Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 814: Enemies come home

"Humph! You guys are less mysterious here, and you wanted to kill the president at the level of 40 when you participated in the Empire Tournament Conference? It's a fool's dream! If it wasn't for your kid to use a conspiracy to trick him, how could he be trapped? The king ordered the Fa-rectification in place!

"Yo! I can't see that you Mo Yuan City Guild have done much to me, Li Mo, but I know so much!"

"That's of course, I don't understand how I kill you and go back to ask for help? Hey... Don't resist if the kid knows you, but you are only forty-fifth level strength is not my opponent!"

Qin Cheng looked at Li Mo with a determined expression on his face, and slowly approached him. At the same time, the five students also tried to approach Li Mo with a fan-shaped attack.

Under the influence of Yinxin jade, Li Mo successfully deceived Qin Cheng, which is exactly what he wanted to see.

"Haha... Qin Cheng, I advise you not to be blinded by your eyes. If you give me a kneeling confession now, maybe I can give you a happy heart, otherwise you will be miserable including you students! "

"Ah! What are you talking about? We died miserably? Ha ha ha... This is the funniest joke I've heard in Qincheng for decades!"

Qin Cheng laughed when he heard Li Mo's words.

"Hehe... Anyway, I have finished speaking, as for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you! Don't say I won't remind you at that time!"

Li Mo also smiled, and the flaming flames skills were ready to go.

"Huh! Don't delay time here, Li Mo, I've explored all around here. There is no one from your guild, your kid still wants to cover me? You die!"

Qin Cheng finally found a scepter in the storage belt and prepared to attack.

But when his scepter was just raised above his head, he was shocked on the spot.

Because Li Mo had released five fire dragons before he shot.

call! call! call……


The temperature of the cave immediately rose, and the five students behind Qin Cheng had become five fireballs. The screams continue, and here has become a world of purgatory! After a few breathing hours, the flame went out, and the five Moyuan City Guild students had turned to ashes.

"This... this is impossible, you are only forty-fifth level of strength, how can an attack have such power? You... do you hide the strength?"

Qin Cheng couldn't believe what happened just now, and was surprised to look at Li Mo.

"Qincheng, I have persuaded you long ago, but you just don't listen. You only want my life at the level of 57th level, and you don't do it yourself. I don't have time to waste now. On your body, you are going to reunite with your students now! Oh, yes! I seem to have killed a few of your guilds in the misty forest, and you will not be lonely when you go down!"

"Wh... what? You mean that our Guild went to the foggy forest to be killed by you?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, Qin Cheng broke down completely, sitting on the ground, staring straight at the ground, as if waiting for the death to come.

Don't mention how sorry he felt in his heart, but now it's obviously futile to say anything. Although he didn't grow his eyes, he offended Li Mo's entire Shaxing.

Li Mo did not feel compassion for it. He knew that being kind to the enemy was cruel to himself. The waist cut skill is released immediately, and the red gold is just busy busy!


Qin Cheng's body was directly cut into two pieces, his eyes widened, and his eyes were not dead!

"It seems that I must have been too blatant in this area recently, and they found me in Qincheng! I don't know if he has any other companions. If so, he will go back and inform their guild. I'm afraid I'm in trouble. No, it’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, let’s leave here and talk!

Thinking of here, Li Mo turned Qin Cheng's body into ashes with flames and left the cave.

Li Mo, out of the cave, unfolded his own speed and ran towards the edge of the Plain of Death. It took him less than half an hour to meet and kill Qin City. Even if Qin City sent people back to the Guild to report, it would be impossible for him to leave the area of ​​the death plain without two or three hours.

What Li Mo is most proud of is his speed. He believes that even if he is half an hour late, he can first reach the edge of the death plain. If you don’t find the unionist of Moyuan City, it’s okay. If you find him, he will kill without hesitation, to prevent future troubles.


"Huh! Brother, did you feel anything just now?"

"Huh? What do you feel?"

"It seemed that there was a gust of wind blowing in front of me. Is there any powerful monster near here!"

"What? Demon Beast? I said younger brother, are you frightened by the demon beast here, how can you be a soldier? Just rely on your brother and my strength, let alone a demon beast, even if a fly flies beside After that, I can also know that it is male and female! Don’t be suspicious here."


The words of the two young people passed on to Li Mo's ears during the gallop, and he couldn't help smiling.

"It seems that my speed is really much faster. The strength of both of them is forty-five, and they didn't find me!"


After more than one hour, Li Mo finally came to the edge of the death forest.

Looking at the only road leading to the outside world, Li Mo directly climbed over a tall and dense tree on the roadside.

"It's here, not only good vision but also easy to hide!"

Leaning on a sturdy tree branch, Li Mo looked at the people who had come to experience or leave. Counting the time, if Qin Cheng really arranged for people to report the news, then the time he passed here was within this hour, so Li Mo did not dare to relax.

As time goes by, people passing by are all in groups or led by mentors. Did not find the target, which caused Li Mo to doubt his conjecture.

"Is it too much for me to think about?"

Now it has been three hours since the time of killing Qin Cheng. Still no one with Moyuan City Guild appeared, Li Mo began to relax.

Just when he just wanted to jump off the big There were two people in his eyes who wrapped themselves in black robes and looked scared, constantly looking away from the plain of death Came out.

"Huh! These two people are very suspicious!"

When the two walked under the big tree where Li Mo was, Li Mo did not rush, but quietly followed. The two did not take the road, but instead chose some difficult roads, which made Li Mo more suspicious of their identity.

Sure enough, Li Mo followed the duo silently for another hour, and came to a secluded place where the duo stopped and pulled off the black robe.

Seeing this, Li Mo's mouth raised, showing a sneer. The two were wearing the costumes of the Moyuan City Guild!

"Huh! You guys are really careful. If it's not my curiosity, I almost let you run!"

Thinking of here, Li Mo had already held the dragon scale red sword in his hand, ready to attack at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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