Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1396: 2 His Royal Highness

"See your second highness!"

"See your second highness!"


All his commanders are kneeling down, and these ordinary lobsters and soldiers will have to kneel and shout.

"Your Highness?"

Listening to what everyone called the young man, Li Mo's eyes flashed.

Just now I heard that the crabs will bite their dragon king, is this young man in front of him the heir of the dragon king? Also a dragon?

Li Mo saw the real dragon for the first time in the two worlds. Of course, except for the dragon corpse of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Immediately Li Mo looked at the young man hotly, intending to see his body clearly.

But when Li Mo looked carefully, he knew that this young man seemed to have a treasure that would hide his consciousness. Li Mo could not see his body at all.

But a real dragon can be seen immediately. How can Li Mo give up like this?

So Li Mo shouted to the origin of the instrumental spirit of the rod of origin in his heart, "Origin, come to the power of origin."

Li Mo's voice just fell, and he felt the storage bag tremble around his waist.

Then, a faint golden light walked in Li Mo's body. In the end, the golden light converged in Li Mo's eyes, making Li Mo's pupils feel golden.

Of course, these forces of origin flashed through Li Mo's eyes. So everyone did not find Li Mo's strange.

But Li Mo shook his head in regret, murmured to himself.

"It turned out to be a dragon. Although there are a lot of dragon blood in the body. But it also requires a very talented dragon dragon to be a true dragon."

The heirs of the king of their aquarium are all like this, so their old dragon king should also be a dragon.

I just don't know what the strength and talent of this old dragon king is. Has any successful ancestor become a real dragon?

"It's been a long time since I saw people from outside. It's interesting."

Note that Li Mo has been staring at himself all the time, and the Second Highness shook his head and came to smile with interest.

His Highness knew that Li Mo was looking at his own body, but His Highness believed. By the means of his father, this child of the human race in Tianxian Realm could not see his own body.

"You are the strength of the Great Consummation of the Celestial Realm, and your Highness is also the strength of the Great Consummation of the Celestial Realm. Come, you attack your Highness, and let your Highness see the strength of the strong outside the universe! If you win your Highness, you and today The grudges of the Shui people. Your Highness can not blame the past."

With that said, His Highness rolled up his sleeves. It can be seen that this Second Highness turned out to be a militant.

"Your Highness!"

Hearing the words of His Highness, Shark Wolf shouted in a hurry.

This kid hurt his subordinates, how can he let this kid go like this?

"Huh? Don't you dare to listen to your Highness?"

His Royal Highness turned and looked at the shark wolf, his eyes gradually narrowed and asked.

Then, a wave of Longwei pressed against the shark wolf.

Even if this dragon family is not a real dragon, the blood level of the dragon blood in the body is not as strong as that of the dragon eagle family.

So Long Wei is still bullying!

Under Longwei, His Royal Highness, the shark-wolf's waist plate could not stand upright, and the sweat of the bean continued to flow down.

Shaking his teeth, the shark wolf said quickly.

"Subordinate...Dare not!"

"Dare? Dare not to listen to His Royal Highness' orders? That is, do you think His Highness will be defeated?"

His Royal Highness continued to ask, and Long Wei remained.

Under the increasing intensity of Longwei, the body of the pressured shark wolf actually shivered slightly.

Therefore, the shark wolf is still afraid to show the slightest displeasure, and hurriedly responded, "Dare not dare!"

"Then Your Highness is going to fight this family friend now, do you still have any objections?" His Highness continued to ask.


With the last call of Shark Wolf, His Royal Highness finally removed his Longwei.

The shark wolf let out a long breath, buttocked under the shark below.

The shark underneath was also trembling, which was still not killing by His Royal Highness, otherwise it would be. It will inevitably be crushed by the coercion of His Highness.


No longer looked at the shark wolf, His Royal Highness looked at Li Mo, and made a request.

Li Mo smiled and said nothing more. He walked straight in the direction of His Highness.

Let those indifferent shrimp and crabs introduce Li Mo, but of course did not let this Second Highness recommend Li Mo.

So it is also good to be able to fight against these two temples and win his favor.


Going to the opposite of His Highness, Li Mo also made a request to His Highness and said.


The belligerent Second Highness could not wait any longer, so Li Mo's voice just fell. His Highness screamed and killed Li Mo.

However, His Royal Highness was still the appearance of a humanoid body and killed Li Mo. Obviously, he also left his hand. After all, their strong aquarium shows their own body, which is also the strongest state of their battle.

His Highness's palm was white, and he fisted to Li Mo with a fist.

Faced with the fist of His Royal Highness, Li Mo's figure was unflappable, and he raised his fist to his Highness.


Two hard fists coaxed together and only listened to the clatter of the water. The endless sea water leaps up like a galaxy falling for nine days!

The strong aquariums who watched the battle on both sides widened their eyes and took a breath.

Your second highness is a strong dragon! The power of the flesh is the strongest existence of their aquarium!

The human body's physical strength... is known to be weak.

Therefore, a group of strong aquariums can't understand why this fist of the human race can compete with the fist of His Royal Highness?

"Ha ha ha... refreshing!"

Originally thought that this humanoid kid was a little weak, so His Highness was really afraid of killing this humanoid kid with a punch.

But now, I feel the power from Li Mo's fist. His Royal Highness knew that he could finally let go of the war.

Then, I saw your second highness fist like rain. Those white fists fell like raindrops.

For other races, the physical strength is strong and the corresponding speed will slow down.

However, this strong dragon family is physically strong and its speed is not slow.

But this is only for ordinary powerhouses, for Li Mo. The speed of His Highness is still not Li Mo's opponent.

But Li Mo didn't take the initiative to attack, only his Highness attacked with a punch, Li Mo blocked a punch.

"Your This attack is not enough."

Li Mo shook his head while defending.

Since you want to use force to conquer your second lord, you must let your second lord let go of the full battle.

"If you think that your highness has only this physical power, you can't underestimate your highness!"

The voice fell, and I saw the figure of His Highness soaring into the sky.


A dragon roar came, and I saw a one-hundred figure of three hundred feet in the sky.

It was a white body with a sharp horn standing on the forehead and appeared on the sky! Not the body of His Highness, but who else?

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