Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 365: Hybrid

Gate smiled: "You are just a bastard, and it's good to be able to do this."

"Thank you for your praise." The hybrid expressed gratitude to Gate.

Dorad released those enchanted dark elves from their cages. Those controlled by enchanted souls would not have any consciousness themselves, but would only obey orders from enchanted persons.

"Meizu is really a terrible race."

Looking at the dark elves who were dull and looking like puppets, Gate's heart rose with fear.

Dolard said: "Which of the top ten strong clan is not terrible?"

Gai nodded.

"If you are from the top ten strong clan, you must be stronger than you are now."

"That kind of analogy doesn't make sense. I'm quite satisfied with my origin. Think about it, if my origin is Xueby, or kobold?"

"Hahahaha, brother you laughed."

"I'm just saying maybe, why should you always think about the good?"

"Your IQ is too high, I can't tell you."

"Birthday is just a starting point. As for whether you can stand at the pinnacle of this world in the end, it may be who you are. Think about it. The reputation of the top ten strong people has been heard for nearly a million years."

"It's almost there."

"However, of the ten strong tribes, which one has ever been a Divine Emperor? Every generation claims to have the qualification to be promoted to the throne.

"On the contrary, it is those races that are not very famous, but the number of people who have been promoted to the emperor is amazing. Like the weak human race, there have been five Divine Emperors, and the weakest snow rabbit among the demon races, but they can also go against the sky. Go on, become a Divine Emperor."

"If you are from a background, can I say that these are comparable to the top ten strong clan? Can the ending be?"

Gate stunned.

"Dollard, why do I like to partner with you? The reason is you, really smart."

"There are more people smarter than me."

"But I know you are the smartest one."

"Hahahaha, as you often say."

"No, I'm just telling the truth."

Gate smiled and said, "Thank you."

Dolar smiled: "You and I are the same."


Gate is the chief commander of the Yongyexing meeting point, and Dorad is his deputy, but they still have a layer of unknown privacy.

Both of them are illegitimate children, and Gate was born by the Supreme Leader of the Golden Armor Clan and an ordinary woman of the Silver Armor. If it were not for the golden body of Gate, he was not eligible to enter the Golden Armor. Clan territory.

Doral is also an illegitimate child. In terms of identity, he is even cheaper than Gate. Doral’s mother is a prostitute, and he does not know who his father is until now.

Doral has suffered from the eyes of a man since he was a child. If it was not ten years old, Gate's biological father discovered that he was a mutant multi-handed tribe, and he might have spent his whole life in a brothel.

Since then, Doral and Gate have known each other, and since then, they have slowly become a pair of best friends.

Before the age of fifteen, Dorad had only four hands, but at the age of fifteen, he awakened his blood veins. He grew four more hands, which made him more than a normal multi-handed person.

Don't underestimate this opponent, the potential of multi-handed people will increase with the number of hands. Dorad can have the wisdom and strength now because he has the one-to-one mutant arm.

"Sir, look, that's our Queen of Dark Elves!"

"Why are our dark elves so ugly? Not because there is no sun, but because the water of the lake of life is overtaken by this abominable queen. We can't drink the water of the lake of life, so we become so ugly!"

"Sir, I have a request, after you get the orb of life, please allow me to drink some water from the lake of life."

"As long as you are obedient, I will ask you to drink enough."

Under the leadership of Drizzt, the one-eared elf, Gate and Dorad reached the lake of life underground in the city of Yongye smoothly.

Although it is underground, the light near the lake of life is as bright as day.

Drizzt did not lie, just in the very center of the lake of life, there was a slender, beautiful-looking blonde woman, lying quietly on the water, between her hands, a light blue, slightly Orb of shining light.

Gate said with joy: "The orb of life is definitely the orb of life!"

Doraldra stopped him: "Don't be impulsive, tell them to go up first."

The hybrid ordered 100 dark elves to move to the lake of life.

Creak creak ——

Just when a dark elf had just stepped into the lake, there was a mess of strange noises above the lake of life. A group of **** bats flew down from nowhere and attacked the dark elves.

These **** bats bite the ears of the dark elves. In the blink of an eye, the ears of nearly a hundred dark elves were all bitten off by this group of bats.

Seeing this scene, Drizzt shivered, and until now he didn't understand how his ears were missing.

"My people, leave here, don't come close!"

"True-Tr-Tr -"

Just as the dark elves were attacked, a beautiful voice sounded, and the orb of life in the hands of the Queen of the Lake Heart exploded in dazzling light, driving away all the **** bats.

The light of the orb of life sent the dark elves back to the shore safely.

Gate laughed: "Hey, one ear, did you see that? Your queen has never harmed you. She still protected you in a coma."

Drizzt looked pale, and suddenly shouted: "Even if it is so, I hate her as much, why do she not wake up, hate her pretending to die!"

"go with!"


Gate grabbed Drizzt's neck and threw him towards the lake of life.

"General Ben said that if he did it, if he told you to drink enough, he would tell you to drink enough!"

"The most hated general is the traitor!"

Drizzt fell into the lake, but just bowed his head and sank.

A lot of blood came up, Drizzt disappeared...


Dora drew Gate and walked back a few steps: "There is a weirdness in this water!"

Gate shouted: " ordered them to continue to launch!"


There was a strange roar in the mouth of the hybrid, and nearly a hundred species of dark elves who had lost their ears walked to the lake of life again.

Creak creak ——

The group of **** bats reappeared, but this time, the elven queen's voice did not sound, nor did the orb of life shine.

Puff Puff Puff Puff—

The **** bat was cruel and fierce, and it only took more than a minute to nearly eat and eat by nearly a hundred dark elves.

Fortunately, though, the **** bats were brutal, but they only attacked the dark elves who stepped into the lake. They turned a blind eye to Gate and others on the shore. When they ate the dark elves cleanly, they flew away.

Gate was anxious: "There are bats in the sky and weirdness in the water. How can I get the orb of life?"

(End of this chapter)

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