Number One Dungeon Supplier
364 Lost Tech Products
Ayse stretched a little after appearing as she complaint how small the guest room was in the Sanctum of Worlds instance. "Ahaha...I think there is an influx of monsters that we did not expect at all. At this rate, I think it is vital we get the Dungeon City Fortress up as soon as possible." Jin said while his eyes wandered around at the complexity of the laboratory he was in. It felt futuristic enough with the weird interior design of the lab but still held an impression that it was archaic.
"Do you still wish to proceed with the war against the Rat Demon Army considering we somehow fulfilled our objectives by getting a decent amount of monsters from this campaign," Kraft asked as he attempted to fiddle with the consoles of activated capsule a little, but Ayse later restrained him.
"We might be more equipped to fight against the Rat Demons with the aid of the goblins too but I still think it will not be anytime soon. It's best to reevaluate what had happened in this campaign and improve on it first before we jump into another war. Right now, we are on the defensive and it was already a pain in the ass to coordinate everything. Besides, The Deep Ones Dungeon is not up yet and I believed I had dragged that long enough." Jin said as Ayse turned on the secondary lights in the area to let her master have a better look at the Lost tech products she and her team had invented. Jin also took this opportunity to look around the lab.
"DO! NOT! TOUCH! ANY! THING!" Ayse shouted at Kraft who had itchy fingers and allowed them to commit the crime of annoying Ayse once more. She also hoped that her warnings could be heard by Jin too. She then proceeded to activate a large screen and demanded the two to sit in front of it at a fit of anger. (They complied immediately even though Jin had the right to walk around.)
"Oof! I cannot believe they actually hide all my initial creations here. I thought they all went to waste after I showed it to Hamu. But ARGH!!!!! Its all in a mess!" Ayse scratched and messed up her short hair but the guys did not understand as everything seem to be placed very neatly.
"Wrong order! That X Projectile-23 should be placed together with the Power Condenser, not beside the Shield Dilator!" Ayse was whining while carrying her inventions around and putting them according to her logic. Meanwhile, the screen in front Jin and Kraft started to flash pictures of various lost tech products as if it was some presentation slide. Even though Ayse was busy cleaning up the lab, she babbled her explanation on the Lost Tech products on it. But it was so fluent and well covered that the two lads believed she might have probably given the same speech before.
But only Jin was interested in the presentation and took notes with regards to the Lost Tech products. Kraft got bored the moment he sat down and asked Jin for the Tact Tweak. "Might as well aid the Northern and Western Diversion." Kraft thought as he started fiddling with the options in the Tact Tweak.
"Abdul! Suppressive Fire! Two o'clock!" Ren Wei shouted when the group was taking cover at a piece of ship wreckage near the beachhead. Abdul unleashed his cultivation, the Rakish Rhino, to increase his defences as he went to the open and started firing at Orcs without a care for his life. Gupta charged ahead without hesitation and loaded five chi enhanced Dragonbreath shells into his shotgun. They were aiming for the crashed airship carrier that the goblin wyvern riders took down initially.
Despite the crash, many of the Wind Orcs survived and the resistance from the Wind Orcs was strong enough to warrant a counter offensive to reduce their numbers. Spear General Argent utilised the cultivators' magpies to inform them that the goblin armies were preoccupied with the Ice Orcs in the city so they requested for more aid at the front. Hence, Ren Wei and his group of police mates were the first few that responded to the call.
"Intermediate Shotgun Technique! Gushing Showers of the Elephant!" Gupta held his weapon firmly on his waist as shots of Dragonbreath turn into a continuous spray of fire which burnt any Orc that exited from the crash site. Jing Ru and Ren Wei threw a few fragmentation grenades to increase the damage caused. After which, they went to the sides of the ship and fired their grapple gun upwards. They planned to clear the airship carrier cabins starting from the top while Gupta and Abdul would be entering from the bottom of the crashed airship.
However, the moment some of the Orcs saw the grapple gun hooks and attempted to destroy it, they encounter shots of sniper fire from afar. Ren Wei had previously contacted with other police cultivators via the magpie communication system (which he found to be rather cute and useful.) When the father daughter duo managed to climb up to starboard of the ship, they found a series of dead bodies courtesy of the other snipers. Ren Wei thanked them via the magpies and proceeded to clear the rest with Jing Ru.
Separately, Shu and Ke Mi were only able to handle that many orcs at the fort walls despite the counter offensive to hinder the orc's assault. But this time around, the Orcs found out that using fire and highly flammable explosives against Shu's fort wall was somewhat effective. It might not incur much damage for Shu because of Ke Mi's magical barrier but it drastically slowed Shu's roots' reactions and thus the active defences on the wall were reduced.
Once in a while, Shu was able to unleash hundreds of deadly sakura petals that sliced any orcs down the moment the petal had contact with them. But he required some time to be able to regrow those petals again which time was a luxury he could not afford in this battle. "We need more hands!!!" Shu bellowed in anger as he swiped a line of orcs away from the fort walls.
Suddenly as if the System heard his prayers, the werejackals, werecats, his beloved praying Mantis and the family of Wyrm ants entered the fray killing the orcs that were trying to overwhelm the anti tank cannon teams. "Hey stupid tree, cannot handle these muscleheads by yourself?" Yellow, who was revived by the System mocked Shu.
"Ah, frigging dogs always barking, barking and barking. Go bite something every once in a while!" Shu nagged but it finally felt more relax for a breather with the arrival of the monsters he can trust.
Separately, in the Northern Diversion, the Thunder Orcs had already fought to the point that they decided to retreat from the official goblin territorial line. Sword General Gladios stopped the rest from chasing and only commanded his troops to release projectiles at them.
Other than that, the remaining Sandroku Golems fired their artillery shells freely at the enemy to ensure that the Thunder Orcs were retreating for real. General Gladios commanded a unit to stay on sight on the goblin territorial line as overwatch while the rest went around the battlefield to ensure that the Thunder Orcs remained dead. He wanted no prisoners to be left alive.
After which, Gladios quickly rode back to the camp to check on his son, Slashreaver who was being treated continuously by the Goblin Healers. Slashreaver heard his father's familiar footsteps and looked up to expect him. "I did good, did I?" Slashreaver whispered when he saw his father entering the medical tent.
"You fool. Why risk your life so eagerly to save mine?" Gladios sat beside him and patted his head. Gladios felt powerless in this current situation. If there were anything he could do to bring his son back to the way he is, he would not hesitate to do so, even consulting with the orcs themselves for that too. That was how desperate Gladios felt at that point of time and the despair could only grow even stronger.
"Heh, you do not have to worry. Master Jin had his way to return me to my original self." Slashreaver reassured him but the goblin healers were shaking their heads with a deep frown in their looks.
Gladios understood what it meant. Slashreaver's vitals might be stable for now, but the Shaitan Thunder corruption was eating him up. The healers deduced that Purple Thunder had prepared his magic spells and enchanted them with a curse before the fight. They noticed there was a dark energy coursing through Slashreaver's body and there was no way to remove it. Gladios believed that attack was for him so that the goblins would lose not just any general but one that was revered by the masses.
Gladios, however, continued to retain a smile in front of Slashreaver until Milk with her customised half panda Mask asked for permission to enter the tent. "Good evening General Gladios, on behalf of Master Jin, I will be taking over his care." Milk was dressed in her priestess clothes when she appeared in front of them.
"But the- Give me a minute. I will be back." Gladios exited the tent and asked if his son could truly be saved. Milk gave a soft smile and nodded her head.
"Do not worry General Gladios, in fact, you might find your son...more powerful than before. Take this as a trial he had to overcome his physical body limits." Milk replied but Gladios was confused. He was not in the mood to think things but because she was a lady, Gladios tried to talk as calmly as he could even though he was fuming according to his body language.
"Are you going to experiment on him or something so that he can become better?? If it is, I rather he die than to suffer through some weird experiment," Gladios replied which Milk slowly shook her head.
"It is not an experiment, but a tried and true process. Besides, has Master Jin ever fail you before? Did you not once said that he was the goblin's saviour?" Milk rebutted and Gladios kept his silence for a while.
"I trust you on that, or else I made sure I will die trying to kill the whole lot of you," Gladios answered Milk with a slight tone of distrust in his voice. But it was the truth, Master Jin had been a major boon on the goblin race itself in the past recent days. If not for him, the orcs would have conquered the entire goblin race, and their next line of action would definitely be killing the old and enslaved almost every one of them. By then, death would be a mercy they craved so badly for.
"You worry too much. General Gladios, everything will go just fine." Milk smiled once again before entering the medical tent and brought Slashreaver away via a portal from the goblin healers. Gladios knew that there were other things to take care in the battlefield so he decided to use that as an excuse to not think about Slashreaver.
"Uwah! Why did you throw that thing at me!" Kraft let out a girly scream which made Jin laughed a little during the presentation.
"Because you did not listen to a single word I said!" Ayse complained as she pointed at Kraft while holding on to another spiked ball. The spike ball which missed Kraft earlier, destroyed the chair that Kraft was sitting by instantly increasing the length of the spikes.
"Do not hold back Ayse, continue on. Just do not destroy any other tech products in here." Jin gave Ayse the permission to throw another spiked ball which she gladly did so.
"TRAITOR!!!" Kraft said to Jin as he proceeded to hide behind Itori who was sleeping at the side of the room, but she turned into a bullet immediately. "WHY YOU! ANOTHER TRAITOR!" Kraft cursed at Itori as he barely managed to dodge against another spiked ball. He did not realised that Ayse was that good in throwing items.
Meanwhile, Jin was already reviewing the tech products in the lab. He figured there were some that were extremely useful. Such as the recovery capsule that was first introduced to Jin. The System replied, indicating to them that those ingredients found by the orc hunter gatherers could be easily bought over through the System's market. It broke down the required concoction and the ingredients from the System's market was able to replicate its authenticity to a near 100%.
The System added that after using the replicated concoction, the remaining wounds were just derma related. Jin figured he could use that after utilising the High Intensity Mode Capsule or if mechanically possible, combine the both of them and it would have be capable of performing two functions.
The other products that caught his eye were the Lost Tech Material Recycler and the Lost Tech Counterfeiter. The Lost Tech Material Recycler was the 'dream came true' for an evergreen world. Even when the System heard of its uses, it immediately wanted to analyse it and use it for its own purpose.
How does the Lost Tech Material Recycler work? Ayse said that they can start by inserting an unwanted item, which will break down the bonds of the object into sheets, orbs or even blocks of material resources. Yes, The recycler broke the item into specific resources and both Jin and the System felt that his machine had unlimited potential. For example, by putting a piece of glass into the Lost Tech Material Recycler, the device would chunk out blocks of sand, limestone and sodium oxide and calcium carbonate in separate casings.
To the orcs, they did not know that they possessed such a gem in their facility. Even Ayse thought that it was such a useless product that the Orcs created from the Lost Tech blueprints. But to the System who has the database of almost every material available in the world, found this Material Recycler was the most exciting item it ever found. The only bad thing was that it took a long time to break the materials down to their base compounds. (But that was not an issue for the System who can willfully control time compression and dilation in instances.)
Additionally, Jin could understand where the System was coming. If they could recycle the junk in their world, they would be able to obtain resources at a very cheap price or perhaps free. Even he started to think if he should have a selling option. By buying items that people did not want, they might have the chance to change the world. Jin believed that a system could be thought up to ensure that he would be earning more money buying useless items from the public.
The next was the Lost Tech Counterfeiter which was kept in a cage. Believe it or not, the product looked like a bear with a large bobbling head, but it was indeed a lost tech product. (Apparently, the Lost Dwarves liked bears.) Ayse said that was how the blueprints could be recreated. Place a certain blueprint beside the Lost Tech Counterfeiter and command it to scan the blueprint before it starts to construct the entire product out inside its belly. Depending on the size of the product, it will expand and when it was done, the bear will sit straight up and split open itself for the completed product.
Either that or place the item in front of the Bobbling Bear that the user wished to recreate and it would do so. However, because it does not know the composition of the item, the items it produced would be inferior. Jin realised it was something similar to the System's way of producing certain items.
However, there was a catch to that procedure. Jin had to insert dungeon dollars to the System to produce the item. For this particular Lost Tech Counterfeiter, all he needed was either a blueprint or the item on hand.
However, it seemed to be defying the laws of physics. Every action must have a reaction. Jin could not believe the Counterfeiter machine was so powerful out that it was able to produce something without any 'actions' to the reaction. Only through further probing from Ayse that he learnt that it needed 'food' to work. "Any food?" Jin asked Ayse who was panting trying to chase after Kraft in the room but subsequently gave up.
"Anything. Be it organic or inorganic, the bear did not care. That was why we just throw our junk into the counterfeiter and it eats like an ever hungry baby. When we needed something built, all we need to do was ask it to scan the blueprints and it will start building. That was why we were able to build our army arsenal so quickly." Ayse said as she asked Jin to replicate something as an example.
Jin decided to give a problematic specimen for it to try on as he pulled out a piece of the living armour on him and let the counterfeiter scanned it.
Red lasers appeared out of the bear looking machine as it paced around the piece of living armour to scan it. The counterfeiter even picked it up rather delicately despite its large 'paws' to see the bottom of the item. Then, it left the piece of living armour alone and stayed at the corner of a cage while a digital timer appeared on top of its head to indicate how much time it needed to operate.
"99 hours?" Jin exclaimed and guessed it could only know the result later and decided to bring the Bobbling Bear back into the Dungeon Maker along with the recovery capsule and the material recycler. Other than that, the rest of the lost tech products were pretty average in terms of practical use but the System still wanted to take it back and analysis it, so Jin ordered his crawlers and zombies to assist with the carrying.
Even though Operation Pompeii was done, the time that passed in the real world was barely an hour. Thus it posed a problem for Jin's announcement and the current goblin war theme in November. Therefore, Jin figured that he needed to extend the event for a longer period of time so that the cultivators would be able to have their fun while earning back profit to cover the exorbitant amount of expenses he acquired through this operation.
"System, do you have sufficient data to replicate goblins as NPCs and the scenes of the Western Coastal Town and Northern Valley Town? Because we are going to put those orcs we captured to work before more cultivators enter our shop later in the morning." Jin said as he requested for a portal to the Dungeon Maker.
"System had been running through various possible scenarios from the data collected and concluded it is more than sufficient. System had released another two million dungeon dollars as a loan to User's account to recreate the instances." The System stated and Jin smirked.
It was time to create the reenactment of these scenes as proper dungeon instances.
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