Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 323: Woman abandoned by man

  Remembering Lalarna's nickname, Ye Li suddenly felt that she should be regarded as a woman abandoned by a man, right?

   is really ridiculous, I am almost dying, why are you still thinking about such a ridiculous question?


   Why don't you feel anything at all?

   Ye Li opened her eyes and saw that Larerna was chasing her with a mace while she was hugged by a figure and kept moving.

   Not Zheng Lin, but...

   "Vice President Li!"

   Ye Li saw the name above Li Mo's head and cried in surprise.

  It was Li Mo who saved her.

  If Li Mo came a step late, Ye Li was a dead body. It can be said that the time was just right.




   Ye Li saw that La'erna was chasing Li Mo frantically, and she even smashed dozens of records, but this time she failed, and she never met Li Mo.

  At this time, Ye Li was shocked to find that Vice President Li in white suit ran faster than Zheng Lin in full blue outfit.

  Vice President Li's movement speed is a lot faster than that of the semi-violent Lallner.

   No need to know what to do or what to prejudge, because Li Mo moves fast enough, so he only needs to run to resolve the crisis hit by Lallner.

   La Laerna leaned on the mace and yelled at the cow, Li Mo put Ye Li back to the collapsed fire stand, and went behind La Laerna to start a quick output.




Li Mo's attacking method is very simple, just take a wooden sword and stab him, but Ye Li can see clearly. When Li Mo stabs one by one, the blood on Lalarna's head will obviously drop, which is terrifying. I don’t know how many times the attack power will exceed Zheng Lin.

In fact, Li Mo’s difficulties in this'Disaster Forest' were limited to when he first entered. Later, as his level increased, his attribute points increased. Even if he was surrounded by more than thirty orcs, he had no life. It's dangerous.

  Li Mo's character attributes have exceeded the character's level 20, equipped with a full set of golden equipment, such attributes, in this disaster forest, can be said to be able to walk sideways.

  La Lerna recovered, and chased Li Mo again, and this time, Ye Li saw a picture that made her mouth unable to close.

Vice President Li did not run or hide, standing in front of Larelna and resisting her, Lalarna's mace kept hitting his head, and the damage that could be caused was very subtle. Even, it can be ignored.

   Such a strong defense, why did he just escape?

   It turns out...

   Ye Li's heart suddenly raised a strong touch.

What can you do for   ? Not for yourself?

   Man, this is the real man!

   The next battle, there is no suspense anymore, Lallner’s attack can't pose any threat to Li Mo at all, and the end will inevitably be death.

   "Cuckoo gurgle--"

  The last trace of blood was stripped by Li Mo, making an unexplained cry, and fell to the sky.



   Both Li Mo and Ye Li shone with white light at the same time, and they were both upgraded.

Ye Li burst into tears with laughter. The upgrade is of great significance to her, because the upgrade will add a small amount of attribute points, and this also means that if she is killed, she can also rely on the small amount of attribute points in exchange for An opportunity for resurrection.

   And the death of Laerna is also of great significance to Li Mo, because Li Mo heard a prompt.

  The mysterious power comes into play, and you gain the courage of Laerna.

  Do you learn the courage of Lallner?


  Congratulations on learning the courage of Lallner!

  La Lerna’s courage reduces her own damage by 10%, increases her critical strike rate by 10%, and doubles her effectiveness when facing male targets.

   It turns out that the level 10 talents can not only absorb the attribute points, but also the talents of the BOSS...

   Li Mo suddenly realized.

  La Lerna fell to the ground, exploding one blue and one gold, two pieces of equipment.

  La Lerna's mace (golden)

   Attack speed 3 (up to 10)

  Physical attack power 10-25

  Special effects: When hitting the target, there is a 5% chance that the target will be stiff and unable to move.

   Stunt: One blow of anger consumes all the anger value, causing 200% of its own attack damage, and a 10% chance to make the target stiff and unable to move.

   Equipment occupation requirements: warrior, knight.

   Li Mo glanced at the mace and asked Ye Li: "What is your occupation?"

   "Warrior." Ye Li was a little nervous.

  Li Mo threw the mace.

   "Give me?" Ye Li was taken aback. This is golden equipment. Even if you can't use it, you can get a lot of money if you take it back to the Holy City and sell it.

  Li Mo picked up the blue gear.

  La Lerna's Armor of Courage (Blue)

   Physical defense: 5-5

  Magic defense: 5-5

   Li Mo changed himself. Although he is not bad at this point, he can't always wear a white suit?

   "Vice President Li, from now on, I will be yours. I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

   Ye Li held the mace in her hand and swore allegiance to Li Mo.

   "This is not necessary, your type is not my food."

   Ye Li's face turned red, she was not stupid, and of course she knew what Li Mo said.

   "Is there any other boss in this forest?"

  I got the BOSS talent, which made Li Mo very excited. Now I especially want to get another one.

   "Yes, yes, there are three orc gathering points in the disaster forest, the Lalarna camp in the east, the Butcher Gutav camp in the west, and the Lagulad residence of the orc king in the deepest forest."

  Don’t look at Ye Li’s poor attributes, but as she said, she is in the real world, but she is a real game master. When she was in the holy city, she already made the distribution of monsters in this disaster forest clear.

"Gutav in the west and Larelna in the east have the same strength, and they will also drop the gold pieces of each profession, but the orc king Lagulad is different from them. Lagulad is a real boss. He will drop the gold suits of all classes, and even the purple epic equipment!"

   The quality of golden equipment is called ‘Legend’, and above the legend is the epic.

Ye Lidao: "Because the equipment in this world is only divided by quality, there is no hierarchy, so Lagulad has always been in the hands of major forces. Galaxy players, including the ruler of the Galaxy system, including Kladel, are not qualified to go hunting. kill."

   "It is not that Lagulad is too strong to hunt, but that the equipment he dropped is so good that the major forces do not allow others to hunt casually."

"As far as I know, Lagulad's right to kill is now controlled by the Big Dipper and Uranus in and those two galaxies are the two strongest galaxies in the world. "

   "You know a lot." Li Mo was surprised.

   "I am a professional player. If I was not killed when I first came to this world, and my attributes became whiteboards, I would definitely not become what I am now."

   "Do not think that I am a casual woman, in fact, I am not at all, I am a good girl, or a virgin."

   "Are you a casual woman, are you a virgin, what use are you telling me?"

   "I just want to tell you my character."

   Li Mo: "..."

"You are very strong now, but Lagulad can't fight. As for the other little boss, Gutav, although he has the same strength as Lallner, he will drop gold jewelry equipment, so it is more important than Lallner is much older."

   "Now that Gutav is controlled by the galaxy players, we also cannot go..."

   "In this way, the only BOSS we can play at present is this La Laerna?"

   "La Lerna does not want to fight, you can fight, it depends on other big forces can not fight, if they want to fight, we can only let."

  Li Mo is speechless, it seems that the living environment of this world is much worse than the real world...


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