Number of People

Chapter 1823: Ren character roll mandarin ducks flying across the window

  Chapter 1823 Renzi Juan Mandarin Ducks Flying All Over the Bed Through the Window

   The relationship between Yuanyang and Hongyu is far less close than that of Pinger, so the two did not live in the same room, but chose to live with a wall.

The room was warm, and when I went to bed, I took out the gown I embroidered for my elder sister and embroidered a few stitches, and then I felt tired. I slept under the covers.

   In a trance, there seemed to be footsteps in the yard, but they were very soft, and Yuanyang didn't care.

The Feng Mansion's defenses are much stricter than that of the Rongguo Mansion, but the ten or twenty guards who work in three shifts are all powerful, and they can fly over the walls. It also shows the difference between the Feng family and the gradually declining idle martial arts of the Jia family.

   There was a creaking sound from the door next door. Yuanyang was already a little confused and was about to fall asleep. This sound woke her up a little.

   Hongyu lives next door, why can't she go out at this time?

   After listening carefully, there was no sound in the yard again. Yuanyang didn't bother to get up, so she lay on the bed for a while, but there was no sound, thinking that she had heard wrong, she turned over and fell asleep again.

  In a daze, I heard some noises from the next door, like someone talking, and it was a man, but when I listened carefully, there seemed to be no more, making Yuanyang think that he was hallucinating.

   These tossings made Yuanyang's drowsiness dissipate a lot, and there was no sound from the next door, so Yuanyang lay on the bed thinking about something.

   It’s been half a month since Jia’s house has been raided, and it’s only a few days before the end of the year. If it’s the previous year, the mansion would start preparing for various New Year’s goods and events at this time, but this year…

   After coming to Feng's house for a while, although her mind has not turned to this side, Yuanyang also knows that if she can come out from Jia's house in the future, it will be difficult for her to go back, and this is her final destination.

I have been to Feng's house for so long, and I still have a lot of feelings. Feng's house is much simpler and clearer than Jia's house, which is cumbersome and cumbersome. People, there is only one center here, Uncle Feng, but Uncle Feng is not in the mansion at all, Shuntian Mansion and the court are too busy with official duties, he doesn't care about the affairs of the mansion, basically let go.

  In theory, it should be the wife and aunt, that is, Uncle Feng's mother and aunts.

  She had also heard that his wife was a careless person and could not tolerate such mundane affairs. Most of the affairs were aunts, that is, Xiao Duan's family. Only after she came here did she realize that the situation in the Feng family is really different.

Since Uncle Feng got married, Xiao Duan also gradually divided the affairs of the mansion into four, and handed over the affairs of the long house and the second house. Once Miss Lin passed the door, she had to hand it over, and then only the so-called master's affairs remained.

Only at this time did Yuanyang know that this was Feng Ziying's suggestion. Because the third house was also the third house, many farm shops and money and silver businesses of the second house of the long house were separated from the third house. According to the theory of the third house, it should be General Shenwu, that is, the master’s house, but Feng Ziying also suggested that it is best to settle accounts between father and son. It turns out that the business of the master’s side is listed separately, and Uncle Feng himself borrows chickens to lay eggs The livelihood of the people is separated separately, and each manages his own.

  Yuanyang also heard that Feng Ziying intentionally asked him to come over and take care of his own livelihood first, while the third bedroom was still taken care of by his concubine, and it was handed over to Miss Lin after Miss Lin married.

  The situation of the Feng family is really weird, and Uncle Feng's thoughts are really unpredictable.

   While thinking wildly, there seemed to be some voices from the neighbor who had been quiet for a long time, and it was a man's voice, was it Uncle Feng? !

  Who else could there be besides Feng Ziying.

   At this time, Feng Ziying had already got on the kang and got into the warm bed. Hongyu, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately pressed her body up and hugged the man.

As soon as the energetic carcass was posted, Feng Ziying's hands were covered with greasy hands, and a little bit of candlelight flickered like beans, shining on this cheek looking up at her, which was extraordinarily delicate and sensual, with seductive eyes like silk, cherry lips like fire, breath Sigh, you can vaguely see the undulating gullies and double pills along the bellyband.

   "Master, I miss you." Hongyu raised her head and murmured.

  Feng Ziying was also a little emotional.

After occupying the other party's body, I only had **** with her once, and sent her to Wang Xifeng's side, and then it was gone forever. This is undoubtedly cruel for a young girl who has just entered Hong Kong with her lover , now that the Jia family has collapsed and her parents have been imprisoned, for such a girl who has lost her sense of security, maybe she is the only one she can rely on.

   "I miss you too." Feng Ziying felt a little ashamed when she said this. How often did she think of her in the past six months? I'm afraid that when he thinks of Wang Xifeng, he thinks of her as well, but if he really thinks of it specifically, he almost never does, right?

  Come here tonight, I really feel a little guilty, and I also want to taste the taste of Xiao Biesheng's newlyweds after not seeing him for a long time, so as to appease this helper who is actually helping me to take care of and even monitor Wang Xifeng.

Although Feng Ziying thinks that Wang Xifeng should not have other thoughts now, but Feng Ziying knows that Wang Xifeng is too greedy. Once she settles down, she feels that the situation is stable. Too much, sometimes if the ears are soft, it may not be able to stop Wang Xifeng, so I have to have someone beside me to help me watch, and make some troubles.

  Thousands of words can't match actions, Feng Ziying didn't say much, she slid down, raised her hand to pick up Hongyu's pink cheek and kissed it.

   After a long wait for the sweet rain, Hongyu was pleasantly surprised, and after a while, Feng Ziying took off her apron and bottoms and threw them out of the bed.

  Accompanied by a trembling girl's guttural voice and the man's incomparably satisfied inhalation, under the candlelight, the quilt began to twist and deform continuously, panting, slamming, and the sound entered the ears...

  Yuanyang didn't know why she got up and put on her clothes to go out. She knew that the man in the next room could only be Feng Ziying, but she was still a little dazed.

   Just like this, she put on her clothes and shoes and went out in a daze. The coldness outside made her shiver subconsciously, and she tiptoed to the window next door. Through the gap in the window lattice, Yuanyang saw the thrilling scene.

  I saw the stilts with two jade feet exposed outside the bedding, moaning and shouting like intoxicated, and they didn't care at all,...

  Yuanyang didn't know how she returned to her room in a daze, lying on the bed, the ear-piercing magic sound from the next door was still going on, and it was useless for her to cover her ears tightly with the quilt.


Feng Ziying actually heard footsteps outside the window. He has practiced martial arts for many years and practiced with the guards around him a few times. In the middle of the night, he still couldn't hide it from his ears.

   But at critical times, he also has no distractions, not to mention letting the mandarin ducks "influence him" for a while is not a bad thing, let her adapt to her mentality, and she will inevitably suffer from this in the future.

  Hongyu's tense body finally softened, wrapped around Feng Ziying's body like a white snake, blushing with satisfaction, and with a foolish smile, Feng Ziying couldn't help rubbing the other's cheek.

   "My lord, you are going to kill your servant..." After a long time, Hongyu said in a tired voice, "I'm not afraid that the mandarin duck next door will hear it."

"If you hear it, you can hear it. Do you think that Yuanyang really doesn't know that your body has already been broken?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "What a clever woman Yuanyang is, how can you hide the things in your house from her? "

   Hongyu was taken aback, and sat up subconsciously. The suet-like upper body was dazzling under the candlelight, only mixed with a few bruises, which was obviously Feng Ziying's masterpiece.

"What about the second grandma and the master...?" Hongyu asked nervously. It doesn't matter if she is broken and known by the mandarin ducks. Who can say anything if Uncle Feng accepts her, even if her parents know I won't say anything, but the second grandma's side is different.

Feng Ziying pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "I'm afraid she knows something, but she may know that I have an affair with Sister Feng, and as for the matter of Sister Feng's pregnancy and childbirth, she may be able to guess something. "

Before Ping'er left, she told Feng Ziying about this matter, saying that Yuanyang had spied on her several times, and said a lot of insinuations. The act of hiding in the name of You will definitely attract suspicion.

  A divorced woman, she just moved out. How could she think of taking a trip to the south of the Yangtze River?

   Fortunately, as long as they are caught with real evidence, everyone can only mutter in their hearts. Feng Ziying reckons that it is not just mandarin ducks, but people like Jia Mu and Wang may not be suspicious.

It's just that in the current situation, they don't have much thought to care about a woman who has no relationship with the Jia family in name, and they may even have thought deep down in their hearts that a woman like Wang Xifeng who has been divorced, climbed up It's not a bad thing to have a backer like myself, otherwise how would Wang Xifeng live for the rest of her life?

   "Then what should I do?" Hongyu was at a loss in shock. If Yuanyang knew about it, how could Second Mistress come back to the capital in the future, and how would she face these people?

   "What should I do?" Feng Ziying said nonchalantly: "She is also my master's person, so what can I do if I know about it? Could it be because of this that she can talk around everywhere? Maybe she will try to cover it up for my master."

  (end of this chapter)

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