Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 511: Patriarch

With a loud drink, a multicolored light appeared in the air and shot directly at Xiao Lie out of thin air.

what! Xiao Lie screamed, and his right arm was directly penetrated by colorful light!

Then the figures of Bai Yichen and Li Mo appeared beside Xuanyuan's invincible.

One stroke can injure himself. Xiao Lie is not a fool, of course he knows who is coming. I can only watch Li Mo save Lu Xinyue behind him!

"Xiao Lie didn't know that his predecessor was here, and hoped to forgive sins, so I will leave!"

"Xiao Lie, where do you think my Xianyang Sect is, you just talk and go!"

When Bai Yichen's big sleeves were destroyed, a colorful enchantment immediately appeared around Xiao Lie!

"Senior, Xiao Lie, please spare my life when he knows the wrong!"

In the face of a Wu Zun level superpower, Xiao Lie can only kneel to beg for mercy. There is not even the slightest resistance.

"Xiao Lie, whether you can spare me or not! What do you say, Xiao Mo?"

Bai Yichen handed this question to Li Mo, which undoubtedly let Xiao Lie know that Li Mo is the most powerful speaker. A Wu Zun himself must obey his arrangement.

When Xiao Lie heard this, his intestines were almost regretful. Secretly cursed why he wanted to take the place of Liu Duo, otherwise he would not provoke such a powerful enemy!

"Xiao Lie, right? You just broke into my ancestral territory and stunned your friends. And you are still my grandfather's enemy, no matter which one I can't let you go! Hey! What a pity you are Fix it."

Li Mo is very grateful for Bai Yichen's approach. He is not going to let it go easily for such a strong enemy as Xiao Lie!

"Grandpa, this person will be given to you!"

"Okay! Xiao Lie, you didn't expect it to fall into my hands! Today I will spare you for the time being. When I find out all the people who have participated in the destruction of my Xuanyuan family, I will use your head to pay homage. My people's spirit in the sky!"

After speaking, Bai Mang flashed directly to Xiao Lie!

It was difficult for Yi Xuanyuan's invincible strength to include Xiao Lie in the mirror, but it was different in the presence of his own master. After struggling for a while, Xiao Lie finally couldn't hold on to meeting Tian Yi and Liu Ze!

After all this, Xuanyuan Invincible gave Xuanyuan Mirror to Li Mo!

"Grandpa, this Xuanyuan mirror itself is your magic weapon. Your dragon scale sword has already been given to me, and I really can't ask for this Xuanyuan mirror!"

"Xiao Mo, I promised to give you this thing at the beginning. How could I be speechless! Just close it!"


"But what? If you hold it, just hold it. Will one of his martial emperors lack magic weapons?"

Li Mo wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Bai Yichen. Can only put Xuanyuan mirror in his arms!

"This time it's my care. I didn't expect the enemy to come so fast. Now I'm going to prepare to protect our sect!"

Bai Yichen disappeared in a flash! Xuanyuan Invincible also glanced at the unconscious Lu Xinyue and Li Mo on the ground and shook his head helplessly!

"Let's go back! Don't run around recently, maybe some masters will appear."


At this time, Liu Duo in the Prince Gong's mansion anxiously paced back and forth in the room.

Xiao Lie had been out for a day, but no news had been sent back. With his strength, Liu Duo does not believe that he will have any accidents! Even if resistance is encountered, it is not possible for a monk like Liu Duo to participate. Now all he can do is wait.

"Master, don't worry. With the strength of Senior Xiao, I am afraid that there are no opponents in this continent. There must be something delayed!"

"Yes, Lord Liu, what Liu said makes sense. If Senior Xiao is not the opponent, then we are useless even if we are anxious!"


"Huh, would you just say it with your mouth here? The three of you will immediately go out and look for me now, as long as you find out that Li Mo and Liu's personality kills!"

Although the three martial arts strong men are very reluctant, they still dare not listen to Liu Duo's orders!

"I said Mr. Liu, is it not difficult for the prince to do us? Even Senior Senior Xiao Lie has not come back now. What's the use of us coming out?"

After the three of them left the palace, the strong man with only the basic Wuhun strength complained.

"Hey! Take people's money and eliminate disasters with people. When we go out and turn around and find nothing, we will come back and make a deal. Isn't it enough to deal with things!"

Apparently, the old man called Liu Lao was also reluctant to come out to find Li Mo's whereabouts.

"You two look over there!"

Under the guidance of another martial arts strongman, the eyes of the three looked at the east at the same time! Although the distance is very far away, the five-color light is still faintly visible!

"Haha... It seems that we are going to get rich today, there must be some strange treasure out there, hurry! While no one is finding us now, we hurried away."

The excitement of the three of them all stood and ran to the east at full speed!


What they didn't know was that the five-color light was the vision that Bai Yichen was setting up for Zongmen.

I saw Bai Yichen in a white shirt now hovering above Zongmen. From his point of view, he can see the surrounding of the entire mountain range with flags printed with green dragons, white tigers, suzakus, and Xuanwu! Under his deep spiritual indoctrination, the flag began to flicker and disappear without wind.

The Four Sacred Beasts are as if they were alive, turning into virtual images and breaking away from the shackles of the flag to the sky. The clear sky was suddenly overcast with thunder and lightning. But after a while, it returned to normal! The phantom of the Four Sacred Beasts has also become four colored beams of light descending from the sky around the mountains!

Boom! With a muffled sound, the beam of light disappeared. The four flags also started to spontaneously burn up until they disappeared.


Li Mo looked at the Xuanyuan invincible around him, and there was still a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, he had not been awake from the shock just now!

"Well! Master's four-way array has been arranged!"

"But...but, how should this method be used?"

Li Mo knew nothing about the formation.

"Haha... Xiaomo, come and see!"

Bai Yichen mentioned in the air with his right hand, Li Mo's body flew into the air uncontrollably.

This time Li Mo looked at the entire large array clearly. To the naked eye, you can clearly see that the colorful enchantment covers the entire mountain range, not that there are lightnings across it.

"Even if this formation is more powerful than my strength, I will not break it in a few days. The formation of the second formation is a chance I entered into a fairy palace. I am only playing it now. Of the five-tier strength."

"Ah! Is the ancestor really as mysterious as you said?"

Li Mo couldn't believe his ears. In his eyes, the colorful enchantment should be almost the same as his body enchantment.

"Are you stupid guy, doubting what the ancestor said?"

Bai Yichen pretended to be angry.

"No! No! You look angry if you don't move. This is very physical."

"Okay! Since you don't believe it, then there are three dead people coming, let them prove me!"

After speaking, Li Mo only felt black in front of him, and when he was awake, he had already come to Zongmen!

"Lao Liu, this is it. I still see that light? Why haven't I seen it for a while?"

"Find! Hurry up!"

Among the three, Liu Lao is the most respected, and his cultivation base is also the highest, which has reached the strength of senior martial spirit.

Li Mo recognized at a glance that one of the three was the one who played chess with Liu Duo that night. The thought of ‘Dragon Scale Red Sword’ was already in his hands, but the people outside wanted to see Li Mo, still looking for this!

In the eyes of the three martial arts strongmen, this is nothing but I can't see the existence of Xianyangzong at all!

"You believe me this time!"

Bai Yichen's voice rang again. This time Li Mo was really convinced. I did not expect that a formation could actually hide a sect. This magical formation Li Mo was the first contact!

"Believe! Believe! Haha, isn't my Xianyang Sect safe with this array?"

"You can also say that, mainly depends on the formation of the formation of the legal entity. If there are enemies more powerful than me, then the hidden function of this formation will fail! But the defense of the formation itself will not Disappear. And this array has a certain amount of attack!"

Bai Yichen's words just fell, and the oldest senior Wu Soul Liu Lao, who was the most powerful outside, didn't know what he touched!

Boom! It was shot dozens of meters at once, the whole body was dark, and the hair on the head had disappeared! A scorched smell in the space!

"Yes! There are weird here, everyone withdraw quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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