One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2064: Call of Darkness

Kuyturan suddenly felt that he had fallen into a very muddy state. He could no longer hear other people's words, nor could he see everything around him.

His whole world seemed to be plunged into a kind of darkness.

All plans have stalled, and he has forgotten a lot.

How on earth are you going to go on? Do you just go on like this in a muddle-headed manner!

Is the influence of emotions so powerful? Is there really no way I can change? Is it true that I really want to be influenced by these emotions in this way?

This is really an unacceptable reality, but he must face it now.

It is a pity that there is darkness in front of me, everything is darkness.

The darkness seemed to cover him, and it seemed to make him breathless.

His memory has been messed up a long time ago, he has no such memory as his own, and he doesn't remember who he is.

Now he really has nothing, nothing.

He is completely blank now, it can be said that it is another piece of white paper.

This feeling is getting deeper and deeper. He can't tell whether it is an emotional influence or what, he can't tell.

The feeling that has never happened before, things that have never happened before have happened, his world has collapsed, his plan has been stranded, his plan has been confused, and everything about him has been subverted!

He didn't know what to do, he only had one idea now, that was to do nothing, not move anything, and slowly experience it in the darkness before him.

Nothing can stop him, and nothing can guide him.

He thought it was an exiled bird, staying in a cage all year round, and forgot how to flap its wings after freedom.

This is a pity, but it is also a normal thing.

There are too many things that are bound, and now the front of the eyes has become pure, without those troubles, without those constraints, everything becomes simple.

Darkness is simple, pure, and so without any impurities.

This feeling seems to be what he wants...

Kuy Turan didn’t know what was wrong with him. This feeling of not feeling anything gave him a long-lost feeling. It seems that this feeling has been close to him a long time ago, and he has been in contact with him a long time ago. He knew what was going on...

This darkness has a familiar feeling, this darkness is what he wants...

This feeling is hard to say, but the current feeling has made him lose his previous troubles. The tangled feeling that was swayed by emotions no longer exists, and it has disappeared without a trace.

This kind of feeling, this kind of darkness brought him a familiar taste, brought him a familiar feeling, and brought him that familiar habit.

Darkness, darkness, all covered, everything has no meaning, nothing has changed.

In this darkness, I don’t need to worry about so many uncertainties. I don’t need to think about the future in this darkness. I don’t need to think about anything in this darkness. I don’t need to think about anything.

In this darkness, everything is equal, everything is the same.

In this darkness, there is nothing unusual, there is no individual, even angular things are treated the same in the darkness.

Everything in the darkness is the same, everything in the darkness is equal.

This is like a truth, deeply imprinted on Kuytulan.

In this darkness, he doesn't need to know who he is, nor does he need to pursue the meaning of life, let alone think about so many influences and changes.

In the dark, everything is the same.

After the darkness, there is no special individual, no self-awareness, no so many right and wrong, no disputes...

This state is perfect, what he has been looking forward to.

A deep voice rang out in the faint darkness, and this voice kept lingering around him, making him firmer and more persistent.

"Come on, this is the ideal world, this is the ultimate way of shortcuts!"

This voice began to play its role, and it seemed to call this Kuyturan in the darkness.

Summoning is such a call.

This darkness wants Kuy Turan to plunge into this darkness...

And Kuyturan seems to be interested in such a call.

"Don't hesitate, this is the world you want. In this place, everything is the same, everything will be uniform."

Kuy Turan listened carefully. He recognized the world and was used to it, but he still didn't know how to make this dark world the world of all people.

"Do what you should do, what you should do, just do nothing. Here, you don't need to do anything..."

The voice was still talking, but it was still unable to give him firmness.

His hesitation always came from the two blank papers, and those different opinions always shocked him.

These shocks make the darkness dim, and sometimes it seems like a cluster of shining stimulation in this darkness...

In the face of these shocks, what should he do, he doesn't know, and he wants to ask this dark voice, how he should make a decision in the face of these, how should he deal with it!

"Different voices and different opinions are not terrible. These differences will eventually return here, will eventually be assimilated here, and will eventually become part of this place."

The calling voice told him a firm answer, but he was still not sure how to change the two blank papers.

Those two pieces of white paper always brought different things, always stimulated him, and always changed him bit by bit. He couldn't even face it.

"Now you are a blank sheet of Remember, in this place, in the dark, everything is blank."

"When you encounter those obsessive factors to escape, don't panic, don't despair, everything is the same in the dark, swallow them with our unity, and everything will return to its original form."

"Eat them, make them well-behaved here, devour them..."

The voice of darkness is calling Kuyturan, so that Kuyturan gradually understands the true meaning of this darkness.

It’s not to transform a person by reason. When darkness falls, I never greet you, when darkness falls, I never talk to you, when darkness falls, I never talk to you...

To swallow all of this, conquer all of this, any voice of opposition will be swallowed.

Let all the known become a piece of white paper, and destroy all of this to reshape it.

Gradually, Kuyturan understood this dark call!

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