On the Seven Towers

Chapter 136 The Fate of Mercenaries

Sol was running wildly on the road, followed by seven or eight mercenaries. They climbed over the wall from a corner and ran out of the camp, and ran all the way to Suero.

"Sol, Sol, why should we go to Suero? Ahem, what if, what if the slaves attack the city?" A fat mercenary who was running out of breath asked.

"We have nothing but clothes. How can we run a long way, you idiot. We have to go to Suero to get some equipment. You all follow me closely. This time I was blind and took the wrong mission. I will pay you for the equipment you lost!" Sol was full of fighting spirit, and he spoke easily.

This promise cheered up the mercenaries, whose morale was extremely low. A big mercenary laughed happily and praised: "Thor, I will recognize you as my boss from now on. No matter what, you are really capable of escaping from those slaves. Moreover, you have to replenish our equipment. I, Potter, admire a man like you!"

"Yes! Boss Thor is great! He can also get the elves' business. Alas, if we hadn't been blocked by those damn bastards this time, we would have completed the mission." A thin mercenary agreed.

"Yes." The fat man said, "That's right, but, it's a pity for those elves. They are so beautiful, I was itching all the way."

The fat man's words resonated with a lot of people, and several mercenaries lamented, wishing to replace Ralph and the others.

Thor listened to it and smiled coldly.

The thin man suddenly remembered something, slapped his head and asked, "Oh, Boss. If those elves escape this time and tell us about this, will there be trouble? I heard that those elves are the most protective. If the elves who come to rescue us find out, they will find us, right?"

"You underestimate those slaves too much. How can these delicate beauties fall into the hands of hundreds of strong men? They will be killed before tonight." The big mercenary said disdainfully, "Boss Thor, don't you think so?"

"Let's take care of ourselves first." Thor ran over a small slope, and the outer city of Suero was in front of him. However, in front of the outer city, facing the direction of the slave camp, a large group of knights appeared in full battle array.

There were about four or five hundred knights, all wearing exquisite leather armor with exquisite magic patterns, carrying composite bows of about 1.5 meters on their backs, long swords on their waists, and wearing green cloaks. On the breastplate of each of them, there was a cyclone-shaped mark engraved.

These cavalrymen obviously saw Thor and others. They split into a team of ten people, jumped on their horses, and ran towards them very quickly.

"Boss. Who are these people? They seem to be rushing towards us. Should we avoid them?" The fat man stammered.

Thor smiled slightly and said, "No need."

While the others were still hesitating, the thin mercenary secretly retreated, took a few steps, turned around and fled desperately.

The others were also panicked when they saw this. The strong man Potter also retreated, saying as he retreated: "Boss Thor, I think I'd better go outside the city first. I know a farmer and I have some things there..."

Thor shook his head and sighed, "Why are you doing this?"

In an instant, the fighting spirit in his body burst out, and he rushed towards Potter like a cannonball, using his hand as a sword, and scratched Potter's throat, and the flesh and blood burst from there. The strength he showed at this time was several times stronger than when he fought with slaves!

The other mercenaries screamed and fled, and Thor did not chase them, just stood there with a sneer. The cavalry rushed over and ignored him. They passed by his side and chased the mercenaries separately.

The mercenaries had no weapons in their hands and had no power to fight back in front of the cavalry. In fact, even if they were fully armed, they would definitely not be able to resist these cavalry who had already entered the fighting spirit.

After a few bowstring sounds, the mercenaries, including the thin man who escaped first, were shot to the ground. The chasing cavalry did not let them go, but rushed forward and chopped off their heads.

In less than two minutes, all the mercenaries were killed.

These cavalry returned to Thor, dismounted and saluted, saying, "Meet the centurion."

Thor nodded, mounted a horse, and headed towards the cavalry formation. He had already seen that the person he wanted to see was under the heavy protection of the cavalry.

"Dru, you've worked hard." Priest Roland smiled as he looked at Centurion Drew, who was disguised as a mercenary under the alias "Thor".

Drew saluted like a knight to Priest Roland and reported: "My lord, the elves have been surrounded by crazy slaves. They used the 'Guardian Seed' to start a war. No matter whether they live or die in the end, the lords behind the slave traders will definitely know that this riot was caused by the elves."

"Very good. We have nothing to do with the elf heretics."

"Yes. Absolutely nothing. All the mercenaries I recruited are dead."

"According to your understanding, is half of the Wind Knights under Deputy Captain Garrison enough to completely wipe out the slave riot?"

"Enough. Although there are some masters among the slaves, they are a mob after all. As long as they are defeated right away... hunting is the strong point of our Wind Knights."

"Okay. Don't participate in the operation to wipe out the slaves later, so as not to be recognized by those who are interested." Roland waved his hand and asked Drew to retreat.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Garno couldn't help but ask, "Sir. After all, many slave owners know that we have distributed medicine there. Will they suspect that we gave the slaves the antidote?"

Roland smiled, "Garno, this kind of speculation without evidence is meaningless. Remember, in the political game, even if you know it secretly and wish the other party dead, you always have to save face. If anyone rashly lifts the tablecloth, it is to seek death. Now, the elves have already confirmed the role of scapegoats, and everyone knows that the Temple of Nature and the elves have always had great differences. No one has any reason to blame us."

"But that may add some invisible enemies to us."

"There is nothing in the world that can prove you better than 'enemies'. Don't be afraid to create enemies. A person without enemies is sad. This shows that he has neither tempting interests nor enough threats. What is the meaning of such a life?"

Garno seemed to be refreshed by this. He was stunned for a while before nodding his head.

"Okay, just wait. The Knights of the Wind have blocked the roads at both ends of the camp. When the slaves run out of the camp, it will be time for us to wipe out the rebellious slaves. A few days later, the local slave traders who are the most powerful and most opposed to us will be eliminated, and we will appear as the savior of Suero. The time has come for the Temple of Nature to control the outer city of Suero."


It was almost dusk, and the sunset and the setting sun had dyed the earth slope into a rose color. Suddenly, a horse head appeared from the top of the hillside, and then a knight rode over the hillside, and then one horse head after another appeared, and more than fifty cavalrymen, protecting two four-wheeled carriages, drove towards this side. Behind them were more warriors on foot. They wore various types of armor, with different emblems on their heads, and held weapons of different lengths. They lined up in teams of six and followed the carriages. These warriors obviously had no queue training. The simple long queue was crooked, but it could be seen from the eye that these people were strong and in good morale, and quite energetic.

Garrison, the deputy commander of the Wind Knights, had already asked his knights to mount their horses and prepare for the charge. But the team in front of him made him a little confused. Are these really rioting slaves? Or are they the private army of a certain lord? After all, in his imagination, rioting slaves should be bandits carrying property and hugging women, right?

Seeing the movement here, the knights in the lead on the opposite side shouted a few times. The slowly marching infantry stopped and began to stand in several square formations under the command of several knights. People kept turning over from the hillside and joined these square formations lined up in a row.

However, two carriages, surrounded by more than a dozen cavalrymen, drove towards the position of the Wind Knights.

"Who are you? Tell me who you are!" Garrison pushed through the team and came to the front, asking loudly. He used his unique fighting skills to shout, and the voice was so loud that even the people lined up on the hillside felt someone shouting in their ears, and the team was a little confused.

"In the carriage are Master Xiao Chen, Master Luo Ling, and the three heads of the Juan family, the Bart family, and the Lynch family! Who are you?" Roger also shouted back loudly. Although he was not as skilled as Garrison, because of the close distance, he also shook the horses of the Knights, making them a little restless.

Magician? Garrison was a little confused. He didn't know what this was. He thought for a while and said, "I am Garrison, the deputy leader of the Wind Knights of the Temple of Nature. Please ask this mage to come out and answer."

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the formation, and two knights dismounted and opened the door. Xiao Chen and Luo Ling, wearing mage robes, got off the carriage. After this bloody day, Xiao Chen's face actually had a bit more weathered color, and his eyes were also tired. Just like a piece of raw iron, it was hammered well. The iron is still the same piece of iron, but it has undergone essential changes. On the contrary, Luo Ling's appearance is still the same as in the morning. She followed Xiao Chen lazily. Like a cat following an old dog.

"Knights of the Wind Knights?" Xiao Chen looked at Garrison and nodded, "We are wizards from Black Mountain, coming to visit our old friend Master Ikasa. By the way, add some warriors and slaves to my castle."

Hearing Master Ikasa, Garrison knew that it would be difficult for him to understand the people in front of him. He pointed to the five large squares that had been assembled on the hillside not far away and asked: "Mr. Mage, you are visiting friends, and you still bring the army?"

"Are you talking about them?" Xiao Chen grinned, "Those are all slaves I bought."

"The slaves you bought?" Garrison widened his eyes, and his eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

"Ha, I bought a lot."

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