Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 520: The youngest Emperor Wu in history

"Xiao Mo, your kid can be regarded as a blessing!"

Bai Yichen smiled slightly at the figure of smoke and dust, worried that the color would have been thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun!

"Ah! My ancestor, why are you here!"

The smoke dispersed, and the figure inside gradually became clear, it was Li Mo who was trapped in the space debris. Obviously he has heard Bai Yichen's voice!

"You stupid boy, is it that you blamed me for not coming to rescue you in time? Do you think that you can easily tear this space debris just after being promoted to Emperor Wu?"

Li Mowen naturally knew what was going on. If Bai Yichen found himself and helped him, I am afraid he would like to break through the space debris.

"Thank you ancestors for saving!"

"Huh! It's almost the same. Tell me what happened to you in the cave, how could you be trapped in the space debris? You don't know how fast Wanling and Invincible are dying!"

"Return to the ancestors, in fact, I don't know how it was trapped in that ghost place!"

At the moment, Li Mo told all the things in the cave to Bai Yichen. Things including Xianyangzi are not hidden!

"Your kid really doesn't know what **** luck to go. The five martial arts skills of Xianyangzi have actually been collected by you. It seems that destiny returns!"

"What? What destiny of the ancestors?"

"It's natural to know when you get to my realm. Don't ask me now. Don't stay here for a long time. Hurry back with me to avoid Wanling and Invincible worrying. If you have anything, please go back and talk."

With a big wave, Li Mo and his figure colleagues disappeared!

When they reappeared, they were already at a height of 10,000 meters.

"This is flying!"

Li Mo was led by Bai Yichen's spiritual force to follow him effortlessly behind him.

This can be regarded as Li Mo's first real flight. This feeling of traveling for nine days made him very enjoyable. But now he arrived in the realm of Emperor Wu in time, and he had no such ability. Only in the realm of Bai Yichen Wu Zun can he do it!

With Bai Yichen flying at full speed, the two returned to Xianyangzong in less than a day.

When Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling saw Li Moping come back, they all wept with joy!

"Xiao Mo, this time it's really my grandmother who is sorry for you! If I had to covet the treasure inside, you wouldn't have such an encounter!"

Wanling apparently has not come out of self-blame.

"Xiao Mo, your kid can scare grandpa and me, let grandpa take a good look!"

The feelings between Xuanyuan Invincible and Li Mo are self-evident. When Li Mo was able to return safely, a big rock in his heart fell!

"Grandma, Grandpa Xiaomo makes you worry! Although this trip is a bit dangerous, it is still very worthwhile compared to my harvest. I don't believe you!"

Li Mo said all the treasures from the Xumi Cave this time.

"Ah! God, this... this is a magic weapon of excellent quality!"

Looking at the magic weapon piled up like a hill, Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling were all stunned, their faces filled with shock! Even Bai Yichen was not touched when he saw him.

Although all three are supreme, the world Qizhen has seen countless times. But for the first time, they saw such a large number of magic weapons for the first time!

"Xiao Mo, the hole is in your hand, so are other people also you..."

Wanling suddenly thought Qin Lie's disciples were among them and asked worriedly.

"My aunt! I'm not the kind of killer Li Mo. The people inside were killed by Nangong Lin with a "soul chase", and finally he wanted to strike me, but I was killed!"

Wanling felt relieved when she heard this. When they reach this level, they can see through it without telling a lie! But Nangong Lin's death Wanling didn't care. It is not a pity that such a mean villain dies!

"Grandpa and grandma, I have a second surprise to tell you!"

"Oh? What a surprise?"

Both Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling looked at Li Mo in surprise, not knowing what medicine he sold in the gourd.

call! Li Mo withdrew the "empty space", and a coercion that only Emperor Wu could exhale immediately filled the entire room!

" did you kid do it?"

Wanling couldn't believe her eyes. When he left, he was just a junior martial spirit. How could it be possible to become a superpower at the level of Emperor Wu when he returned? Wouldn't it be surprising if the chin was spread?

"Haha... Emperor Wu! Yes, really my good grandson!"

Xuanyuan was invincible and didn't feel any surprise, because in his heart Li Mo's future achievements are limitless, and now it is no surprise to become a Wudi strongman.

"Grandma, don't be surprised. In fact, the biggest gain I got from this expedition in the cave was the collection of the fourth martial arts skill of Senior Xianyangzi! And it has been learned, is this a sudden surge in strength? Because when I got the first martial arts skill of Senior Xianyangzi..."

At the moment, Li Mo entrusted all his secrets! Even the red space is not preserved. Because in his mind, the three of them have been regarded as the closest person, and the three have a life-saving grace to themselves. And getting the dragon scale red sword is completely Xuanyuan's invincible credit, even if you don't say it, presumably these three people also understand the efficacy of this sword! If you don't tell the truth at this time, some of them can't be justified.

"Hehe...Don't worry about these problems. Xiaomo can be favored by Xianyangzi's predecessors and his fortune! This matter will stop here, no one can say it!"

Bai Yichen finally spoke, but Li Mo and others knew what he meant. It is nothing more than to fear that some old monsters will glance at Li Mo's treasures when they get the news and cause him unnecessary trouble.

"Master, you can rest assured! Xiao Mo is like my grandson. How can I do something that is not good for him!"

Xuanyuan Invincible's first statement, even if he didn't express Li Mo, he would never believe that he would say something about him. Dragon Scale Chijian and Xuanyuan Mirror are two unique treasures that Xuanyuan invincible gave to himself.

"Master, brother, rest assured. Although my time with Xiaomo is relatively short, the child's heart and character are what I like very much, and he is our hope for the future. How can I talk about this? Go out!"

Wanling also recovered from the shock just now and touched Li Mo's head. Eyes are full of expectations.

"Okay, Xiao Mo is also consuming a lot in the broken space, let him rest early! You are going to talk about something later, let it go!"

As soon as Bai Yichen made this remark, Li Mo and the three people gave him gifts and left.

Li Mo's mood is very comfortable now. Wealth seeks insurance, although this trip is the most dangerous one he has experienced. But relative to his gains, it is simply not worth mentioning!

Instead of going back to rest, he went directly to Liu Yan. I haven't seen my wife who hasn't been there for a few missed it so much!

"Master, Uncle Liu, I'm back!"

When Li Mo came to Liu Yan's courtyard, he saw Liu Shizhong and Liu Changhe talking to Liu Yan.

"Haha... It's Xiaomo's back, just when you and Uncle Liu have something to do with you!"

Liu Shizhong said, blinking all the time to hint at Li Mo.

"Xiao Mo, come sit down!"

Liu Changhe waved and let Li Mo sit beside him.

Because Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling did not tell about the disappearance of Li Mo, Liu Shizhong and others did not yet know that Li Mo could walk around in the ghost gate. I thought he was He Wanling, who had just returned to Zongmen.

At this time, Li Mo was confused by Zhang Shi and Monk Zhang, and was completely confused by Liu Shizhong and Liu Changhe. But when he saw Liu Yan's tear-stained face when he sat down, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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