On the Seven Towers

Chapter 80: Mercenary Army

Xiao Chen never stopped talking along the way, as if this exchange had opened a floodgate for him to vent out many of his daily thoughts and ideas.

Most of the time, Luo Ling just listened to him quietly, but the occasional interruption often made Xiao Chen choke and speechless.

"If there is a result one day, are you really not worried that the dwarf will run away? Let the technology fall into the hands of other forces?" Luo Ling found that she had returned to the door of the hotel without realizing it.

"What is there to be afraid of? When it comes to technical exchanges, we who have scientific ideas will definitely benefit more. What the dwarves have researched here may never be transplanted to a blacksmith shop in a lifetime. Could it be that our modern large-scale industrial production is not as good as those handicraft workshops in the end?" Xiao Chen said with some disdain as he pushed open the door of the hotel.

Luo Ling frowned slightly and was about to remind him something, but at this time she saw Xiao Chen bumping into someone.

"Xi Luo? What happened? What made you so panicked." She found that it was Xi Luo who bumped into Xiao Chen.

"Horse thieves! Horse thieves! My lady, something terrible has happened!" Xi Luo replied in a panic, "It's great that you're back. Lord Chen sent me to find you."

"Where did the horse thieves come from?" Xiao Chen asked puzzledly.

"Our friend Baron Goya brought terrible news." Chen Hansheng came to the door at some point. His face was gloomy as if it was going to rain, but he was much calmer than Xi Luo. "According to the information obtained from the caravans, a large group of horse thieves are gathering, and their target for looting is our home - school."

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling hurriedly followed Chen Hansheng back to his room. Before they entered the door, they heard Li Tianrui and others arguing inside. When Xiao Chen ran to the door, a clay cup quickly attacked him. Xiao Chen turned his head to avoid it, and the cup smashed into pieces on the wall with a "bang".

Then he heard Li Tianrui yelling in the room: "Smash you to death, you coward. The school is in trouble, so of course we have to go back to help. If you have the guts, repeat what you said before!"

"That's what I want to say!" Xiao Chen looked over and saw that the speaker was a fat boy named Xu Huang from the business group. His face was red and he was shaking slightly. He yelled: "Thousands of bandits! From the time point of view, we will just run into them surrounding the school when we go back. We are just a few people and a few guns. Aren't we rushing to reincarnate?"

"We are not passively avoiding the war, but preserving our power. Do you understand that a cunning rabbit has three burrows? We have managed Suero City well. If the school cannot be defended, the people who withdraw will still have a place to settle down."

"You military group people only know how to fight. From ancient times to the present, it is necessary to pay attention to strategy to defeat the strong with the weak. Avoiding the sharp edge is also a strategy."

Several people from the business group also joined in. Li Tianrui was not good at speaking, and he was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to beat them.

"Shut up!" Chen Hansheng rushed in in time to stop the scene. Old Chen was the leader of the business team and a veteran. The most important thing was that his voice was loud enough. This roar suppressed the voices of the people in the room.

But soon, people in the room complained and complained, and they all complained to Chen Hansheng again. Chen Hansheng was annoyed and had to say: "Team leader Luo and Xiao Xiao from the foreign affairs team are here. When we went out, Principal Guo had explained that the foreign affairs team still had to make decisions on major matters. Team leader Luo, now everyone has two opinions: go back or not. You tell me, what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Luo Ling at this time. In their opinion, Luo Ling was also in a dilemma and might even shirk this responsibility. Unexpectedly, Luo Ling did not refuse after hearing this, and directly expressed her opinion: "Old Chen will take the people from the business team to stay. I will take the rest back to school."

This was said crisply and made some people happy, some worried, some embarrassed, and some terrified. Chen Hansheng had thought that he would have to discuss and negotiate several times before he could come up with a conclusion. He did not expect Luo Ling to break up the matter as soon as she spoke. He said hesitantly: "I was planning to act together. Isn't it not good to separate now?"

Li Tianrui also said indignantly: "Team Leader Luo, a woman, went back to save the situation, but these grown men stayed. I can't stand it."

"We are not going back by ourselves, but with an army. Those who stay also have their own tasks. According to the original plan, we will build the trading point here."

"Army?" The crowd was in an uproar.

Luo Ling glanced at Xiao Chen, who nodded slightly. She continued: "Xiao Chen and I knew a mercenary leader before. Now we have sold our goods and have sufficient funds. It is just right to use the money on this blade. Recruit mercenaries to form a team. If we can get back in time, it will greatly strengthen the strength of the school. Even if we don't have time to arrive before the horse thieves attack, we can also make a noise and make them hesitate."

After listening to Luo Ling's words, Chen Hansheng suddenly felt like the clouds had cleared and the sun had appeared. After all, everyone is not familiar with this era, and the people they have been in contact with recently are mainly merchants, and no one has dealt with mercenaries, so no one thought of this when discussing it before.

Some people have mentioned asking the city lord and Baron Goya for help before, but Chen Hansheng knew that this was impossible. As a feudal lord, Lord Suero is only responsible for his own city, and he would never care about the life and death of other people's fiefdoms. As for the baron... the messenger just conveyed a message that Baron Goya's limited military force is used as caravan guards and private bodyguards, and I am afraid he can only provide them with some information.

Even so, everyone in the school had to accept the baron's favor. If he hadn't reported the news in time, everyone in Suero would have been the last to know about the horse thief in the entire school.

Chen Hansheng weighed it up, slammed the table excitedly and said, "This is a good idea. We are a surprise force. We may be able to achieve some results on the periphery of the thieves. I don't know how strong these mercenaries are. Are they reliable?" "

"How strong it is depends on how we choose. Whether it is unreliable or not depends on what conditions we give." Luo Ling said with a smile.

"Then there's no problem except for one thing." Chen Hansheng said, "You stay and I'll go back! This point is non-negotiable."


In a somewhat dilapidated cabin, there was a faint smell of blood everywhere.

Karanda walked quickly from outside wearing a military uniform, briefly greeted a few people downstairs, and went directly to the second floor. The smell of blood here is stronger. There is a small bed next to the window, and a man with many bandages on his head and body is lying on the bed. The sun filtered in from the window and shone on the wounded man. He seemed to be half asleep and half awake, with his body twitching from time to time and letting out low moans.

"Leo?" Calanda walked slowly to the bed and called him softly.

"Leo hasn't woken up since he came back the night before yesterday." A man in the shadow answered. "He would only cry out cold and keep shivering. I could only move him under the window."

"Who did it? Horse thieves?"

"Yes, they are going to Montenegro and will collide with us."

"Where's the person who did it?"

"He was beheaded by Leo, but he fought back before his death and seriously injured Leo."

"Adams, why are you looking after Leo and Caterina?"

"She...she went to raise money. The doctor had nothing to do with Leo, saying that he would not survive two days, but asking the priest to perform a healing spell would cost a full fifty gold coins. All of us can only do it together. I got seven gold coins." Adams walked out of the shadows. He was a tall, dark-skinned young man. Although he looked ordinary, there were several claw-shaped scars on his jaw and arms that made him look suspicious at first glance. I know he is not an easy character to deal with.

"Raising money? Where did the money come from?" Karanda frowned, and suddenly thought of something, "Is she trying to use her brain again? Where has she gone?"

"Boss, we don't know when you will come back when you go out to find work. But Leo's situation is getting worse day by day. We big guys can't make money if we can't get the task. Only Catalina can think of something else. There's a solution." Adams replied in a low voice, "Catalina didn't say it clearly, and I don't know where she went, but she called Gameiro away. With him here, Catalina can't suffer."

"This is not a matter of who suffers. Being a mercenary must follow the rules of a mercenary! Who doesn't know that Katarina is a member of our Blue Flame Mercenary Group? If the matter is exposed, our reputation will be ruined. I don't care what others do In this way, no matter what you were like before, as long as you become my people, you must follow my rules." Kalanda lowered her voice, but her tone was angry.

She took off a pendant with a yellow gemstone from her neck, handed it to Adams, and ordered: "Go and take these to the pawn shop, and tell the boss Hernando that you must give them to us fifty." Gold coins, I owe him a favor for this matter. Go and ask the priest for it.”

"Head, this magic necklace is inherited from your family. Moreover, it saved your life last time."

"It's just a pawn first, and it will eventually be redeemed." Kalanda waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

However, Adams looked very embarrassed. He knew very well that mercenaries had always lived one day at a time, and money came and went quickly. If he had to slowly save money to repay this huge sum, he really didn't know what to do. It can only be paid off in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. There is a time limit for pawning things, and after that time, the pawnshop can sell off the collateral.

Seeing that Adams was not leaving, Calanda urged: "Leo must be saved first. Have you forgotten the promise we made before his brother Edo died? Do what I said in Snapshot."

Adams looked helplessly at Leo lying on the bed, and then at Calanda's determined eyes, and had no choice but to hold Calanda's sword and necklace and run downstairs.

Calanda gently touched Leo's hot forehead with her hand, turned around and went downstairs. She glanced at the people in the room gloomily and said loudly: "Listen to me. If you know the information, tell me honestly." , where have Katarina and the others gone? I must find her before she causes trouble."

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