On the other side, in the chairman’s office, several other powerful shareholders of Yongtai Real Estate Group came.

Several major shareholders sat on the sofa and listened to Yang Shengping’s story:

“Everyone, as long as you win the project of Wanheng Software Group, you can get billions of profits. You are all shareholders of the company, and you also have a share in it. Aren’t you tempted?”

Originally, he had almost said everything about the other shareholders.

But with the arrival of Fang Zhiyuan, the second largest shareholder of the company, things are different.

Fang Zhiyuan, this old man, has been extremely conservative and cautious throughout his life. To put it bluntly, he is “cowardly to death”. When he heard that this project was competing with the wealthy Chen family, he immediately disagreed.

“The profit is indeed very high, but the problem is that this project is in competition with the Chen family. As a dignified and wealthy family, how strong is the Chen family? The means of Chen Shanhai, the head of the Chen family, are very powerful. I don’t need to say more.”

Fang Zhiyuan said with an air of superiority.


“What Director Fang said makes sense.”

“The Chen family is not easy to mess with, and Chen Shanhai is even less easy to mess with.”

After Fang Zhiyuan finished speaking, several people in the office echoed him.

“You are so timid about everything you do. Why are you so afraid of this? Don’t develop the company. Just stay complacent and wait for death.”

Yang Shengping retorted.

“That’s billions of profits. As long as we get the project, what does it matter if we offend the Chen family?!”

“What Chairman Yang said makes sense, but you’re talking about victory. If we win, we’ll get the project, of course, but if we lose, we can’t get the project, and we offend the Chen family, wouldn’t that be a loss of both the wife and the army?!”

“Wait for Chen Shanhai to take time out. Given his character, he will definitely retaliate against us.”

“Aren’t you afraid?!”

Fang Zhiyuan asked.

Instantly, the scene was silent, and even Yang Shengping couldn’t answer.

At this moment, an abrupt voice came.

“Afraid, why should I be afraid?!”

Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Chen Fan slowly walked in.

“Director Chen is here. Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Director Chen Fan, the third largest shareholder of our group. This is Director Fang Zhiyuan. This is………………”

Yang Shengping introduced each other.

Yang Shengping asked Chen Fan to sit down.

Facing Chen Fan, Fang Zhiyuan did not have a good attitude and asked directly:

“I heard that Director Chen was also a member of the Chen family before, but he severed his relationship with the Chen family. This time, the competition with the Chen family for the Wanheng Software Group project was proposed by Director Chen and he was mainly responsible for it.”

“Yes, is there any problem?”

Chen Fan nodded.

“Are there any problems? Haha, has Mr. Chen ever thought about what would happen if he failed? If he failed, it doesn’t matter to Mr. Chen. Anyway, Mr. Chen has torn his face with the Chen family and confronted each other.”

Fang Zhiyuan questioned.

“But what about us? If Mr. Chen fails, we will be unlucky.”

“Why are you so sure that we will fail?”

Chen Fan asked back.

“Why? It’s very simple. I don’t believe in Mr. Chen’s ability and strength.”

Fang Zhiyuan did not pretend and told the truth.

After all, Chen Fan was too young, almost the same age as his grandson. He suspected that Chen Fan did not have the strength to snipe the Chen family at all!

“I don’t think there’s any doubt about my strength………….”

As he said that, Chen Fan stood up and wanted to get a glass of water.

As a result, Chen Fan stood up a little too much, and a card fell out of his pocket.


Seeing this, a shareholder next to him helped pick it up.

The shareholder thought it was just a card and was about to return it to Chen Fan. However, when he accidentally saw the full appearance of this black card, he was stunned! ! !

“My God, this………….this…………”

The shareholder was shocked.

Noticing the abnormality of this shareholder, others also looked over curiously.

“What’s wrong?”

“Lao Liu, is there anything wrong with this card?”

Others asked puzzled.

“This…………..this…………..is a MasterCard black card from the First Royal Bank of the Oil Country.”

The first shareholder exclaimed!

Everyone present was rich, and naturally heard about the horror of the MasterCard black card from the First Royal Bank of the Oil Country.

In an instant, other shareholders gathered around and looked curiously.

At this moment, even Fang Zhiyuan was not calm and came over excitedly.

“Mr. Chen, is this MasterCard black card of the First Royal Bank of the Oil Country yours?”

The first shareholder handed the black card to Chen Fan respectfully and asked.

“Yes, it should have fallen out of my pocket just now, thank you.”

Chen Fan took the black card.

“Director Chen, are you a black card user of the First Royal Bank of the Oil Country?”

Fang Zhiyuan asked in a slightly nervous voice.

“Yes, is there any problem?”

Chen Fan nodded casually.

After getting a positive answer, everyone at the scene took a breath.

My God, Director Chen is actually a black card user of the First Royal Bank of the Oil Country. In the whole Jiangzhou, it is estimated that no one else has this level of black card except Director Chen!

No wonder Director Chen is so confident, no wonder he dares to snipe the Chen family, they have the strength!

“Director Chen, I agree with your plan to snipe the Chen family.”

“I agree too.”

The shareholders expressed their desire to pause.

At this moment, even Fang Zhiyuan could not help but sigh.

“Young people are formidable. I am short-sighted.”

“I agree with Director Chen.”

When Fang Zhiyuan looked at Chen Fan again, his eyes no longer had the contempt and suspicion he had before, but were filled with a trace of awe.

So far, all shareholders of Yongtai Real Estate Group have agreed to Chen Fan’s sniping plan!

The voice of the system also came.


[Go to Yongtai Real Estate Group and persuade other shareholders. Mission completed]

[Congratulations on obtaining: two high-end residential buildings (worth about 300 million)]

[Congratulations on obtaining: 53 experience points]

The mission is completed. Two buildings worth 300 million are in hand. In an instant, Chen Fan’s net worth exceeds 15 billion! ! !

In addition, Chen Fan also gained 53 experience points.

At present, Chen Fan has collected 413 experience points, almost reaching one-third of the upgrade.

As long as 1,500 experience points are collected, Chen Fan’s system can be successfully upgraded to level 2.

At that time, the daily reward will be greatly increased, and it is conservatively estimated to be several billion per day!

Later, when Chen Fan’s system is upgraded to level 3, level 4, or even higher, then it is estimated that the daily reward will be hundreds of billions, hundreds of billions.

When he thought of this, Chen Fan’s heartbeat accelerated!!!

We must find a way to upgrade as soon as possible!

Chen Fan couldn’t wait to plan.

After persuading other shareholders, Yongtai Real Estate Group was completely settled.

After leaving here, Chen Fan quietly went to a very special place!!!

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