Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 678: Humiliate

"Fire control!"

The wind shouted loudly, and I did not know when there was a wooden scepter-like object pointing at Li Mo, a fire snake was twirling in the air, exuding the hot heat attacking Li Mo Come.

"Humph! Playing with fire in front of me? Is he his ancestor playing with fire?"

Looking at the fire snake that was getting closer and closer to him, Li Mo did not have any panic, but was very calm.

In the distance, Feng Qingyang looked at the motionless Li Mo proudly, thinking he was not scared by his own fire snake.


With a soft drink, Li Mo finally moved when the Fire Snake was about to devour him.

A residual image skipped and the fire snake emptied. Burned the grass and trees just where Li Mo was standing to ashes.


Seeing that the opponent suddenly disappeared, Feng Qingyang's proud look disappeared immediately. When he reacted, he felt a trace of coldness around his neck.

"Big...Brother, I was wrong! I don't know Taishan. I'm from Liulicheng Guild, please let me go!"

"Huh! Is it too late to know the mistake? If I failed now, would you let me go?"

Li Mo's words were extremely cold. In Xuangu Continent, more people wanted Li Moming, but he was still alive and well. In addition to his luck against the sky, it was his decisive killing. I don’t commit a crime if a person doesn’t commit me.

"Big... Brother, I'm just kidding you, how could I kill you. I just..."

"Enough is enough, I don't want to listen to your nonsense. If you have anything to say, go to Lord Yan!"

Li Mo interrupted Feng Qingyang directly, and Dragon Scale Chijian had cut the skin off his neck, and blood had soaked his collar.

"No... no! If you killed me, the members of our Liulicheng Guild would not let you go!"

"Xiao Mo, stop!"

Just when Li Mogang wanted to end Feng Qingyang's life, Land Rover's voice came out from the carriage.

Immediately after he jumped off the carriage, he came to Li Mo's side.

"Xiao Mo, this person can't kill!"


Li Mo was puzzled that Land Rover would stop himself.

"I will explain it to you on the bus, let him go!"

"Yes! Yes! Let me go, are you not even listening to your Land Rover mentor?"

Feng Qingyang saw that he was saved, and began to arrogant again.

"Humph! Get out!"

Li Mo had no choice but to take back the Dragon Scale Red Sword. With a yell, he kicked Feng Qingyang to the ground with one foot.

"Oh...hey...thank you Land Rover mentor for saving, but today this person's insult to me will be repaid twice in the future!"

Speaking of embarrassment, he fled from time to time and looked deeply afraid that Li Mo would catch up.

Li Mo ignored Land Rover, but returned angrily to the carriage.

The reason for letting go of this wind is to see Land Rover's care for himself for so long, otherwise he will not keep the wind and life.

"Xiao Mo! Are you curious why I stopped you from killing him."

After a while, Land Rover also returned to the carriage, and the carriage drove on to continue the journey.

"There is nothing to be curious about. He said that he is from the Liulicheng Guild. The city is naturally bigger than our town. Are you afraid to offend them!"

Li Mo's words did not give Land Rover a trace of face, and he directly said what he thought.

"Yes! You are right. We have no way to compare them to the city of Liuli. Our guild has been oppressed by them for so many years. But we also have no way of doing things. After all, the guild's turnover is empire. All cities will be distributed in a unified manner before they reach our hands. So you must learn to be patient with some things!"

Listening to Land Rover's remarks, Li Mo has a feeling of ridicule and can't bear to think that there is such bullying and oppression in this world.

"Patience? Don’t let them be seriously injured or kill us without fighting back? The empire unified allocation of funds, that is what we deserve, why should we be subject to others? To put it bluntly or you are cowardly. Now I finally know why we fell leaf town guild Except for some soldiers, why are there only four of us, there are such cowardly mentors, who would come here to join the empire of benefit!"

Li Mo said angrily what he had in mind. He had never suffered such humiliation, and he dared not fight back when he **** on his head, which immediately caused him to lose confidence in the Falling Leaf Town Guild.

"Shut up for me! If you dare to make such a speech anymore, believe me or not, I will teach you now?"

This is the first time Li Mo saw Land Rover get angry, but he didn't care.

"Humph! Since you have such a skill, why didn't you just teach that one called Feng Qingyang?"

As soon as Li Mo said this, Land Rover was speechless, and there was a dead silence in the carriage.

After a moment, Land Rover calmed down and sighed.

"Hey! I'm sorry Xiaomo. Some things are not as simple as you think. Our small-leaf town is small in size and simply does not meet the conditions for establishing a guild. Therefore, the martial arts practitioners here must directly control the empire. The Liulicheng Guild in our town. And the people there despised us and said that we were scumbags. The grown-ups didn’t get used to it, so they spent all their relationships and spent all their time to establish an imperial guild in Luoye. "

"This is all an excuse you are looking for for your weakness."

"Xiao Mo, listen to me and finish talking first, you might not think so. The president of the Liulicheng Guild is a relative of the emperor of the current emperor king. I know that the president of the guild has been caring for himself, so all aspects We are all suppressing our guild. The president’s seniority is already high. I don’t want to fight with them. I just want to train the students of my guild to send talents to the empire. So we still can tolerate the wish of the president. Right."

Hearing this, I thought of Han Tianyu who was kind to Li Mo's anger only calmed down a little.

"However, even for the president. We can't let them humiliate. If I lost to the other party just now, I am afraid the bones are gone!"

"No, our empire is clearly stipulated, and members of the guild are not allowed to hurt their lives in fighting."

Hearing this from Land Rover, Li Mo was speechless.

Just now he had clearly felt the killing intent, otherwise he would not want to kill each other.

"Okay! Since it's for the president's adults, I will bear it for a while. But if the people of their Liulicheng Guild come to trouble me again, don't blame me Li Mo for too much. Even if It is an opponent, and I will never let him feel better!"

After all, Li Mo looked away from the window and ignored Land Rover.


Land Rover continued to speak, but sighed deeply.

There was another silence in the carriage.

At noon, Li Mo finally hurried back to Luoye Town. When their carriage arrived at the gate of the guild, Han Tianyu had been waiting for Ye Fan, Zi Lingwei and Han Zhe for a long time.

"Haha... You finally came back safely. I didn't receive the above notice until after you left, saying that the misty forest is not quite flat recently. You have nothing to do!"

Looking at Han Tianyu's amiable face, Li Mo could only suppress the anger in his heart and squeeze out a smile.

"Adult President, I have taken care of the Land Rover mentor. I haven't encountered any danger. Please rest assured."

"Haha...Chairman, this time we really deserve this trip! Wait a minute, I have a big happy event to tell you!"

At this time, Land Rover seems to have forgotten the unhappiness encountered halfway, and has restored his usual hearty character.

(End of this chapter)

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