Number of People

Chapter 1659: Ren Zi Juan brewing, planning (2)

  Chapter 1659 The Renzi scroll is brewing and planning (2)

  Zhang Huaichang also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue. When it came to the succession of the throne, he couldn't take it too seriously. If he thought this way, it was because he couldn't stand at that height to consider the problem.

"Zhang Qing, let's settle this matter like this." Emperor Yonglong said lightly: "I don't want that kind of situation to happen, but the reality is there, I can't help but think about it. This year, my energy is getting worse and worse. Such things are exhausting and exhausting, and I am quite tired. After this autumn, if the crown prince can be finalized as soon as possible, I will also consider taking the Zen position earlier, and take good care of my health,..."

"Ah?" Both Zhang Huaichang and Zhang Jingqiu were taken aback. Zhang Huaichang glanced at Zhang Jingqiu suspiciously, then stood up and cupped his hands, "The emperor has only been on the throne for ten years, even if the dragon's body is slightly uncomfortable, it will not harm the overall situation." , Li Chuchen is supportive, but if it is such a thing as a Zen seat, I think it is impossible."

This should be the point of view of almost all ministers. Even though Emperor Yonglong is in poor health and energy, as long as Emperor Yonglong is on the throne, he will have a sea-fixing needle. It needs to be polished and cultivated, and now that he is suddenly allowed to succeed, I am afraid that there will be waves.

Emperor Yonglong saw that although Zhang Huaichang was still calm, but his tone and attitude were extremely firm, he felt both comforted and worried. The comfort was naturally the loyalty of the court officials to him, and the worry was naturally fear of his own sons. Convincing the public, these civil servants all have their eyes above the top, and his sons are either young or have personality defects. He can more or less know from Lu Song, Zhang Jingqiu, and Gu Bingqian how the officials treat several of them. His son's attitude was what worried him the most.

I know my own physical condition, maybe I can maintain it for a year or two, and I'm afraid I won't be able to sustain it any longer, but the most promising King Lu is only fourteen years old, and he will only be sixteen years old in two years, and he can support such a large body. Is it a big week? Not to mention King Gong, but King Shou, King Fu, and King Li all have various deficiencies. If you are an ordinary prince, that's fine, but if you want to be the king of a country, then these weaknesses and shortcomings may be infinitely magnified, and even become fatal flaws.

"Zhang Qing, I don't want to do this, but my body is not forgiving." Emperor Yonglong was not without emotion, "So I hope to confirm the crown prince earlier, so that he can adapt and familiarize himself with the government as soon as possible. I will help him mount the horse and send him off. , even if it’s a big deal.”

   Zhang Huaichang was sent away, leaving only Emperor Yonglong and Zhang Jingqiu.

  Zhang Jingqiu stood up, "Your Majesty, please be careful when you talk about the Zen position. I'm afraid all the princes in the court will not like it."

"Well, I'm not happy to see you, hehe, Jingqiu, do you think I should be happy or sad?" Emperor Yonglong showed a lonely wry smile on his face, "I know my body best, and I can't wait until the end to take care of my orphans." Right? I'm not that attached to power, if I don't hand it over to the emperor sooner, do I really want to wait for me to close my eyes and the world will be in chaos? I dare not,..."

Zhang Jingqiu felt that Emperor Yonglong's requirements were still too harsh, not to mention that King Gong was too young, but King Lu was fourteen, and in two or three years he would be a young man of sixteen or seventeen. Even if he lacked some experience, he could already understand good and evil, right and wrong After a few years of studying in Qingtan Academy, I have a general understanding of the basic government affairs, so why is it so worrying?

King Shou, King Fu, and King Li are all grown-ups, and although their performances are mediocre, there is nothing particularly bad about them. Do you think these three can't sit firmly on the throne?

Of course, if you insist on making King Shou, King Fu, and King Li compare with outstanding talents like Feng Keng and Yang Sichang who are of the same age, then there is no way. Amazing people?

  Zhang Jingqiu really guessed it right. Emperor Yonglong just compared Feng Ziying with his sons, and he felt more and more uncomfortable about his sons being mediocre.

Thinking that Lu Wang Zhang Su is still quite talented, and his studies in Qingtan Academy are also quite acclaimed, even King Gong Zhang Yu is also quite talented, so Emperor Yonglong has the intention of letting Zhang Su succeed to the throne in the future , but his own body is like this, so it makes him so distressed.

  Emperor Yonglong was really afraid that he would not be able to last until that time. This was also the reason why he tried his best to completely eradicate the biggest hidden danger of Prince Yizhong, even at a huge price.

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. King Shou, King Fu, and King Li are not as miserable as the Emperor imagined. King Lu is already fourteen, majestic and handsome. After two or three years, he will only grow older. Even King Gong will perform well. ,..." Zhang Jingqiu frowned and said: "At that time, all the princes in the court will give their full support, no matter who it is, it will be able to sit firmly in the Great Zhou Dynasty,..."

"Hehe, it's really a good thing for brothers and sisters to be respectful. What if you want brothers to fight against the wall, cook beans to burn beans, or even lure wolves into the house?" The smile on the corner of Emperor Yonglong's mouth was already faintly cold. This situation was not mentioned, but when it was only Zhang Jingqiu, he was not so shy.

Zhang Jingqiu's face froze. He knew something about the situation. Emperor Yonglong didn't shy away from him. He also knew that Lu Song was doing something recently. He didn't want to listen to it, and he didn't want to think about it. But when the emperor said it, he But it cannot be avoided.

"Your Majesty, as long as you determine the candidate for the crown prince earlier and cut off other people's thoughts, many things will be solved. If you continue to keep secret, or make vague words, and give others too much thought, it will inevitably cause others to be confused." Thoughts." Zhang Jingqiu pondered for a long time before saying: "After the fall, we must determine the candidate for the crown prince, and even allow him to supervise the country and undertake part of the government affairs. This is also an experience, and it will allow him to enter the state and adapt to the needs of the next step. "

"Then Jingqiu, give me a word of truth. If you rule out the old practice of scholars establishing leaders, who do you value more among my sons?" Emperor Yonglong looked into Zhang Jingqiu's eyes, "Only you and me , you can always say something like this, right?"

Zhang Jingqiu shook his head, "Your Majesty, it's not that the ministers are unwilling to give suggestions. If the old rule of setting up the chief is ruled out, then there is no difference between Shou Wang, Fu Wang, and Li Wang. The emperor likes Lu Wang and Gong Wang, and their age is another weakness. , so in the end it still depends on the emperor, but Prince Gong is not too young."

  Zhang Jingqiu didn't specify who to say, but Emperor Yonglong could still hear the tendency in Zhang Jingqiu's words, so he nodded and stopped talking.

   "During the autumn period, the emperor can learn about the situation from many aspects. I believe that the emperor will finally come up with a candidate for the crown prince who is more balanced in all aspects and more recognized by everyone. That is a blessing for the Great Zhou." Zhang Jingqiu bowed deeply again.

  Emperor Yonglong sighed deeply, people are selfish, if he is like this, why not the ministers? When their own feelings and interests are involved, who can be exempt?


  Feng Ziying received a notice from the Lieyuan Palace, which was transferred by Zhou Peisheng.

Of course, Feng Ziying knows who Zhou Peisheng is. After dealing with him several times, this person has vaguely replaced Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shi'an as the most trusted servant by Emperor Yonglong's side. Another servant who is also very popular with Emperor Yonglong is It was Cui Wensheng, but it was because Cui Wensheng also liked to practice Taoist longevity techniques, taking pills and medicine, which was the same hobby as Emperor Yonglong, so he suddenly jumped from a casual **** to the emperor's second only to Zhou Peisheng's servant.

You must know that Zhou Peisheng followed Emperor Yonglong since he was a child, but Cui Wensheng was unknown in the palace until Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne. Burning is also very closely related.

"Eunuch Zhou, this seems a bit out of order, right? The next official is not a courtier, but an official of the Shuntian Mansion. The Emperor wants to take this opportunity to choose the heir. It is also said that the emperor will summon local officials to listen to their opinions, what is so strange here?"

  Feng Ziying actually believed what Zhou Peisheng said, but out of habit, he still had to be careful.

   "Master Feng, the selection of the crown prince this time is of great importance. Maybe the emperor wants to get more opinions from all parties. This is the old slave's opinion. The emperor's real intention is beyond the grasp of the old slave."

  For another person, Zhou Peisheng would never say a word, but Feng Ziying is quite favored by the emperor, so he made a special trip to recruit himself this time, which obviously has ulterior motives, and it is best to please him.

  Feng Ziying nodded, then suddenly asked: "In addition to this official, can the emperor summon other officials besides court officials?"

  Zhou Peisheng hesitated for a while, but finally shook his head: "This old slave has never heard of it."

  Feng Ziying didn't ask too deeply, the sentence just now was a bit out of line, and it would be inappropriate for a courtier to ask any more.

   From Jingshi City to Iron Net Mountain, if it is a horse-drawn carriage, it will naturally take a day or two, but if it is a horse, it can be reached in half a day.

  Feng Ziying set off without delay after receiving the summons. Naturally, there were also guards with him. He was unwilling to be ambushed on the road again, especially when he already knew that there might be hidden stakes at home from the White Lotus Sect.

Iron Net Mountain Hunting Garden Palace already has some history. It existed in the pre-Ming Dynasty, but it was not very famous in the Pre-Ming Dynasty, and it was not used much in the Pre-Ming Dynasty. However, after the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it gradually evolved here. It became the royal hunting garden of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the surrounding mountains were closed to prohibit hunting, becoming the exclusive hunting village of the royal family.

  Feng Ziying walked all the way, and had already seen the guarded Shenshu camp, and then walked in, the troops of the Shangsanqin army began to appear, and there were also sentries of Long Jinwei coming and going.

  In addition to these guards and horses, there are naturally courtiers and clansmen's horses and horses coming and going, but even if everyone passes by, they rarely say hello, and they all pass by each other.

  (end of this chapter)

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