Number of People

Chapter 1815: Ren Zi Juan On Zheng Fang Knowing Heroes

  Chapter 1815 Renzijuan discusses politics and knows heroes

  Feng Ziying glanced at Baochai with satisfaction. This is what she looks like when she is a regular wife.

Uh, not to mention, after a year of marriage, Baochai's figure has become more and more plump. It really feels like a servant is supporting a delicate and weak imperial concubine. The chest has a groove and it is no longer a description of a city, but a real description. The chest is plump.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying felt itchy for a moment.

   It seemed that she felt her husband's gaze, and Baochai thought that her husband was satisfied with her performance, and she was also slightly happy.

Baoqin is like this, sometimes she is stubborn and doesn't care about it. Although she is at home, Yinger and Lingguan are still in front of her, and because of Xue Biao's concern, she often ignores that she is already Feng's family, and she loves to be Brother Biao It's not a good phenomenon to fight for some interests.

"Well, I didn't expect my sister to see this level." Feng Ziying also nodded with admiration, "The court is in trouble now, and Mr. Huang, the Minister of the Household Department, specially discusses with me. Doesn't he know this? Dagu and Dingzigu store grain whose family is making a living? People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. There must be room for business. This time I have already made a lot of money. If I want to earn enough money at once, Who in the world will do business with you that day? What's more, the imperial court also agreed to continue to purchase a large amount of grain from the south in the future, that is to say, keep this channel. As long as you can bring in grain, there will be a steady profit of 10% , if there are more, you can also sell them yourself, which is equivalent to having the imperial court guarantee the bottom line for you, so why not do it?"

Seeing that Xue Baoqin was still a little unconvinced, Feng Ziying also knew that this girl had such a temperament, so she didn't care, and continued: "Besides, Huang Ruliang is the Minister of the Household Department, and he is in charge of the financial expenses of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he is also a villager of the Chief Assistant Lord , is closely related, and it is up to me to ask detailed questions, don’t they really know how to do it?”

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Bao Qin's face changed slightly. She naturally paid attention to her husband's future career. Although her brother's interests were important, they couldn't compare with her husband's future.

"Sister, sister, I understand." Now that she understands the importance of it, Bao Qin is not the kind of person who refuses to admit her mistakes. Thinking about my elder brother's lack of official status, I always feel a little lack of confidence to marry a daughter of the Fang family, so I am a little anxious, and I hope my husband and sister will forgive me."

Feng Ziying recognized Baoqin's mistake, waved his hand and smiled and said, "It's good to understand what's going on here. As for you worrying about Brother Tiao's marriage with the Fang family, that's too much worry. Uncle Fang and I are Don't tell me the students, Brother Tiao is now doing this kind of business, and has been paid attention to by the court, but this one is not comparable to ordinary merchants. Uncle Fang is also very discerning, and he will definitely understand this. Next year, the two families will get married as scheduled. There is absolutely no such thing as blindness like that of the Mei family, it's just cheap to be a husband,..."

  Hearing Feng Ziying tease Baoqin, Baochai and the two maids in the room laughed, but Yinger and Lingguan only dared to lower their heads and pursed their lips into a smile, while Baochai's face was bright.

  Bao Qin was so teased by Feng Ziying's words that her face flushed, she couldn't help but punched her husband's shoulder with a small fist, and said softly: "My husband knows how to laugh at me,..."

"This is really not a joke, sister. My husband and Mei Zhiye have been together for a year. To be honest, this Mei Zhiye is still capable of doing things, but he is a bit pedantic. A few days ago, he acted as the governor of the government for her husband, and acted as an agent for government affairs. He also took the initiative to express his attitude and was willing to do things sincerely. Naturally, he would not argue with him as a husband. He has been handling tax matters for many years and is quite skilled. Willing to give him a chance,…”

  Feng Ziying's air was very relaxed and casual, and he didn't have any emotions when talking about Mei Zhiye. Obviously, he didn't take those people and other things to heart a long time ago, and Bao Qin was also fascinated by watching.

  I thought back then that I was very ashamed and annoyed because of the repentance of the Mei family’s marriage, but also worried about gains and losses. I had no choice but to follow my sister and marry into the Feng family as a concubine, but now it seems that it is a wonderful move.

She would rather be a heroic concubine than a mediocre wife, let alone Mei Zhiye's concubine son, so what if Mei Zhiye was just a member of her husband's staff who did things, and her husband had long since given up on her. Take that little thing to heart, but cherish yourself very much.

  Just because of this point, Baoqin felt that if she didn't choose the wrong person, she didn't choose the wrong path, and this life was worth it.

"Xianggong is a hero in the world, so naturally he won't care about ordinary people. I believe that the Shuntian Mansion under Xianggong's control will be able to take on a new look, so that the court officials will see it in their eyes and keep it in their hearts..." Baoqin also had witty words like pearls for a while, Hearing that Feng Ziying and Baochai looked sideways.

   This is really rare, it is too rare for Bao Qin to say such flattery.

   Seeing that my husband and sister looked at her with strange eyes, Baoqin also felt that she was a little bit out of control today, so she simply said openly: "Sister, my younger sister is presumptuous today, and wants to serve my husband,..."

  Feng Ziying was supposed to rest in Baochai's house tonight, but Baoqin's eyebrows were affectionate, and her cheeks were also flushed, obviously emotional.

   Baochai naturally wouldn't bother with his sister, and readily agreed: "Then Xianggong will go to Baoqin's side."

  Yinger and Lingguan also covered their mouths and giggled coquettishly.

   Needless to say, Feng Ziying was fierce and fierce, and he was fighting **** Baoqin, but it is also sighing to say that Yinger accompanied Baochai back to the house.

   "I didn't expect Miss Qin to be like this. Obviously, Master Ai loves her so much that she said such things in front of her servants." Yinger's face was still flushed, and her tone was quite complicated.

"Why, there will always be a day for you. Why don't I tell my husband that I will accept you on a good day." Baochai was rather funny, and glanced at her personal maid: "Could it be that Qingwen took over the house, A little envious?"

Baochai and Yinger have also been masters and servants for many years, and there are many things that Baochai did not shy away from when she was not married, not to mention that now that Baochai is a married woman, Yinger, a personal maid, will naturally follow her for the rest of her life, and of course she must take care of Yinger. consider.

"How can a slave be so narrow-minded?" Ying'er shook her head arrogantly: "Although Qingwen doesn't get along very well with the slave, she has been with the master for so many years, and she is also close to Grandma Shen, so it is reasonable to accept the house. This servant just feels that Miss Qin dares to act and speak out, if it were a different master, I'm afraid she would be offended, but our master is generous, and likes Miss Qin to be so forthright,..."

   Baochai also nodded slightly, agreeing with Yinger's statement.

  Baoqin is just a concubine, sometimes she is a little arrogant and doesn't pay attention to her words.

  If the words like today fall into the ears of outsiders, there will probably be some disturbances, saying that Baoqin's elbows are turned outward, and she only knows to plan for her mother's family, but ignores the interests of her husband's family.

   Fortunately, Ziying doesn't care about this, but she has to be careful about such things. The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant nest.

"Ying'er, it's not a good thing for Baoqin to be like this, and I'll talk about her when I get down." Baochai shook her head, "Your husband is magnanimous, but you can't take it for granted, brother tadpole is also grown up, he has his own way If you want to leave, it’s okay for Xianggong to help him, but he can’t help him for the rest of his life. He also needs to stand up on his own. Baoqin’s doing this may not be really helping him. Without a man, he will be beaten outside alone, but it will affect his growth. ..."

  Ying'er was also heartbroken when she heard that, her own girl is the demeanor of a big woman, and Miss Qin is a bit petty.


  When Feng Ziying received the letter, Feng Tang had already arrived in Luoyang.

   As the coach, his speed is indeed a bit slow, but it has to be so.

  The entire Eastern Route Army's 120,000 troops were actually divided into four parts and meandering eastward.

   Except for the 10,000 pioneers led by Liu Dongyang who walked faster, the other three parts started from Qingyang in stages. When the last part set off from Qingyang, Liu Dongyang's pioneers had already passed Luoyang and entered the boundary of Kaifeng.

The 30,000 front troops led by Liu Baichuan, who followed Liu Dongyang's vanguard, also moved faster. When Liu Dongyang was resting on the front line of Guide in Kaifeng, Liu Baichuan's 30,000 troops also passed Luoyang and arrived in Xingyang. At this time, Feng Tang The 60,000 main force of the army did not arrive in Mianchi.

  The consumption of more than 100,000 troops is an astronomical figure. The main purpose of Liu Dongyang's vanguard is not to fight, but to arrange logistics materials along the way, and at the same time start the docking and collection of war intelligence as soon as possible to prepare for the war.

  Feng Tang's main force had been repaired in Luoyang for three days, and when it was about to move on, it received a letter from his son.

  The letter introduced the current situation of the imperial court and some deployments of the Ministry of War in terms of logistics support, which is basically the same, but as long as there are no major disturbances, Feng Tang doesn't care.

  Fighting in Shandong, Feng Tang still had some confidence in his heart.

   Firstly, it is my hometown, secondly, the climate and geographical conditions are acceptable, and thirdly, it is not far from the Beijing Normal University, so I am more confident in logistical support.

What the war is for is to fight for logistics support. Feng Tang doesn't think that Niu Jizong is a peerless general. The Xuanfu Army is really much stronger than the Northwest Army. Feng Tang also wanted to see how strong the combat power was.

  If he were to lead the army straight into Nanzhili abruptly, he would really be a little frightened, but it would be much safer to deal with Shandong first.

In his letter, his son talked about Dagu, Yuguan, and the situation of sea transportation. The price of food in the capital continued to rise, and refugees from all over the country were also gathering in the capital. Logistical support was a big problem, but the sea transportation was smooth, although it was not as smooth as water transportation. It can meet the needs of the North, but if it is a last resort and only meets the needs of the army, it can still be done.

   This is enough.

  (end of this chapter)

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