Number of People

Chapter 1912: Renzi Juan Thinks carefully about Shaozu's doubts

  Chapter 1912 Renzi Juan thinks carefully about Shao Zu’s doubts

  Feng Ziying told Shen Yixiu that she intends to let Xue Biao go to the Northern Front Army Corps to help take care of logistics for Sun Chengzong, and Shen Yixiu also agreed with it unexpectedly.

For Shen Yixiu, the Xue family did not have much influence on her. After all, the Xue family was born in an imperial merchant, and was born short. It is difficult to be recognized by the scholars who are based on family background. There is nothing wrong with the road, and besides, Xue Biao was only from the second wife of Xue's family, separated from Xue Baochai by one floor, and Xue Baochai's real brother is a deceitful person, which is not worth mentioning.

   "Msister-in-law thought carefully for the second master of the Xue family, why didn't Mr. Junyong think about it?" Shen Yixiu joked with a smile.

"Why does Jun Yong have to think about his husband? He was born as a Jinshi, and he will do his job honestly. Then he will naturally have a future." Fang Chi, the imperial court is very worried, so it has arranged for Dazhang to take Yuxuan and Boya to Shanxi to assist the local guards to organize military affairs. I heard that Junyong is very interested in geography and plans to follow the side wall Take a walk, in fact, you can also use this opportunity to take a few people for a walk,..."

In the history of his previous life, Shen Zizheng was very fond of military geography. Since he was a child, he had the idea of ​​traveling to Xiongguan, Junling, pass and main roads. After passing the Jinshi examination, he came into contact with some affairs of the military department in the Ministry of War, so his interest in this aspect is also stronger. Come on I also mentioned this idea to my sister and brother-in-law when I was in the Feng Mansion.

  Shen Yixiu hesitated a bit: "Master, the Shanshan bandits are in full swing, and the imperial court is powerless to deal with it. Will it be dangerous for Junyong to go there?"

Feng Ziying also considered this point, "If Junyong really has this idea, you might as well start from Jizhen, for example, Shanhaiguan all the way to the west, Xuanfu and Datong are all fine, and there is father in Yulin. It's not a big problem to say hello, let alone Gan Ning's side."

Seeing that her husband was sure, Shen Yixiu felt at ease: "The concubine should talk to Junyong to see what he wants, but I'm afraid that the chaos of Shanshan bandits will not be resolved in a short while, so I think the concubine will , if he really wants to travel, it would be more appropriate to go to Liaodong."

"It's okay to go to Liaodong, and the weather is just right, so I traveled to Jizhen and Liaodong together. There are also many military groups along the way. I will investigate the dangerous land of Jiliao and do something to deal with Jianzhou Jurchen and Chahar people. Articles can also allow Junyong to come up with a good investigative article at the end of his political observation in the future, which is far better than dawdling in the court."

  Feng Ziying put forward some new suggestions to the cabinet about Jinshi observing politics. He suggested that Jinshi who observe politics should not gather together in the Seventh Ministry of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but should consider going deep into some specific affairs, or go to the lower counties for field experience.

At least a three-year period of political observation can't be all in the seven ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Maybe you can consider observing politics in the seven ministries of the court for one year, going to the state government for one year to experience, and one year to specifically assist in handling certain matters. Jinshi can get more comprehensive training and sharpening, quickly get rid of the status of scholars and students, and enter the state of officials.

  This proposal also caused great controversy in the DPRK.

The purpose of the establishment of the three-year political observation period was to allow these scholars who had just obtained official qualifications to adapt quickly. Go up, but the experience in the Seventh Ministry does not allow them to be familiar with the affairs of the grassroots prefectures and counties. Therefore, it will also affect the development of work in local prefectures and counties. Feng Ziying's suggestion has won the approval of many people.

What the opponents worry about is that this kind of local observation of politics will make the aura of Jinshi watching politics fade, and Jinshi will also resist. They are all manifestations of the will of the imperial court, representing the imperial court's observation of politics, which does not affect the meaning of observation of politics, but can play a better role.

After some debate, the imperial court also gradually tended to support Feng Ziying's proposal, just because the current situation developed and did not have much energy to promote this matter, but Zheng Chongjian, Chen Qiyu and Sun Chuanting had already gone to Shanxi as a pilot The whole army.

With the pilot project, and if it can achieve results, especially if the imperial court can give higher rewards to those who work at the lower level to observe politics, then the resistance faced by this kind of grassroots observers will disappear, and there will even be more people. Scholars will be encouraged to actively go to the grassroots level.


   Pushing open the window violently, the hair on his forehead was slightly rippling by the cool wind blowing towards his face, and his face was also a little cool. Sun Shaozu took a few deep breaths to relieve his inner depression a little.

  The situation cannot be said to be bad.

  After Shanxi Town was defeated, the situation on the entire northern front was greatly eased. The coward You Shilu immediately pushed to the north of Dongguang in one breath, and only then began to gain a firm foothold and put on a defensive posture.

   This is faster than a rabbit, and Sun Shaozu, who had some ideas, could only sigh in awe.

  But after Sun Chengzong returned to the north, bad news came one after another, which made Sun Shaozu feel increasingly irritable.

Who is Sun Chengzong, how could Sun Shaozu not understand, this civil servant who has always been known as a soldier in the Ministry of War, is also well-known among a group of arrogant generals, stronger than Li Chengliang, Ma Gui, etc. thumb.

   Although this person has been in Sichuan for more than a year, although he has a bad reputation and has done nothing, it seems that his name is not worthy of the name, but Sun Shaozu does not believe it.

That's why he specially asked people to inquire about Sun Chengzong's actions in Sichuan, but the result was not as he expected. Compared with his qualifications, his qualifications are a little weaker, but he successfully reorganized the Sichuan Garrison Army in Sichuan and became an army worthy of World War I, which laid a good foundation for Xiong Tingbi to take over.

Now Yang Yinglong's native army in Bozhou is firmly backlogged by Xiong Tingbi in Bozhou Mountain, and the Sichuan Guards are fighting steadily and have already taken the initiative. If Wang Ziteng hadn't seen the situation is not good and started tossing in Huguang, holding back the Jingxiang army, Yang Yinglong might have already He was caught without a fight, but even so, according to Sun Shaozu's judgment, Yang Yinglong's death may be a matter of time, and it would be considered good if it could be delayed until the end of this year.

   This also made Sun Shaozu feel a chill from the southwest.

  If Yang Yinglong is eliminated and Xiong Tingbi is free to attack Huguang with the strength of Jingxiang Town and Sichuan Guards, will Wang Ziteng be able to withstand it?

  In Sun Shaozu’s view, although Denglai Town can indeed be fought, the key is that the Huguang gentry is on the side of the court. Without the support of the local gentry, what’s the point of controlling only a few cities?

  The role of Huguang lies in its food, its manpower, without the support of local gentry, all this is vain.

He once suggested to Niu Jizong that Prince Yizhong should win over Huguang gentry as much as possible, or at least keep Huguang neutral. It is too strong, and it is difficult for the Nanjing side to tear up the alliance between them.

If Wang Ziteng can't withstand Xiong Tingbi's counterattack and loses Huguang, Jiangxi will be exposed to Xiong Tingbi's blade, and now Guangdong and Guangxi, which still barely maintain their neutrality due to internal strife in the local government, will remain neutral, will they? Completely fall to the court? Sun Shaozu is not optimistic.

  This is a bit far-fetched, the key is how to deal with the situation in front of you.

Sun Chengzong is indeed a veteran, and he doesn't know which guy from the imperial court came up with the idea, but he even managed to make a northern army for him. The tens of thousands of people in Ji Town were no accident, but Feng Tang was willing to send the Northwest Army all the way. It was unexpected that the part was handed over to Sun Chengzong. This was compiled by Feng Tangxin, and it was brought to the Central Plains without a battle, so it was handed over to Sun Chengzong. Is this guy willing?

  Sun Shaozu understood the mentality of the border generals very well. The army that had entered his hands had to be handed over to others. Unless he was promoted in a different place and had no way to take it away, he would never hand it over to others, and he would still hand it over to a civil servant.

  Feng Tang came from a family of generals in the frontier town, so how could he not understand the reason why he still handed over Liu Baichuan's part, which made Sun Shaozu feel the murderous intent of the other party.

He realized that the war on the southern front might not be as urgent as he expected, and the court planned to teach himself a lesson on the northern front, so he reported his worries to Niu Jizong, but Niu Jizong didn't approve of his judgment. Sun Shaozu was very depressed.

Niu Jizong's point of view is that although Sun Shaozu is not small, it is difficult for the army he put together to form a decent offensive. In the north, relying on Jiancheng, Lingxian, and Guxian in Dezhou, it is enough to consume and drag the enemy in the north. , and the line of Dongchangfu on the south line, Linqing and Dongchangfu can also rely on the advantage of the canal to maneuver, but Sun Chengzong dare not go too deep.

  As for the 10,000 to 20,000 soldiers from the Beijing battalion and the defeated Shanxi troops, in Niu Jizong's view, they were just making up the numbers.

   Niu Jizong's point of view is reasonable, but it is too absolute. This is Sun Shaozu's view, but it is also difficult for him to judge how Sun Chengzong intends to fight this battle.

Withdrawing his hand on the window frame, Sun Shaozu paced back to the inner hall again, his eyes fell on the map hanging on the curtain, he was sure of Texas, but Dongchang Mansion had to face the Northwest Army's offensive , Now that Qiu County was captured by Liu Baichuan, the two armies were fighting fiercely on the front line of Guantao, but the scale was not large, which also made him a little puzzled, Liu Baichuan hadn't exerted his full strength, what was he waiting for?

  (end of this chapter)

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