention, which was to use her brother's fleet as the logistics support for Liaodong Town, so she needed to expand the scale quickly, even if she took some risks. Logistics supply and transportation, this is also a good opportunity for expansion.

Of course, Feng Ziying's thoughts are not limited to the simple matter of ensuring the logistics needs of Liaodong Town. He is more worried about the weak shipping capacity in the north. When it is necessary to transport necessities such as grain, cloth, and tea from Jiangnan and even Guangdong and Guangxi to the north, there is not enough transportation capacity.

   Of course, at that time, the goal could be achieved by buying and attracting these sea merchants, but how could it be as secure as controlling a fleet by yourself? And if you don't have a decent fleet yourself, even if those sea merchants can be bought, the price you will pay will be much higher.

While supporting Xue Biao to vigorously expand the fleet, Feng Ziying also urged Duan Xigui to support one or two ship merchants who can be used by his side in Guangzhou, including using Zhuang Ji's power in Guangdong to achieve this goal. Although Guangdong belongs to the south, Guangdong has never been valued by the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. They think that it is a marginal place like the southwest, but Guangzhou is more important because it faces Nanyang directly.


  The Spring Festival is finally here.

  New Year’s Eve didn’t feel that good last year, but this year it suddenly looks much more lively.

Last year's New Year's Eve was not very lively, except for mother and aunt, there were only Shen Yixiu, Eryou and a few girls in the house, but today was different, Baochai and Baoqin could be regarded as masters, plus Yinger Although the group of girls, Ruiguan and Lingguan, felt that there were not many people, but the long room and the second room were well-defined, and they sat on both sides, the situation suddenly changed.

This is the first time for everyone to celebrate the New Year like this. Even before, Feng Ziying was still considering whether to celebrate the New Year in each house separately or together. There is no way to separate, so we just stay together, and my mother and aunt agree.

The mother sat upright in the center, the aunt sat sideways, and she herself sat next to the mother, while Shen Yixiu and Baochai sat at the head of the two sides. On one side, Eryou sat in a seat in order, and on the other side sat next to Baochai alone. a seat.

"Brother Keng, this New Year's Eve, our mansion still seems a little deserted. Although the master is not here, you have a family and a business now. If you say that our Feng family still has some reputation in the capital city, why do you feel that the mansion is not lively enough? What about it?" Duan said with some emotion.

"Mother, our Feng family has only settled in the capital city for a few years. If you are in Datong or Linqing, I am afraid that there will be many relatives who come to the house or even live at home. I’m afraid you’ll feel that people are too noisy and you’re going to panic.” Feng Ziying laughed, “If you really think that there are few people and unpopular, you can call your cousin’s family over, and it will be lively.”

Duan Xigui had already owned a mansion in Beijing, and his main wife was originally still in Datong, but this year she also came to the capital city. In addition to the two concubines in the capital city, there are also two concubines in Guangzhou. Room, no less than Jia Lian.

   "That's unnecessary, it's rare for their family to get together. I heard that Xigui is going to Guangzhou again at the beginning of the new year?" Duan shook his head.

"Well, there is no one in Guangzhou. My cousin is just getting familiar with that place. It will take a month or two to go back and forth, so I have to go back at the beginning of the new year." Feng Ziying made a lot of arrangements for Duan Xigui. Duan Xigui himself couldn't sit still about things, let alone urging them.

"Sister, it's Chinese New Year today, let's not talk about these things, the boys and girls below are still looking forward to having a banquet to celebrate the New Year with you." Xiao Duan knew it, and felt that the conversation between the mother and son made the atmosphere a little dull. Only Shen Yixiu was more lively when he was the first roommate, but this year it was different, the two second roommates also sat on the side, and Shen Yixiu became a mother again, so he had to be much more reserved.

The Da Duan family also suddenly realized that there is a large family inside and outside. Although the Feng family is not as hundreds or thousands of people as the Jia family, there are still more than a hundred people up and down. I have been looking forward to this busy year This year's 30'er can get a good deal from his wife and get a good year's silver.

Slapping his own brains, Da Duan's temperament was careless, and he grinned: "My sister reminded me, I'm in a daze, and the master is not here, anyway, let them quickly bring the food and drinks, our Feng family this year There are a lot more people than last year, and the number of people has increased, so it should be lively and lively,..."

   This sentence amused the people below, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

  (end of this chapter)

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