On the Seven Towers

Chapter 43 In the Aftermath

The storm was raging, and the ferry was still bumpy, but Xiao Chen was no longer so embarrassed. He sat cross-legged on the deck, leaning against the bulkhead. Not a drop of water could enter within more than one meter of the surrounding area. Every breath of wind, every drop Yu chose to avoid him. He has become stronger and has taken the first step to control this world of consciousness. However, he is still weak and can only use the power of the scroll to exert the power of magic.

When will I have my own power?

Xiao Chen stared at the lightning in the sky in trance. The power of the lightning was powerful, majestic, and shocking.

He had never wanted to master a power so much.

If in the outside world, if on that burning night, he had such power, wouldn't he be able to deal with bastards like goblins?

Xiao Chen looked into the sky with his consciousness.

Incredibly slow and extremely difficult.

However, he persisted, one minute, one inch, slowly extending...


After an unknown amount of time, he felt someone tap him on his shoulder and woke up.

The wind and rain disappeared without a trace. It was a crisp autumn afternoon. The sun was a little hot on my body, but the wind blowing from the roof also gave me a bit of coolness. From the corner of his eye, Xiao Chen saw a plain hand taking away his shoulder.

Xiao Chen turned around and saw Luo Ling and a man.

"You are quite lazy, you found such a good place on the roof." Luo Ling threw an apple over, and Xiao Chen caught it.

"It is produced in Sameria Village. It is pollution-free and purely natural. Apart from being small and not sweet, it is quite good."

Luo Ling took out another apple and took a bite of it herself. She smiled brightly. Just like the sun, it warms people a little, but over time it makes people's faces hot and sweaty.

Xiao Chen wiped the apple with the corner of his clothes, bit off half of it in one bite, and said helplessly: "The expedition team has stopped working, so let me take a breather after the disaster."

He glanced at the man with his hands behind his back and said, "Who is this?"

"Qin Mu, like Teacher Luo, is also a teacher in the school. The second expedition team was led by the two of us." Qin Mu stretched out his hand out of habit, but saw that Xiao Chen, like Luo Ling, had sticky spots on his right hand. The sticky apple juice water retracted his hand again. He said in a concerned tone: "Classmate Xiao, we have heard about what happened this time. It is too much to put such pressure on you students."

Luo Ling blinked at Xiao Chen and said, "Classmate Xiao, Teacher Qin heard about your incident and must come to express condolences to you."

Xiao Chen had apples in his mouth and said vaguely: "Thank you very much, Teacher Qin, for your concern. No one would have expected to encounter such a thing in the wild."

"It seems that you have recovered well and are in good spirits. Young people must have an indomitable fighting spirit and cannot shrink back after being hit." Qin Mu patted Xiao Chen's shoulder heavily.

Seeing Luo Ling secretly smiling, Xiao Chen secretly rolled his eyes at her, and said to the "sincere" Qin Mu: "Yes, I am not like Teacher Qin who can stand alone. I have to follow our team leader Luo next time." Let’s go. Team leader, what do you say?”

"Ah? Okay." Luo Ling responded quickly.

"Ahem." Qin Mu coughed a few times and asked, "I heard that those goblins are not very tall? They are not very powerful in combat, but there are just a lot of them?"

"Indeed, with Teacher Qin's body, one can handle ten." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Classmate Xiao, please don't bury me. I'm in a dangerous situation. I'd rather lower my attitude and risk losing Jingzhou. Only by making plans in the future can we stay calm in times of crisis, don't you think?"

"Fortunately, we met a goblin first, so Teacher Qin had a chance to make a plan. Next time, maybe it can save lives."

"Haha." Qin Mu touched his nose and said to Luo Ling, "You are an extraordinary good student." He waved to Xiao Chen and said, "Keep up the good work, I still have a meeting, I have to leave first!"

"Is this person tired?" Xiao Chen complained as soon as Qin Mu left.

"Teacher Qin took the initiative to come to visit you. It has nothing to do with me." Luo Ling said with a smile, "But he seems to be able to arouse your fighting spirit."

"Everything he wants is written on his face, not just for you..."

"Okay, let's not talk about him. I'm here to remind you that the report has been submitted to the committee for you. But you must still accept their investigation and questioning. After all, Mr. Lin's death is not something that can be taken away casually. I I heard some bad news, and Zhao Rui seemed to put all the blame on Zhang Sicheng and you, and Zhang Sicheng seemed to accept it. "

"The soldiers will come and stop them." Xiao Chen sighed and said.


"Good place, really a good place!" Morey put on Xiao Chen's shirt and trousers and walked on the campus. He held a folding fan in one hand, a plastic electronic watch on his wrist, a magazine in the other hand, and a pair of toad glasses on his face. He obtained these with the gold coins he hid in his clothes and passers-by. These possessions almost spent all his savings, but his interest became increasingly high.

Li Jia is also looking at Morey. This young man who speaks Chinese proficiently is about 24 or 25 years old. He has an angular face and short dark red hair. He is very handsome. The shirt and sunglasses make him look like an international student walking on campus.

Her hair is also the same color, Li Jia couldn't help but think. And he walked with her on all these roads. The same curious eyes, the same questions. However, he was so happy then, but now he feels tired, hesitant and lifeless. Until now, Li Jia was not sure whether she had betrayed him or put herself in the position of a traitor.

"Hey, what kind of building is this? It's so beautiful and majestic, but it was burned down by fire?" Morey asked, waving his fan and pointing far away at the library. This question temporarily brought Li Jia's soul back.

"That's the library. It caught on fire a few days ago." Li Jia didn't want to talk more about it, so she simply replied.

"Isn't there a fire-preventing magic circle in the library?" Morey asked curiously, "Is the loss big?"

"Fortunately, probably more than two thousand books were burned." Li Jia replied in a calm voice.

"More than two thousand books? God of nature, what a loss. The person who caused the fire must be severely punished! If such a thing happened to the Kingdom Library, the director of the library would definitely be beheaded by the king! If I lit a fire in the teacher's library, and he will definitely turn me into a demon." Morey said these words indignantly, which made Li Jia confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Books! They are all knowledge! From the first day I learned to read, the teacher said: 'You and I will be destroyed, only knowledge will last forever.', 'Those who do not respect books do not deserve any respect.' , ‘Every book is an angel born of difficulty.’ Don’t you have a similar saying?”

"Ah, ah, it seems... makes sense. However, the fire started from the bookshelves of 'News Magazine' and 'Successful Learning'. It is a great blessing among misfortunes."

"News magazine? Success Studies? What is that?"

"Well, just think of it as waste paper."

"What is that?" Morey once again pointed to a construction site that had just started construction in the distance with his folding fan and asked with interest.

Li Jia hesitated for a moment, then replied: "That is the small blast furnace under construction. They are going to try to make iron."

"It's surprising that such a furnace can be used to smelt iron. Dwarves use furnaces and hammers to forge, and alchemists use formations to separate iron. I didn't expect that there is a way to use such a blast furnace."

He took off his sunglasses, observed carefully, and asked, "Can you tell me specifically what's going on? Or let me go over and have a look?"

"Sorry, I can only take you around the public area for Xiao Chen. There are some places that I can't even enter. Besides, it's still early for this stove to be built." Li Jia shook his head and said after a while, "Actually, it's nothing. I just burn iron ore, coal, limestone, etc. together."

Morey put his fan against his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Li Jia, please tell Xiao Chen that I want to stay, and I am willing to use my alchemy to exchange this knowledge and technology with you. Even as an alchemist , at your service!”

Li Jia looked at him with some surprise. Did this person realize the value of our technology so quickly?

To be honest, he didn't quite understand why Xiao Chen brought this person back. He went to great lengths to get the committee to agree to keep this person on campus and solemnly asked him to entertain him well. In Li Jia's view, the backwardness of the world means that the locals have no technology worth caring about. As for alchemy, isn’t it just a scam and superstition on earth?

He was thinking about how to politely refuse the request when he saw Morey take out a small bottle from his arms.

Morey pulled Li Jia to a stone table by the lawn, opened the bottle with his puzzled eyes, stretched out a silver thread from his fingertips, dipped it in the red liquid in the bottle, and used the thread as a pen to write Drawing started on the stone table.

The red line twists and turns gently, slowly forming characters and lines. Li Jia was surprised to find that these characters were very similar to Chinese Xiaozhuan, but the characters had many variations and distortions in shape, and were not square. These characters were also combined with various dots and lines to form new shapes. pattern.

Morey would often partially overlap one word on top of another, so that the words overlap and cover each other, making them difficult to read quickly.

Li Jia couldn't recognize a few small seal characters, but could barely make out the character "Lian" and the character "fen", but couldn't figure out dozens of other characters. He just felt that when Morey's words were connected together, there was a strong sense of harmony, like a whole. When Morey wrote for more than ten minutes and finally stopped, the entire array emitted a faint red light, like a neon light embedded on the stone table.

"Look, this is the alchemy I learned, inherited from the Moncayo School, the top level in the mainland." Morey boasted with some pride, "I know you come from a completely different place from here, this must be very good for you. Useful.”

After that, he took out a gold coin from his pocket, placed it in the middle of the magic circle, and then softly recited a spell. The gold coin was immediately surrounded by a red smoke rising from the magic circle for nearly a minute. Finally, the smoke dissipated, and two square pieces of metal appeared on the magic array. The larger one was golden, and the smaller one was gray-black.

"Is this... metal refining?" Li Jia stared at the piece of gold shining brightly in the sun, unable to speak.

"Yes, this is the core of alchemy, but it is also the most useless formation, the alchemy formation. This is real pure gold, and the small ones are impurities in gold coins. I also smelt iron, copper, and many metals formations, and even more synthetic metal formations.”

"It's amazing, how can this be useless?" Li Jia asked in confusion.

Morey shook the red bottle and said, "The price of the materials used to make the alchemy array is much more expensive than that piece of gold, but it is still an unheard-of technology for you, isn't it?"

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