Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 798: Forest Overlord's Choice

Li Mo asked nervously, apparently still coming out of the thrilling just now!


Dasheng excitedly danced, obviously they had already won the victorious battle.

"Even if you help me, it is difficult to change the impression of your human beings in my heart. But I have to thank you. If I didn't help you just now, I might not easily defeat it!"

The voice of the adult King Kong Giant Ape said calmly that it had eased a lot compared to the attitude towards Li Mo before.

"Don't thank me, it's nothing, as long as I didn't disturb you. Hey! By the way, senior, where is the body of the Jiao?"

Li Mo secretly rejoiced at the words of King Kong. At least his own adventure to ease the relationship between them has achieved his purpose. After looking around, I didn't find Ju Jia asked suspiciously.

"It's not dead, but it was struck by your thunderbolt. It has run away!"

The tone of Vajra Ape is still calm, it seems that the life and death of Jujiao is not very important.

"Hey! That's a pity. Or my strength is too low, otherwise it will definitely cause more damage to him!"

"You don't have to blame yourself, the giant Jiao's strength is above me. If it hadn't been completely evolved, I wouldn't be his opponent. It would be the best result to repel it, but In the future, if you walk on this death plain, you need to be more careful. Jiao is a monster with great revenge! If you hurt it today, it will definitely avenge you!"

"Wh... what? Will it avenge me?"

Li Mo was shocked when he heard that, and he was on the spot. That's the existence of the tenth-level monster, that is to say, as long as you step on this death plain again, it may smell its own breath and find its own trouble.

"Okay... this place should not stay for a long time, let's return to the misty forest sooner!"

The Vajra Apes didn't care about it, just dropped a sentence and walked towards the teleportation array.

Upon seeing this, Da Sheng hurriedly grabbed his surprised Li Mo and put it on his shoulder, followed by him into the teleportation array.


Li Mo, who had returned to the misty forest cave, still did not relax. He was not frightened by the words of King Kong. Instead, he is thinking about how to test himself later.

If the resources of monsters and beasts are raised, the misty forest is far from the monsters of the death plain. But Li Mo is unable to experience in the Plain of Death now, so he may greatly reduce the speed of his upgrade. In this way, the resurrection of Liu Yan and Ao Ying will be extended indefinitely.


When Li Mogang wanted to ask the King Kong Ape if there was any other way to remove the dragon, he swallowed it back at his mouth. At this moment, there was a huge Vajra Ape in front of him, but a woman in black, tall, and somewhat rugged appeared in front of him!

"You... are you a senior? Mother Da Sheng?"

"Why? Don’t you know that in addition to being able to speak people's words, Level 10 monsters can also transform into your human form? This is what it looks like in my human form!"

Hearing the woman's words, Li Mo looked at the Great Saint aside. After seeing grimaces at himself and nodding desperately, Li Mo believed this in front of him.

"God! Yang Mu didn't tell me that! This old thing still seems to be hiding from me. See how I can clean him up when I go back!"

After whispering, Li Mo saluted the woman in front of him and said.

"Seniors and juniors really don't know there is such a thing. Please don't blame you for the offense!"

"Hehe... it doesn't matter. Today you helped me, I will keep in mind. After a while, I will send you to the edge of the forest. In the future, you will not come to this misty forest again. As for the death plain, if you are not afraid If you die, you can take there to hunt monsters!"

Li Mo heard the words suddenly like five thunders. If you can't go to the death plain to hunt monsters and beasts. But even this misty forest will not be able to come by itself in the future, then the resurrection of Liu Yan and Ao Ying is just a matter of unlimited time extension, then it may not exist at all.

"Senior, why? Why can't I come to this misty forest to hunt monsters again?"

"Hum! Don’t get me wrong. It’s not just you. I will kill monsters as long as there are humans in my misty forest. I think how prosperous our monster and beast family were because of you. Greedy. In order to upgrade our level and indiscriminately kill money in exchange for money, we can only move in the two places of the foggy forest and the death plain. And the number is falling sharply, and now I have broken through the tenth level mark, if not again If we are led by a family of monsters to stop you, aren't we going to perish?"

Li Mo heard nothing, but was speechless.

When the woman saw Li Mo, she couldn't help showing a cold smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You improve your strength by hunting our clan, and of course we can also kill your humans to increase our strength. As the ruler of the misty forest, from today on, I will lead our monster beast family to you officially Mankind declares war. You can go to your emperor after you go back and tell this to your king, let the old guys who are said to have reached level 90 wash their necks, wait for me to take their heads! And as you I've helped you in return, and I will let you do it all."

Listening to the woman's words, Li Mo felt more and more shocked. Once it really wars with human beings as it says, then the Heavenly Wind Empire will soon have no peace!

"Senior, this matter is related to the life of the Li people in the empire. Please think twice! I will go back and tell the king to ask him to give orders that no one will hunt monsters for ten years, so that your monsters will flourish."

Faced with such a huge event, Li Mo had no choice but to put aside the resurrection of Liu Yan and Ao Ying, and then seek other methods later. He said sincerely to the woman.

"Haha... ten years of prosperity? What about ten years from now? Don't you humans continue to hunt our monster beasts endlessly?"

"No, I will persuade the king to order, there are...moderately...hunting!"

Speaking of this, Li Mo's voice is getting smaller and smaller, without any confidence. Humans want to upgrade their ranks, and this is the only way to kill monsters. He is also very contradictory at this time, the woman's words are correct, no one will willingly hunt other people.

"Huh! You humans are all greedy. Let's leave these ghosts for your words! And I withdraw what I said before. I now decide to let you out of this misty forest! Haha..."


Hearing this, the great saint on the side was gone. Li Mo grabbed it on his shoulder and shouted at the woman.

"You are a beast, do you want to betray our family of monsters and beasts?"

For this act of the Great Saint obviously beyond the expectation of the woman, he shouted loudly at the Great Saint.


The saint unwilling to be weak again called twice, as for what the expression meant, only women might know.

"Why? Do you still have to protect him? Do you believe me now that he is going to die?"

The chill in the woman's words grew stronger and her body began to tremble.

Upon seeing this, Da Sheng no longer responded and immediately took Li Mo toward the hole, as if something terrible would happen.


When they came outside the cave, a roaring roar came suddenly from the cave.

Li Mo knew that the woman was afraid that she had changed back to the form of a monster, and she understood that she was about to start with herself!

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