Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1393: Sense of crisis

"So, I am afraid that the Silver A tribe will soon attack the Kyushu land?"

Yuan Yuan frowned and asked Li Mo.

Don’t look at the origin of the usual hard mouth, but the origin of the mind is on his new master Li Mo.

Therefore, the origin did not think of things outside Li Mo, just like the silver daytime things.

"Well, so I want to improve my strength quickly. But in this Kyushu, it will take some time to enter the Gods Realm. I can’t wait. Can you talk about where there are fragments of origin? This is because Let me start, at least I have to protect Kyushu's strength first..."

Li Mo nodded and responded.


Knowing that he could not say Li Mo, the origin had no choice but to grin

"I don't know if you have heard of Sky Starfish?"

Li Mo frowned and fell into contemplation.

A moment later, Li Mocai said leisurely: "It's the planet that is all oceans and no continents? I heard that the planet is all controlled by aquatic monsters, but I don't know if their king is a dragon..."

In the previous life, Li Mo was chased and killed by others for more than two hundred years.

For more than two hundred years, Li Mo has gone too many stars. He has also come to too many planets, so as long as it is not those too remote and barren planets, Li Mo has never been there, or heard of it.

Listening to Li Mo, the origin shined.

The memory of origin only started after Li Mo got the rod of origin.

So the origin is a bit unclear. I really am a master in my twenties. Why is it so knowledgeable?

To know these things, just ask the Snow King of Tianshan, the old guys who have lived for thousands of years, are not necessarily clear.

"I know the way to get there. Are you sure there is a debris of origin there?"

Li Mo continued.

The crisis in Kyushu is imminent, so Li Mo doesn't want to waste time running in vain.

Fortunately, this silver armor is not close to Kyushu, and I don't know how the Zongzu contacted the silver armor.

Otherwise, the situation in which the silver armor attacked Kyushu and seized the rod of origin would probably be staged in advance.

"Okay, after a few days of busy work, I will go to Tianhaixing for a trip."

Li Mo nodded and said.

"Grandpa, we are back to 100,000 mountains."

As Li Mo and Yuan Yuan talked, Dongfang Yibai came to Li Mo's car and said congratulations.

"it is good."

Li Mo's voice came from the car.

Then Li Mo put away the rod of origin and walked out.

The scorching sun was empty, and there was light rain in the sunny day.

Looking down at Luofengpo, Li Fenglong's grave is still buried in that Fengyuwei's palace.

Hundreds of thousands of mountains are concerned about Li Renlong, so Li Mo and they did not take away the remains of Li Renlong.

But fearing that the Heavenly Soldier of the Pseudo Heavenly Court would desecrate the Li Renlong, he buried the Li Renlong in Feng Yuwei's palace.


With a deep breath, Li Mo waved his hand.

"Go! Take Grandpa!"

The voice fell, and Li Mo took Feng Yuwei, Dongfang Yibai and a group of strong members of the Jiuli tribe to the direction of the falling storm.

Because the first thing to know that Li Mo was back here was to welcome him back to Grandpa, so the place where Dongfang Yibai called Li Mo was not far from Luofengpo.

A crowd of people walked to the evening, and all came to Chaofenggang with a sad color on their faces.

Feng Yuwei recruited his palace, and Li Mo led the elders into Luofengpo.

Luofengpo is still the same as usual, but in front of that palace is a lonely tomb.

Looking at this solitary grave, everyone knows.

Buried here is the old man who has devoted his life to the Jiuli tribe.

Without Jiu Li tribe, he will not stop in the gods.

Without Jiu Li tribe, he would not be so tired in his life.

Without the ties of the Jiuli tribe, he would not die so early.

Looking at this solitary grave, many young emissaries and deacons wept and wept.


Li Mo shouted with red eyes.

A crowd of people shuddered and excited, kneeling on the ground. Facing the direction of Li Renlong's tomb, he knocked his head and then slowly stood up.


Li Mo's voice continued to ring, and everyone knelt down again and knocked on the head.

After three knocks and nine worships, Li Mo said softly to Li Renlong.

"Grandpa, boy, I will pick you up! The hundred thousand mountains in the future will never stop the Jiuli tribe! The future Jiuli tribe will be admired in the world!"

"Ah, Gong."


The people behind Li Mo, men, women and children. They could no longer control their trembling emotions and wept.

"Grandpa... You, you have chosen the right successor. Now Grandpa has finally fulfilled your last wish. We... The Jiuli tribe has a big hatred, the Zuzu and his false heaven are finally destroyed! The Power Ant Clan, the Red Flame Rat Clan, and the Swallow Sky Python Group have also been destroyed. Grandpa... You are good to go!"

Even Dongfang Yibai, who has lived for most of his life, couldn't help crying and murmured.

He wants to let the grandfather Liren Long know that his persistence is not wrong!

There was nothing wrong with his last choice. The Jiuli tribe he had longed for, not only did not destroy, but also carried forward!

"Dongfang Yibai, take Grandpa out for a walk, take a look." Li Mo said softly.

This was Li Mo's once Zeng Nuo. Li Mo wanted to let Li people walk out of the 100,000 mountains. Look at today's world of Kyushu, dare to stop them from the Jiuli tribe!

"it is good!"

Dongfang Yibai responded, and then shouted loudly.

"Please grandpa!"

"Please grandpa!"


A lot of people from the Presbyterian Church shouted, and then Dongfang Yibai arranged a few smart deacons. Carefully take out the bones of the Aigongli dragon and put it in a delicate small box.

Feng Yuwei in the distance looked at all this in his eyes, and saw that his good friend was now in this small box. Feng Yuwei's beautiful eyes are also filled with water vapor, and then Feng Yuwei looks at Li Mo.

There was a smile on his face finally. "If Li Renlong knows these things, he will be very happy, he will."

"Unfortunately, it all happened too late."

Li Mo shook his head and said.

If Pseudo Heavenly Court 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers would attack 100,000 mountains on that day, if Li Mo had the strength he has today. It will not let grandpa hang to death, and the Jiuli tribe will not fight so many warriors.

Therefore, Li Mo was deeply blamed for all this.

"You have tried your best..."

Looking at Li Mo's Feng Yuwei said softly.

As a friend of Li Mo, Feng Yuwei knows how tired Li Mo is these days.

In order to overthrow the Pseudo Heavenly Court and revive the Jiuli Tribe, this young man has worked very hard.

"Yu Wei, I need to deal with some things. So these days I'm bothered to take your grandfather to go around Kyushu."

"Moreover, the ruins of the Pseudo Heavenly Court in Zhongzhou Grassland should be in the hands of Jiuli. I am more at ease if you do this, and if the ancestors of several forces are smart, they will not find themselves boring."

The Jiuli tribe relied on a 100,000 mountain, and the resources were really too scarce. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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