Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 342: Lord of the Dark Temple

  Li Mo led Du Fei straight to the dark palace.

   also met people on the road because they snatched the ultimate equipment to kill the red eyed other star fields, this opportunity Li Mo and Du Fei will certainly not let go.

"People in the humble Milky Way galaxy, take off your equipment and give it to me, I will make you die happy. Otherwise, let you know what is better than death!" A monster with a bull head looks at Du Fei. The ultimate need to equip your eyes with this greedy gaze.

   "Take it off and give you pleasure!"

   "Be acquainted, come off!"

   A group of monsters with different images behind the head of the bull, the monsters of no one, shouted with arms in hand.

   "Mo brother, leave it to me." Du Fei looked excited.

   Putting on all the attributes of this ultimate equipment is almost different from the previous one. I was thinking about trying my hands, but I didn't expect to send them to the door without long eyes. How could Du Fei not be excited.

Although the Light Eucharist does not work in the Underworld, with the metamorphic attribute of this ultimate equipment, Du Fei is simply a wolf entering the flock. The enemy’s attack hits him, and he just wants to tickle. The blood stripes on Du Fei’s head are still. .

   "Withdraw, withdraw quickly. Forgive me!"

   "Don't kill me, I will give you all the equipment and minerals on my body, don't kill me!"

what! ! boom! boom!

   Begging loudly, the screaming stopped for only a minute.

   Du Fei returned to Li Mo excitedly, "Haha, Mo brother's equipment is really awesome. If the ultimate ultimate equipment is all in one, I don't think the Lord of the Dark Hall is an opponent."

"Don’t forget that these equipments are all made by the Lord of the Dark Hall. How could he have no way to deal with them? Besides, these equipments can only be used in the underworld, and you are still you after going out. Don’t put your hopes on the equipment. In fact, it is only an aid, and its own strength is fundamental."

   A comment from Li Mo will bring Du Fei, who is still invincible, back to reality.

   But Li Mo's words, Du Fei always said what he said, he believed that Li Mo would not harm him.

   "Know Mo brother. Hey, I was just a little bit excited."

   A black building in the mist appeared in the sight of the two, and the dark hall arrived. Along the way, I also met aliens who also possessed the ultimate equipment, but the two of them who were sent to the door were unreasonable.

   Now Du Fei's dazzling blue light is the ultimate equipment for attack, defense, and even reaches the height of abnormality. He is confident to defeat any hero.

   Li Mo is also the ultimate equipment, but with his own metamorphic talent attributes, attack power, defense power is also comparable to Du Fei.

   "Did the two come to challenge the dark palace?"

  When the two walked 500 meters away from the black building, Mitter's voice rang in the sky.

   "I want to see the Lord of the Dark Hall, I wonder if I can recommend it?"

  Li Mo looked at the top of the black building. Although Mite's voice was uncertain in the sky, Mite still had no place to escape in the eyes of Li Mo.

   A black robe, a huge hat covering the face, and a black mite around the body appeared at the top of the building.

   "It seems that the new overlord of the galaxy is really good. I can actually see through my whereabouts. Presumably it has magical powers like ghost eyes?"

  Li Mo smiled and didn't answer, just stared at Mitt all the time.

  'S Du Fei cared about his face and said: "Mo brother, what a monster is this, how is it like a black robe into a fine. You can't see the body at all."

   "No matter what monster he is, we will see the Lord of the Dark Hall, the roadblocker, die!"

   Li Mo has never been a kind person, his kindness is only for his brothers and friends. As for the enemy, they have always been ruthless.

   "If you want to see the Lord of the Dark Hall, you can pass me first." Mitt said a huge robe sleeve and waved in a wind, and dozens of monsters wearing him appeared around the two.

   "Be careful." Li Mo Chong Du Fei shouted, punching the man in black before him.

  嘭! A boxing hit the black man's head, splashing a cloud of black mist, scattered around and then re-condensed into a human form.

   Du Fei's side is also the same, no matter how the two attacked dozens of people in black, they are still standing around,

   "Haha, don't waste your time, here in the underworld, I am not immortal here, how do you kill me?"

   "Du Fei stops."

   "What's the matter? Mo brother." Du Fei, who was killing, looked at Li Mo in doubt.

   "He is right, we can't kill them even if we consume all our energy."

   "What about then?"

   "Go, don't worry about these monsters intruding into it," pulled Du Fei and jumped over the black man's siege to the door of the dark palace.

   "Hurt rudely, trespassers die!"

  Mite was also anxious to see Li Mo wanting to break in. Although these black people in his own transfiguration, Li Mo and the two could not be injured. But it is impossible for him to hurt Li Mo and his own strength can only be blocked by some illusions.

If the real sword and real gun match, his strength does not even reach the first level, the self-preservation ability is illusion, this is the skill that the Emperor Emperor saw him follow for many years, and forcibly instilled in him. When will Xiao succeed in cultivation! But Li Mo had no idea to break into him.

  If the Lord of the Dark Hall blamed himself, he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

   "Let them come in."

   A low voice sounded from inside the hall, and the black paint door slowly opened.

  Mitt bowed his head was not talking, Li Mo and the two entered the hall.

   On the high platform in the middle of the hall, a tall figure sat on a dragon chair engraved with a real dragon of ancient gods and beasts, and various ghosts and ghosts stood on both sides under the high platform.

   The tall figure stood up, and behind his head, a vague pattern could be seen faintly.

   "The Lord of the Dark Hall? Are you the Underworld Emperor?" Li Mo looked at the figure on the high platform in amazement.

   "Mo brother, who are you talking about? What is Emperor Ming?"

  Although the current Emperor Ming's eyes are a bit dull, he is still recognized by Li Mo as the Lord of the Dark Temple, one of the thirty-six emperors.

The characteristics of the thirty-six divine emperor and the emperor of the underworld are best recognized. Behind his head, a virtual map of the underworld is always suspended. That is his unique talent. He also used this talent to create the world of the underworld. It is because of this characteristic that Li Mo can recognize it at a glance.

   "Mo brother, what is the origin of this emperor?"

"One of the thirty-six emperors of the ancient times, the emperor of the underworld, who was in charge of the underworld, is said to be in control of the reincarnation of life and death, but it is now impossible to verify it. At that time, it was also a cosmic universe, and it was rarely met by rivals. But he should have died like the other thirty-five emperors. How could he still be alive?" Li Mo also began to be confused.

   Du Fei heard even more in the clouds, how could this legendary god-level character appear here?


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