Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 516: Killing treasure

"How did you find this place? I tried it just now, and my gods can't leave the body when they get here!"

Nangong Lin still stood by the forest watching the crowd robbing the magic weapon. When Li Mo came over, he asked quietly.

"That only shows that your cultivation base is not home yet!"

A simple sentence by Li Mo surprised Nangong Lin.

"That's it! I didn't make it to home? He was just a little warrior, and he dared to laugh at me! Could it be that this person concealed his cultivation virtue! Isn't that what he said before..."

I thought of a sudden chill in Nangonglin's body here, and I don't know when there will be an extra dark ball in my hand.

"Humph! Is your kid playing a pig, eating a tiger and playing with me?"

Li Mo chuckled and ignored him, because Lin Zhong was already fighting!

"Yes, I saw this sword first, let me go!"

"What did you see first? The things here are unowned. Whoever gets the hand is the one who wants it. It is not impossible to want this sword. That depends on your strength!"

Just as the two were about to start, a black ball suddenly fell into the crowd!

boom! A loud noise! All of the people in the woods were blown up, and the worst were the two people fighting for the sword. Not even a complete body remains!

"Huh! Everything in this is my Nangong Lin's. No one is allowed to move! Haha..."

"You... you are so vicious, my master will never let you go!"

A young man who had been seriously injured by the bombing just looked at Nangong Lin.

"Huh! If you die, who knows that I did all this? Go die!"

Nangong Lin's big hand directly grabbed the seriously injured young man's neck!

Click! With a crunch, the young man's head was crooked and he could not die anymore!

"This is the rivers and lakes!"

Li Mo shook his head and sighed.

"Boy, it's your turn now! Do you solve it yourself or let me do it!"

Nangong Lin showed another black ball just exploded in his hand, looking at Li Mo proudly.

"Nangong Lin, do you think you can hurt me?"

Li Mo no longer disguised his cultivation behavior, and withdrew a forceful spiritual force that emptied the air, and immediately walked with Li Mo's whole body!

Nangong Lin did not panic when he saw this.

"Boy, you really conceal your strength, but even if your current strength is higher than mine, you will die today too!"

Speaking of the black ball in his hand, he threw it at Li Mo!

boom! The sound of the explosion was deafening. A cloud of black mist rose from the position where Li Mo had just stood!

"Huh! But this is my unique Nangong clan's hidden weapon "Chasing Soul" which is equivalent to the full blow of an ultimate martial soul. Don't you like playing pigs, eating tigers, and playing me? I want to keep you dead !"

"Nangong Lin, it seems that you really don't know that the sky is thick and thick, do you think this thing can hurt me?"

The smoke dissipated, and Li Mo's figure stood untouched.

"Ah! You... are you the Wuhun strong?"

Nangong Lin saw Li Mo and couldn't help but take a few steps back! He originally thought that even if Li Mo concealed his strength, at most it was only the strength of a senior general. I never imagined that this person has already achieved Wuhun, how old is he!

"Impossible...impossible, the young generation of our Nangong family has never seen the Wuhun strong, how can you achieve Wuhun. This is absolutely impossible!"

"Nangong Lin, do you have the strength to cultivate super strong for your Nangong family? If you want to be a strong, you still have to rely on here..."

Li Mo pointed to his head. Undoubtedly, tell him that his perception is still far away!

How can Nangong Lin, who has always been regarded as the key training object of the family, be so humiliated. Take out a porcelain bottle from your heart to the entrance!

"Even if you are a martial arts strongman, you still want to leave here today!"

call! At one point, Nangong Lin's internal power instantly transformed into spiritual power, and his strength also directly broke from the intermediate military commander to the strength of the intermediate military soul!


Li Mo looked at Nangong Lin in surprise, not knowing what he just took, and actually raised his strength to a whole level!

"Hey! Let the boy die!"

Nangong Lin's eyes are scarlet, and he immediately sacrifices his own magic weapon! A black sword appeared in his hand! Suddenly the original wind and the violent winds of the beautiful sky rose!

call! call! call! Three huge black dragons appeared out of thin air, and Li Mo flew in a hurry with their teeth open!

Although Nangong Lin's strength was forcibly promoted by drugs, Li Mo was still afraid of such an attack!

"Blue Dragon Sword Skill"

Li Mo sipped, and Dragonscale Chijian was in his hand! A series of red gold sword spirit greeted the black dragon!


Wherever Jian Qi went, the black dragon's body immediately broke. In a blink of an eye, the three black dragons ceased to exist, and turned into countless black mists that continued to float towards Li Mo. Wherever you go, you can describe it as if the grass is not born, and all the flowers and plants will wither!

Li Mo immediately threw the dragon scale red sword into the air! Turned into thousands of sword shadows.

Uh! Uh! Uh! The sword shadow passed through, although the volume of the black mist gradually decreased, but it did not completely disappear!

"It's not a way to go on like this, it's not a joke if you get caught in this thing!"

Thinking of this, Li Mo took out the Xuanyuan mirror and shot directly towards the black mist closest to him!

Zi Zi! Zi Zi! A disgusting smell came out! The black mist disappeared.

Li Mo saw that the Xuanyuan Mirror could contain this ghost thing and continue to shine to other black mist!

The Xuanyuan Mirror itself is the nemesis of all evil things. After a while, all the black mist has been cleaned up by Li Mo.

Nangong Lin saw that his attack was resolved by Li Mo, and the black long sword in his hand lifted over his head towards Li Mo and then fell. This sword was his full blow!

The violent wind that had disappeared once again appeared, drawing the earth's dirt into the air. The sky and earth in this hole instantly became dim, and with the naked eye alone, we could not see a distance of one meter away!

At this time, the spiritual power of Nangong Lin is like a volcano, which has accumulated for thousands of years and erupted once, destroying the world!

"go to hell!"

After Nangong Lin screamed angrily, the body's deflated ball collapsed to the ground! Xiuwei also directly changed back to the strength of an intermediate military commander.

After gasping for two breaths, he stared at the place where Li Mo had just stood.

"I don't believe that you won't die!"


In the face of such a powerful attack, Li Mo is definitely impossible. Although it does not kill him, injuries are inevitable. In a hurry, he hid in the Xuanyuan mirror to temporarily avoid the edge!

When the smoke was all gone, there was only a bottomless ravine above the ground! Then there is Li Mo's figure, and even the breath disappears without a trace!

"Haha... Wu Hun actually died in my hands too. It seems that the "Crazy Pill" given to me by my uncle is indeed a good thing! Everything here will be my Nangonglin!"

After Nangong Lin struggled to stand up, now that he took ‘Mad Pill’, although his strength has skyrocketed, the side effects will be reflected immediately after the effect of the medicine is over! Within three days he could only exist like a mortal.

"Hey! These are all mine, aren't you robbing? You are now robbing one of me to see! Bah! A bunch of things that don't know life and death, dare to hit me these baby ideas!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Nangong Lin punched and kicked at a body.

"Yes, this dead metamorphosis! You never let go of the corpse!"

Li Mo's look in the Xuanyuan mirror is so real, Nangong Lin's approach is outrageous.

Uh! The figure flashed out the space in the Xuanyuan mirror and appeared directly in front of Nangong Lin!

Snapped! A loud slap in the face directly flew the Nangong Lin fan like a mortal!

"You... why didn't you die!"

Nangong Lin clutched his swollen old high looked at Li Mo in front of his eyes with blood in the corner of his mouth!

"Humph! If it really died in your perverted hands, it would be a shame!"

Snapped! Another slap, Nangong Lin's body flew out again!

And Li Mo did not choose to let him go because he did not have the slightest return. After catching up, he didn't use his own spiritual power, but just like a mortal fight, it was another punch and kick. This calmed his hatred!

"Hey, if you have the ability, you will kill me. My Nangong family will never let you go! Come! Come!"

Seeing the unrecognizable Nangong Lin still continue to clamor.

"Huh! Even if your Nangong family's power is even greater, today I will end your life. lest you go out and hurt others!"

Nangong Lin reported that his family hopes that Li Mo will have some scruples. But he did not expect the exact opposite. When the dragon-scale red sword penetrated his body, he knew that his proud family was nothing in the eyes of the youth in front of him!

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