On the Seven Towers

Chapter 187 A Reason

The flame of the oil lamp in the room was swaying, causing the light and shadow on Crete's face to move slightly. As a result, his handsome face gave people a vivid feeling. Together with his simple and detailed description, the audience was moved. It's easy to get into the world of the story.

Even though Luo Ling was sitting in front of him and listening to him describe the scenes of his experiences, she felt that she felt the same.

"Hoke took me to their secret stronghold, and then introduced Lorenzo, the 'teacher', to me. I understood that this was all prepared by them. If I wanted to know more, I had to follow what they said. Do it. So, I learned the 'magic' from Lorenzo, and then I had this." Crete stretched out his hand in front of Luo Ling.

Luo Ling looked at the tattoo, but couldn't see much of it. She asked, "Were you not afraid when you followed them alone?"

"Afraid!" Crete smiled sheepishly, "But being afraid doesn't mean you have to run away, right? My father has always told me that our ancestors had knights. Knights would be afraid, but knights would not run away. Crete paused, as if recalling something, "I'm not a good boy. I've escaped many times before, but after my father left, I didn't want to let him down again."

Luo Ling didn't expect this half-grown child to give such an answer. She discerned the details on his face, and the words seemed to come from sincerity.

She asked again: "Why were you unwilling to tell Catalina the truth at that time?"

Crete was stunned and replied: "I know Sister Catalina cares about me, but I don't know her very well. We just met the day my father died. Just because a person seems to be a good person does not mean that he really is. . Among the slave traders, we have seen too many pretending to be good people. I also don’t know the man named Ji Yijun next to her, so I didn’t say much to them. "My father always told me that if you are not sure about something, just keep silent and wait and see. I think those people are everywhere, and any stranger could be him." One of them, I can’t tell the difference, so I can only trust the teacher’s instructions and you alone.”

"Then why did it take you two days to come to me?"

"Because Lorenzo told me that not only could he talk to me through this magic mark, but he could also see what was going on around me. You know, it's a scary thing, if I do anything he's like Doesn’t it mean that nothing I say to others can escape his ears? Although he said he was protecting me, I understood that I was already under his radar. How dare I come to you before you spy on me? In the past two days, I pretended to be a little boy who knew nothing and only complained, doing some stupid things and saying things I shouldn't have said. Watch secretly to see if he can find it."

"You are really thoughtful." Luo Ling sighed. At this time, she felt that she must not treat this young man as an ordinary child. She didn't know how many things he had experienced in the past to become this mature at this age. .

And he is a natural actor. Whether it is singing, acting or telling stories, it is an innate instinct for him. No wonder those guys who are ready to take action easily believe his complaints.

He is only fourteen years old. Perhaps, Xiao Chen gained more than just a magic apprentice...

"First, when I was alone, I said to the air: 'Teacher Lorenzo, the guards seem to be targeting me.' Then I said: 'I found that the guards at the camp were talking about your party.' But they Nothing happened. Then when I was talking to the light ball Lorenzo, I complained to him that there was no response when I called for help.

They were not too wary of a kid like me, and finally let me figure out the function of this tattoo. I discovered that Lorenzo could only know what was happening around me when he conjured a ball of light. As it is now, he has no idea what is going on around me. And he usually contacts me twice a day. He just contacted me before I came out, and he probably won't contact me again today. "

"Then why are you dressing up as a woman?"

Crete said, "Because I found that some people have been secretly following me these past few days, I didn't dare to go to your office. In order not to attract other people's attention at night, I had to dress up as a man and come to your dormitory."

"Well, you are followed by both Catalina's mercenary companions and my people. But we can't rule out that Lorenzo will also send people to keep an eye on you." Luo Ling said, "However, Catalina and Ji Yijun are worth it Believe me, they really care about you.”

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I know their details, there is no need for them to do anything sneaky."

"If that's the case, that would be great." Crete looked a little happy, and he didn't want Catalina to have any problems. He looked at Luo Ling with some anxiety and asked, "Then what should I do next? "

"Nothing to do."

"What?" Crete's face was full of confusion.

"Crete, you are a very smart and brave child. I doubt how many adults in this school can be like you. However, you have done enough. If a child like you is needed to be a lone hero, then We adults are too incompetent." Luo Ling stood up, walked to Crete, put her hands on his shoulders, and said seriously, "You are very good at hiding your emotions, but I can feel that you were angry at that time. How scared and lonely you are, I believe you have regretted it more than once and thought you were too big, right?"

Crete stared at Luo Ling in confusion. He opened his mouth, but it took a while before he made a sound: "I...I felt that I was too reckless a few times."

"So, I don't want you to continue taking risks, and I don't think Xiao Chen will agree to let you take risks. I would like to ask Morey to take a look at the magic circle in your hand. If there is no big problem, we will go directly to catch Hawke. and the group led by Lorenzo.”

"However, there are people behind them. I even heard that some of the guards and mercenaries were very close to them."

"We can interrogate the people behind slowly, but you have done enough. I don't believe that these rabble can escape under our sudden attack. We have a saying over there that 'cutting the mess with a sharp knife', sometimes this It's more effective than following the clues. As long as we cut off all their outstretched claws, even if there are fish that slip through the net, they should be stopped." Luo Ling seemed confident when she said these words.

Crete thought in silence for a while, and finally said firmly: "But, I still want to continue dealing with them."


“I don’t want to do things half-assed.”

"This is not a good reason." Luo Ling said decisively.

Crete thought for a while and said: "You also know that the safest way is to keep going around, so that the bad guys who are hiding the deepest can be found out. I hate all the bad guys hiding in the dark. If it weren't for these people, I would My father will not die. You are afraid that I will be in danger by dealing with them, but if these people are not caught, wouldn't I be in more danger when they take revenge?"

"Although it makes some sense, it's not enough. It's not enough for a person to fight for his life. And these situations are just assumptions. I can also say that the earlier we strike, the less harmful it will be." Luo Ling and Crete looked at each other. After all, Crete was only half a child, and he felt a lot of pressure under Luo Ling's burning eyes.

Is this the spiritual power of a magician? Crete had a feeling that he was about to be seen through. He didn't like this unconcealed state very much. He gritted his teeth and said slowly: "I want to prove myself. I want to stand out. I want others to know that as a person Magic apprentice, I am qualified, this opportunity should be mine, not a handout in exchange for my father's life."

"Does this make any difference to you? As long as you have enough mental talent, you will eventually become a mage. Why take the risk?"

"Lord Luo Ling, there are many kinds of slaves in the slave camp. Some slaves don't have enough to eat every day and have to work in the mines. If they accidentally become disabled or useless, they will be fed by slave traders. The ending of a dog. There are also slaves who have some skills and can help slave merchants with crafts. As long as they are not too lazy, their lives may not be worse than those of farmers outside. There are also slaves who have special qualities, or are like Roger Knight. They may have superb martial arts skills; they may be beautiful and good at singing and dancing; or they may have a particularly good voice like me. In order to sell us people at a good price, the slave merchants provided us with food and drink that was even better than that of ordinary people in the town. Better. In order to protect my throat, they would give me special herbs. They even exempted my father from mining work so that he could take care of me.

However, this was not the case at the beginning. I was just a little slave who could die at any time. You know, little slaves are worthless and they die the quickest in the camp. My father tried his best to find something different about me in order to keep me alive. I still remember the night he discovered I could sing well and cried with excitement. He gave his food to a minstrel slave and asked him to teach me how to sing, but he himself lost half his weight from hunger. He kowtowed to an eccentric old dancer just so she could teach me a few moves. Every day, he recalled what interesting tunes there were in the places where merchants had traveled before. Then, he used the symbols he invented to record the tunes and lyrics, and carved them on the wall with stones. Then let me learn whenever I have free time.

It took a year, just like this, for me to attract the slave traders who passed by our cell with my singing. It took another year before I was valuable enough for them to fish my father out of the mine. When I saw him, he looked ten years older than a year ago!

From that time on, I understood that there was a difference between a slave and a slave. And now, I believe that mages and wizards must be different. I will not miss any opportunity to fight and prove myself. "

Prove your ability? Prove your worth? Prove that you are worth investing in? Luo Ling read his thoughts from his face. In the final analysis, this was a man who was unwilling to be mediocre. So she asked: "Don't you regret putting yourself in it?"

"No regrets." Crete did not hesitate, his face filled with stubbornness from the inside out.

"Oh, you are still a child." Luo Ling walked over and hugged him gently, touching his head.

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