On the Seven Towers

Chapter 230 In front of the Mage Tower

In front of the towering magic tower, Xiao Chen got off the carriage.

He looked up. The five connected magic towers were like castles in the clouds, occupying most of the field of vision. There was a four- or five-story dome building below the five towers. This was the headquarters of the Kingdom Magic Association, and it was also the regular entrance to the five magic towers.

Xiao Chen took out an invitation from his arms and input mental power into it. The invitation emitted a faint glow, and a bird formed by light broke through the paper on the invitation and flew into the window of the dome building. A moment later, the arch of the Magic Association slowly opened, and a young man in a wizard robe walked out of the doorway. The young man was of medium height, and his walk was neither hot nor cold. At first glance, he had a good upbringing. He was also very neatly dressed, his hair was combed meticulously, and the crescent badge of a low-level wizard was pinned neatly on his chest. But Xiao Chen noticed that his wizard robe was a little worn, and the sleeves and collar were worn white.

He came to Xiao Chen and performed a wizard salute, saying: "Sir Xiao Chen, the Kingdom Magic Association and the Royal Magic Tower welcome you. I am Feng Qi, the deacon of the Magic Association. I will take you to the Spirit Refining Tower for the assessment of membership."

Xiao Chen returned the greeting by touching his forehead with his hand, and asked: "Can my followers come in together?"

"Sorry, you can only bring people in after you obtain the status of a member of the association." Feng Qi said.

"Ah? Can't we get in?" Catalina said regretfully.

"Sir Xiao, your safety..." Roger said with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry. I can take care of myself. When I pass the assessment, you can go in next time."


Xiao Chen followed Feng Qi into the Magic Association. This room was indeed like Master Ikasa's Spirit Eye Tower, with a different world.

After passing a short corridor, they came to a hall. The dome of the hall was very high, made of translucent materials, and went straight to the sky. The sun gently penetrated and illuminated the entire room.

There are corridors all around, which are quite similar to shopping malls on Earth, but the decoration style is much more classical. The facades of the walls are made of rocks, supplemented by various relief decorations. Of course, there are also various large and small magic circles. Xiao Chen glanced around and couldn't recognize many of them, but he was sure that anyone who was looking for trouble here would get into big trouble.

Xiao Chen looked up and saw that there were five floors in total, and many people were walking on the upper floors. In the middle of the square on the ground floor, there is a large platform, which occupies one-third of the square. The front half of the platform is open, and the back half has a wall with five doors on it. Several golems with a metallic luster guard each doorway. The area around the platform is made into a garden, with many plants and rest areas.

"The Magic Association is a place to deal with wizard affairs, discuss magic research, and buy and sell magic resources. The first floor is a garden and a passage to the five magic towers. The second floor is a shop and reception room, the third floor is a library and information center, the fourth floor is a public laboratory, and the fifth floor is the private rooms of the great magicians and high-level magicians. These five gates guarded by golems lead to the five royal magic towers." Feng Qi explained on the side.

"I have always had a question, why is it the 'Kingdom' Magic Association and the 'Royal' Magic Tower?" Xiao Chen asked.

Feng Qi pondered for a while and said: "The Royal Magic Tower is loyal to the imperial family. If there are members of the royal family who practice magic, they will join a magic tower. However, there are many very independent magic towers in the kingdom, and their relationship with the royal family is more like cooperation. These magicians need a place to communicate, and the royal family also hopes to have a platform to talk to them. This is the original origin of the Kingdom Magic Association."

"Which one do you belong to?"

"I am a magician of the Spirit Refining Tower, but not a royal magician."

"Oh? Do you want to maintain a certain degree of independence?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

Feng Qi laughed and said, "No, not every mage is qualified to become a royal mage. If you pledge allegiance to the royal family, the royal family will provide corresponding resources. Only mages who are favored by them have the opportunity to pledge allegiance. Some of the five royal towers have people like me who want to be loyal but cannot."

"But I think you should have a good talent." Xiao Chen asked doubtfully, "I see that you are very young. You should have become a formal mage before the age of 20, right?"

"Eighteen years and four months." The pride on Feng Qi's face disappeared in an instant, "You will slowly learn about these things in the magic tower in the future. Let's go for the assessment today."

Xiao Chen followed him thoughtfully. After a few steps, he heard two mages fighting for the laboratory upstairs. They greeted each other's mother and grandmother. The voices were so loud that they were heard directly from the fourth floor to the first floor.

Feng Qi saw Xiao Chen stop and listen, and smiled: "This happens every day, you will get used to it in the future. It's okay, at most you will talk about it, no one in the Magic Association dares to do it."

"These facilities should be available in every magic tower, right? Why would someone come to the Magic Association to fight for them?"

"Some magicians come from all over the kingdom, and it is impossible to carry experimental equipment with them. Once they want to prepare potions, test formations, make scrolls or enchant items, they naturally need to borrow these facilities." Feng Qi showed a wry smile, "But even if we are like this How many opportunities do local middle- and low-level mages have to use the equipment in the magic tower? Mages from the royal family always occupy the best private laboratories. Royal mages also have their own territory, and most of the public laboratories in the magic tower are prepared. The Royal Mage takes over, and the last remaining scraps belong to those of us.”

Xiao Chen listened quietly and felt that the Royal Magic Tower was becoming more and more interesting.

The two came to the platform in the room. Xiao Chen saw five doors written in front of them: Tower of Healer, Tower of God Refining, Tower of Cracking Sky, Tower of Ice and Tower of Shining Wings. The first four towers have some appearance from their names, but the last one has no clue what it does.

Feng Qi came to the demon statue in the Tower of God Refining. This demon statue looked like a robot. It was made of black metal and was full of power. Its body is covered with large and small silver magic circles, and its body is connected by various transmission components. It seems that it can do some actions that humans cannot do. There are two sets of retracted steel blades on the outside of the forearm. Xiao Chen believes that once this two-meter-and-a-half-meter tall demon is activated, it will definitely be an efficient killing weapon.

"Gama, this is Mr. Xiao Chen who Master Kona wants to evaluate. Please open the door to the Tower of God Refining."

The demon turned to look at Xiao Chen, its originally light blue eyes glowing red, scanning Xiao Chen up and down.

"The inspection passed. You can be released." The voice from the golem turned out to be a sonorous female voice. Xiao Chen looked at Feng Qi.

"I know what you want to ask. Yes, Gama's body is the soul of a woman. At least I will treat her as a human being." Feng Qi said in a low voice.

The door had been opened. Xiao Chen looked back at Gama and stepped into the light door.

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