Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 348: Shout the name of my lord


  As this group of people rushed up, Li Mo's body automatically released a golden light, forming a protective cover in his body, completely covering him inside.

  Dozens of people slashed around Li Mo, and all attacks were blocked by the golden mask.

  How did the golden mask come from? Li Mo didn't know, so he himself was stunned.

  Goldfinger, it really is goldfinger, really abnormal to no limit......

  Li Mo sighed and started to fight back.

  He doesn't know how long the golden mask can last, so the best solution is to kill all the people who attacked him.

  Although Li Mo's attributes are now halved, the attack power can still be achieved one by one.


  You have learned the half moon knife method!


  You have learned to assassinate the sword!


  You learned the whirlwind!


  You learned the shield wall!


  Because your attributes continue to increase, I realized the specialty ‘Master Lonely’.


   Your combat proficiency has been increased, and the probability of a critical hit (crit) has been increased by 50%.

   With Li Mo's non-stop hacking, he learned more and more skills, more attribute points, and various traits and talents. How could the weak people of the Big Dipper system be his opponents?

  Without five minutes, Li Mo solved almost a thousand people.

   It was not until the Beidou galaxy that no one was standing beside him that Li Mo felt slightly.

   The corpses covered with blood flowed into the river.

   Another rule of "Underworld", between adventurers and adventurers of different camps, the final result is direct death and cannot be resurrected.

   "Nine-level talent, immortal body, I see how you kill me!"

   A king-level powerhouse in the Big Dipper was angry and screamed at Li Mo. He possessed a nine-level talent immortality, and he could not kill him.

   Li Mo stabbed him out and killed him, but it took only one second to resurrect, kill, and resurrect.

   "Oath of Frustration!"

   A white light fell on the body of the undead king, and the attributes of the undead king immediately improved in an all-round way.

   The oath of frustration is only a fifth-level talent. The effect is that the more you are beaten, the more temporary attributes will be added. The undead king is always dead and always resurrected. Therefore, this oath of frustration is most suitable for him to use.

   "Hahahaha, you can't kill me, but my attributes can continue to improve, and in the end, the one who died must be you!"

   The undead king laughed with pride and waved his sword to Li Mo.

   Li Mo's tricks did not change, he cut out one knife after another, and each knife could take away the life of the undead king.


   You got the ‘Undead Body’.

  Finally, Li Mo heard a reminder tone that he wanted to hear. The next second, he struck out with a knife, and the undead king could no longer stand up.

  Gold fingers absorb everything, no matter what talent you are, as long as the absorption effect is triggered, all can be absorbed.

  The undead king fell down and shocked everyone present.

You have to know that before Li Mo, the person with the undead talent is the existence of the undead. There are more or less undead talents in the major galaxies, because the undead is extremely nausea. Every time the undead talent joins the war, In the end, most of the undead talents are fighting each other, and finally it's impossible.

   can kill the undead talent, Li Mo is the first.

   "No, this is impossible!"

   "How is this possible? If the undead talent can be killed, it is not qualified to be called the undead talent!"

   "I must have read it wrong..."

   "Baliko with an immortal talent cannot die."

  The Big Dipper galaxy has withdrawn.

   "The Lich King, killed this betrayal human!"

   A cold voice sounded, and countless corpses on the ground stood upright.

   It was Alcado, the overlord of the Big Dipper, who came back with the "Zombie".

   The major galaxies played at the entrance of the dark palace for a long time, and there were countless deaths and injuries. But as a result, when Douglas 19 placed a huge soul bottle on the gate of the dark palace, nothing happened. (Mitt is not)

   This was obviously tricked. The overlords of the major galaxies were abnormally angry, and the battle stopped now.

   Alcatel, the overlord of the Big Dipper, came back early to try to kill the Milky Way. Unexpectedly, when he first arrived in the Holy City, he saw Li Mo showing great power.

  The Lich King Zombie manipulated his body to attack Li Mo.

   Li Mo looked at the Zombie Emperor, his emotions were a little complicated. The Zombie Emperor was the last and the most special of the thirty-six divine emperors. He was self-cultivating and he was promoted to the divine emperor in the shortest time.

  In the old age of the zombie, various misfortunes occurred. If it was not a defect in the practice, or if it was not because of being too limited on the earth, the ending of the zombie might not be the case.

  Thirty-six emperors of ancient times, which one is not the talent of the sky?

   The vast universe, the strong family, the strong are countless, and can stand out among the hundreds of millions, which is enough to illustrate its strength.

   "I don't even have a body, only a ray of unconscious remnant soul. Now you can't be called a zombie at all."

  Li Mo started the hurricane and ran to the place where the emperor was.

  Pu Tongtong made a straight stab, and the blood strips on the head of the zombie immediately fell a large amount.


   Everyone present exclaimed.

   Ever since they came to this underworld, one common sense they know is that the hero is invincible.

  No matter which hero is, all can be described by the word invincible, and the hero gets the world. This is the consensus.

   But now, this consensus has been broken.

   "Kill the undead talents, a serious injury to the hero, what does this look like?"

   "Aren't you saying that the hero is invincible? What's going on?"

"how can that be……"

   Nothing is impossible, now Li Mo is breaking the legend.

  After the four swords, the poison kiss broke out, leaving the zombie emperor with half of his life value, instantly empty blood, and his body turned into a thousand souls, shooting around.


  The zombies who lost control of the zombie fell one after another.

   "Heroes of the Big Dipper are killed!"

   Alcatel, the overlord of the Big Dipper, watched this scene and took a few steps back in shock. The expression on his face was twisted and he almost cried out.

   He had just taken over as the overlord. He had thought that he could lead the Big Dipper to prosperity. How could he not be waiting for him to rise up?

   "No... no..." Alcado shouted.

   "Put down the kneel on the ground, shouting the name of my lord, spare you not to die!"

   Stoner Craddell rushed over with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

   Those who don’t kneel die, the undead strong, and the invincible heroes are all called to kill, what else is there to fight with others?

  In a blink of an eye, kneel down a big piece!

   "Pray for Lord Craddell to spare his life!"

   "What is it screaming? My Cladell is now the first general of my Lord Mo Tian, ​​the one you are not going to kneel on is me!"

  Cladell reached for a finger, and everyone knelt down and cried out: "The king of the desert is forgiving, I will wait to submit."

   "Bullhead galaxy of the Tau Tau family, fighting endlessly!"

  Alkado roared, pulled his sword and tried to rush forward to duel with Li Mo, which was blocked by Craddell.

"Step aside!"


  Alkado stabbed more than two dozen swords, but Craddle didn't drop any chips.

   "Besides that my Lord can hurt me, who else in this world?" Craddell's nostrils were skyrocketing and he was arrogant.

   "Alkado, now give you three seconds to consider, kneel and submit to my lord, otherwise I will kill your wife and children!"


  Arkado knelt on the ground.


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