One Man’s Power

Chapter 58 Disaster Strikes (Fourth update, please subscribe!)

The invasion of different space gods is first to spread the fluctuation of divine power, and then to descend and manifest.

According to Dr. Li of the Huaguo Central Research Institute, a series of programs such as observation methods, estimated value comparison tables, and all-weather satellite monitoring have formed a relatively complete early warning system, which is the power of science and technology.

Therefore, whenever there is a fluctuation of divine power at the edge of the atmosphere, human beings can always detect it in time and send out an alarm signal in time.

This huge early warning system is divided into two lines.

One is the official, and the other is the command center of the division. The former is responsible for communicating with the military, and the latter is responsible for the deployment of extraordinary combat power, or the release of promotional messages for the extraordinary app, or the liaison consultant level for personal contact.

official early warning system.

Seeing the intensity and scope of the divine power fluctuations, they all exceeded previous experience.

The fluctuation value comparison table is almost invalid. According to the conclusion of the Central Research Institute, at this stage, the largest space crack can accommodate up to ten dangerous gods, and it is absolutely impossible to exceed the order of ten, not to mention that the fluctuation of divine power is difficult to predict accurately.


The upper limit of the rigorous comparison table of divine power fluctuations is the twelve dangerous gods, which is the theoretical limit that can be calculated at present.

In fact, it is enough to calculate to ten statues, but in order to be sure, the theoretical extreme value is set at twelve statues.

Going up, no one can calculate the range of divine power fluctuations. The amount of information is too small, and inaccurate data is forced to lose its original meaning.

Nineteen years ago, the highest record in the history of Transcendence's blockade was four years ago when the Northern Mongolian Division descended and manifested ten dangerous gods at once.

But even that time...

It's far inferior to such a strong fluctuation of divine power.

In a conference room, several people frowned, the tea was steaming, and no one was drinking it, all staring at the real-time situation monitored by the satellite.

Increased volatility,

still growing,

The upper limit of the value comparison table has been completely exceeded.

The unprecedented intensity and scope made everyone present feel heavy, as if a boulder was falling, and they couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

To the left of the conference table.

The seat moved forward a bit, and the middle-aged man wearing wooden-framed glasses spoke slowly.

Do you think there will be... more than twelve dangerous gods?

His voice was dry and low, echoing in the room.

If the twelve dangerous gods descended at the same time, it would take eight or nine serial blocking teams, and with the cooperation of the military, they might be able to hold it.

Someone picked up the teacup and put it to his mouth, but couldn't drink it for a long time: The normal configuration of a dangerous god is a serial blockade team, even with the assistance of the military, it is difficult.

Don't count the casualties?

The minimum lower limit, eight serial blocking teams.

To be on the safe side, fifteen serial blocking teams.

However, in the 16 divisions across the country, the average consultant level of each division is in the single digits, let alone a serial blockade team with a large number of top extraordinary people at the consultant level.

I personally suggest that this blocking war can be given up strategically. At the same time, the military should try to locate them as much as possible, and invite a pilgrim to return to the country. The blocking war should be transformed into a hunting mission... It's not that we don't want to fight, this time Delay the battle to minimize losses at the advisory level.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at each other a few times, feeling less depressed, and the atmosphere in the conference room also changed subtly.


Extraordinary people never retreat, but this does not prevent safe evacuation and choose a better way.

Yes, yes, it's a good way. Everyone turned their heads to discuss: According to the general law of the spread of divine power fluctuations through cracks in different spaces, if there are more than twelve dangerous gods, they will complete them within one and a half hours. Descend and complete the manifestation.

Just an hour and a half.

There is no such short-lived release of any movie in this year.

It's too fast, too abrupt, where to find enough consultants in such a short time, Beihe Division has a total of five consultants, and two serial blockers, which means that at least three surrounding divisions must be called for extraordinary support.

Support requires multiple approvals.

After passing the approval, it is impossible to say that the surrounding districts will send all their forces.

In just a few tens of seconds, someone knocked on the desk and said loudly: Tell Beihe Division about our proposal and let Chaofan decide.

Right now.

The middle-aged man wearing wooden-rimmed glasses who spoke first suddenly whispered, If it's not a dangerous god.

What's the meaning?

I heard that every altar of the gods has stronger and more terrifying gods.

In an instant, the audience was dead silent, and the soft lights illuminated the silent crowd.

The teacups swayed lightly.

If you lift the tea cover, you can see ripples on the surface of the tea.

Some people bit their lower lip, some narrowed their eyes, and some took a deep breath, their chests puffed up, and then slowly sank.

With the authority of everyone present, they all know that there is a god of disaster in the world, that is a terrifying god above the god of danger.


At the same time, the North River division, the combat command center.

After half a minute of discussion, everyone in the command room also made the above decision, agreeing that it would be better to turn the blocking battle into a hunting mission.

Blocking warfare can be regarded as the top priority.

But the situation is out of balance, and the consequences are even more serious. The twelve or more dangerous gods have far exceeded the range that a division can handle.

What should I do if I can't fight again?

Go up to die in vain?


The commander-in-chief stood up and said, Whether it's blocking or chasing, we just do our best work.

Halfway through, the door lock automatically rotated, and a person walked in.

Qi language consultant.

What are your instructions?

In an instant, everyone stood up and looked at Consultant Qi Yu who opened the door.

...and no instructions. Qi Yu glanced at the commander-in-chief and asked, Is there any smoke?

The commander-in-chief replied obediently: No.

Someone next to him handed over a pack of cigarettes with both hands, which was the dismantled Hongtashan: I have it. Hongtashan, look, this smoke is not right. The man respectfully handed half a pack of cigarettes to Qi Yu, and Qi Yu took the half pack of Hongtashan, Nod with a smile.

be prepared.

The Central Research Institute has issued an emergency notification. This time it is a disaster. Qi Yu turned and left.

Only the faces of everyone in the command center were pale.

Not a danger God descends.

But the god of disaster came.

This this.

The commander-in-chief sat down on the cold ground and stood up with the corner of the table: That is the crack in the different space that accommodates the disaster god.

Different space cracks can't be destroyed.


The top priority is how to withstand today's disaster.

Let go?

Enable strategic weapons?


North River Division.

The main entrance of the headquarters of the Hengshan Organization.

In the scorching sun in late March and the cool breeze, four figures stood at the door.


Qi Yu lit a cigarette, watched the cigarette butt burn two centimeters at once, and slowly exhaled a big mouthful of smoke.

Qi Yu snorted: One cigarette is enough for me to smoke five puffs.

Looking at the fiery red color of the cigarette butt, Qi Yu couldn't help sighing: A promised different-space crystal evolves into a god's altar and transmits a disaster god? It will be really difficult in the future. The disaster god manifests and descends. Today is just For the first time ever.

The previous god of disaster was like the seed inside the crystal, manifesting the altar of the god, and the seed hatched, and the god of disaster came out.

The arrival of different space cracks is the mainstream method.

The upper limit has always been the god of danger, and from now on it will become the god of disaster.

As for the harm, what is the harm to human beings and this world? The transcendent has carried all the harm in the front, strictly guarded against it, and does not leak water. The domestic and international levels are seamless, and it is normal to feel no harm.

If people see harm, it means that the expansion of divine breath can no longer be curbed, and seeing harm means death.

Hiss, hiss.

Qi Yu smoked two cigarettes vigorously, his smile showed a mouthful of white teeth: Speaking of which, we haven't seen the God of Disaster with our own eyes yet, let's see what He looks like today.

The sun covered the four of them like armor, the wind blew up the clothes, and the clouds of thin smoke continued to drift away. Clouds with strange shapes floated from the sky, covering the hot sun and forming a shadow area. Qi Yu stood on the dividing line of the shadow .

The left side of the body is bright, but the right side is dark. That peaceful face seems to reflect the light and dark world.

He said, Be careful of Kamui.


The other three watched the clouds drift, and the shadow area that blocked the light also moved, once again bathed in the scorching sun.

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