Number of People

Chapter 1291: Jia Amnesty who attacked with Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1291 Jia Amnesty who attacked with Xin Zijuan

Not to mention the turbulent thoughts and unspeakable emotions of the women in Jia's mother's courtyard, the content of Jia Zheng's admonishment to his nephew in Rongxi Hall had spread throughout Rongguo Mansion before his admonition was over, and it was quickly spread to Ningguo Mansion. The edge passed.

   How Jia Zheng disciplines and motivates his nephews is not new to many people in the mansion, or they are not interested in it, but Uncle Feng is going back to Beijing to serve as the parent officer of Shuntian Mansion, which is an earth-shattering event.

In other words, when Uncle Feng comes to the mansion in the future, except for the masters with official status, uh, there seems to be not many people in this mansion, except for the old matriarch, the old lady, the second master Lian, and Huan San who has obtained the status of a scholar. Lord, even Bao Erye and other people need to bow aside, that is the parent official!

  When the news spread in Rongguo Mansion, those characters who liked to show off their cleverness immediately began to show off their knowledge and knowledge in front of the house.

"Hehe, wouldn't Uncle Feng not dare to come to our mansion in the future? If he enters the door, he will throw himself down a lot and have to salute and kowtow. Many of them are the elders of Uncle Feng. Wouldn't it be frustrating? Uncle Feng?"

  Yu Lu blinked his eyes and sighed with emotion, "It's different, it's different. We already knew that Uncle Feng would jump into the abyss sooner or later, but we didn't expect it to be so soon. When we see Uncle Feng in the future, don't we have to knock three times at one step?"

"Yu San, according to what you said, what should the girls do when they see Uncle Feng? Do you want to bow down like this?" Another senior servant, Wang Xingyi, didn't seem to believe it, "What do you say about the second, third, and fourth girls? They are all called Uncle Feng's brother and sister, what about Miss Shi and Miss Lin? Miss Lin is engaged to Uncle Feng, and they are going to marry next year, do you want to kowtow too?"

Yu Lu snorted, "Wang Xing, you say you're stupid, but you still don't admit it. When girls see Uncle Feng, it's a blessing. If they want to kowtow, then Uncle Feng will just say excuse me. As for Miss Lin, you Don't even think about it, in the future she will be the mother and grandmother of the Feng family, how can she need to bow down, it's not when she is married, it's just a blessing, that's all..."

Jia Dairu passed by, and heard this idle servant twitching his mouth, he couldn't help reprimanding: "Don't be ashamed of yourself here, if Feng Langjun comes to our mansion, even though it's this The parental officer in the capital city is also the parental officer when he is at work, how can we talk about this with relatives at home? It is the same in the past, how can Feng Lang-jun care about this?"

   "Third Grandpa, what if you and I meet Uncle Feng outside the gate of the mansion?" Someone immediately asked narrowly.

  Jia Dairu's face froze.

He has never thought about this, it must be considered as a relative in the mansion, naturally there is no need to give a big gift, but if it is an affair, I am afraid that I really have to bow down and avoid it, the old man is out on tour, ordinary people wait naturally It must be avoided, and if it cannot be avoided, then there is no choice but to bow down to the side.

  He has never had the opportunity to meet the parent officer, and naturally he doesn't know the way here, so he can only guess and figure out how to deal with it.

   "Then if you meet each other face to face, then you should hide aside, it's better to hide aside, see what others do and follow suit." Jia Dairu walked away in embarrassment.

   There was another burst of laughter from behind.

In any case, this is a good thing for the Rongguo Mansion, regardless of whether it is Miss Bao and Miss Bao who are already married, or Miss Lin who is going to marry in the future, they are all married to the Feng family as grandmas. Relying on the Wang family can also stabilize the situation, but now relying on the closer Feng family, it may not be impossible to be more prosperous.


   "Really?" Yingchun's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Girl, can this be fake?" Siqi stomped his feet anxiously, "This is from the Rongxi Hall, and the ancestors also know about it. It is estimated that it has already spread in the Zifu. Uncle Feng is returning to the capital to be the prime minister, but he is the official of the parents, and everyone in the capital must worship him."

   Yingchun is full of emotions, her beautiful eyes are full of affection, and she looks out of the window with watery eyes, as if her heart has already gone to her lover.

Ever since she was warmed by her lover, she felt that the apron seemed to be too small for her. If she sometimes changed her bust size, it would be even more uncomfortable. She was really afraid that she would not ask Si If the chess situation develops, then you will really be ashamed to see people.

"Girl, when Uncle Feng comes back, he will be the real master of Qingtian. Even if the master sees him, he will be three points shorter. If the master really asks for a girl like the master, I'm afraid the master may not dare to refuse, right?" Si Qi was still chattering there, "Also, I'm afraid the master might not be willing to give up such a marriage like my uncle's. He might feel that with such an in-law like my uncle, he will have more opportunities to make a living in the future."

Siqi had a thorough understanding of Jia She, and Jia She, who got the news, was pacing back and forth in the flower hall with his hands behind his back, "I didn't expect Ziying to come back to be the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion. If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have accepted Sun Shaozu." I lost the money, but what should I do?"

   "Master, don't you have an alternative? It's better to let Xiuyan go up." Mrs. Xing's face flashed a smug look.

Yingchun is just a stepdaughter, she has never been very close, and her temperament is weak, even if she passes through the door to Feng's house, it will be difficult to fight for her mother's family, but Xiuyan is much more alert and shrewd, if she goes to Feng's house, I will be able to win a lot for my mother's family.

"Well, I'm afraid this is the only way to go now, but I only mentioned it to Ziying once before, and Ziying didn't say yes or no, so I have to inquire about it, don't let him dislike Xiuyan Xiaomenxiaomen Household,..." Jia She stroked his beard and muttered, "Also, go find out Xiuyan's tone, don't let the wind go,..."

"Hmph, how can I let her go? My brother owed an unknown amount of money outside, and I blocked countless disasters for him. It's time for her as a daughter to do her filial piety for her father. What's more, ordinary people can enter the gate of the Feng family? I'm afraid it's too late for her to be happy, and she has to rely on our face to get this chance."

   Xing's disapproval is authentic.

Jia Amnesty also deeply believed that not everyone could enter the current Feng family. If he hadn't collected too much money from Sun Shaozu, and Sun Shaozu was an unreasonable master, he really wanted to make the second girl Promised to be Feng Ziying's concubine.

But if Feng Ziying is promised to be a concubine, it means that the money must be returned to Sun Shaozu, which is more difficult than killing Jia Amnesty. If Feng Ziying is expected to hand out the money, it is somewhat trivial, but with Feng Ziying's current power , How could he lose face and pay back Sun Shaozu's debt for himself?

"Since that's the case, let's do this over there. You go to find out about Xiuyan first, and tell your elder brother and sister-in-law by the way, such a good thing happens once in a thousand years, and we only bravely fight for them for the sake of our relatives. "

  Jia She said "awe-inspiring righteousness".

"Xiuyan is also getting old. If your brother and sister-in-law want to live a comfortable life in this capital city in the future, the most important thing is to find a stable son-in-law. Although Xiuyan is to be Ziying's concubine, Ziying We also know this person well, and we have always valued love and righteousness. I heard that the two younger sisters of the You family in the Dongfu made Ziying concubines, and even the old lady You was Ziying's food and drink, and she gave it to a house to raise Now, such a good thing, if you change to another house, where can you find it?"

"Well, the master is right. My eldest brother and sister-in-law must be grateful. If Xiuyan marries into Feng's family in the future, if she can give birth to a boy and a half girl, it will be a black-bone chicken jumping on a branch and becoming a phoenix." Mrs. Xing nodded repeatedly, "Xiuyan The concubine on the other side of Yan will naturally go and tell her that Miaoyu will marry into the Feng family as concubine in the future? Xiuyan and that Miaoyu are like sisters. companion."

  Jia She then realized that the Feng family was in the third room, and in the past, being a concubine also depended on which room she was in.

Needless to say, the long room has nothing to do with the Jia family, but the second room and the third room are all involved. One is the second child's niece, and the other is his own niece. The theory must be that Lin Yatou is closer, but But they still have to wait for a year and a half. Who knows what changes will come out after waiting?

  Maybe there are other people who are interested in Feng Ziying, such as the second child or Dongfu, or the historian.

  Jia Amnesty had to guard against it, he was thinking about it, and others were thinking about it too.

   That guy Jia Zhen is also skinless and shameless. Although the fourth girl is a little younger, she is also a beauty. If he wants to, maybe Ziying, who can't see beautiful women, will lose her soul.

And the historian, Shi Ding and Shi Nai were so unsatisfactory that they almost became the laughing stock of the capital city. How long has this girl Yun been living here? How about stuffing it out that is an eyesore?

  Jia She subconsciously judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, thinking that the Dongfu and historians will have certain plans, and he is deeply afraid that others will act first.

It's hard to say even my second younger brother, because she still has to die for face and suffering, I'm afraid that if the third girl is a concubine, she will lose face and humiliate the family style of Jia's family, but look at the daughter of the Xue family who is also uneasy good?

   But if Xiuyan were to be sent to the second room as a concubine, Jia Amnesty would feel a little uncomfortable.

  The sisters of the Xue family are all big wives and concubines, why is it that my daughter, although she is only a niece, can only be a concubine? If it was suitable for him to be a child in Lin Yatou's room, after all, Lin Yatou was his own niece, so to speak, it would be a little uncomfortable to be a child of the Xue family sisters.

   "We need to hurry up and do this matter. How to do it will have to wait until Ziying returns to Beijing, but we have to do it first, so we don't want to fall behind others."

   After thinking about it, Jia She felt that it was still a bit early. At least he had to meet Ziying and find out Ziying's mind before he could draw a conclusion. What if Ziying really only wanted the second girl? This is really a difficult thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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