One Man’s Power

Chapter Eight Don't Touch That Girl

Here comes the wolf, a fairy tale.

But at this moment, the fairy tales of childhood turned into cruel reality, staged in front of everyone, no longer the warm education of fairy tales, but an upcoming nightmare.

The first group training in the camp.

Everyone unconsciously had inexplicable expectations, hoping that the chief instructor would just make a harmless joke.

Some people wanted to run to the exit of the metal grid and asked the chief instructor to open the door; some people dared not move, hoping that all this was a test and a scare; a few people simply stopped where they were and hid in the crowd , felt very safe.



Niu Hechuan's grand voice came to his ears and resounded at the beginning of the runway.

Everyone froze in place.

Don't say anyone is timid and weak. Most of them are people who grew up in cities and towns and are used to a harmonious life. Where have you seen wolves?

Not to mention more than one wolf.

I don't know how many wolves were imprisoned by the metal fence, at least a dozen or so.

I'm not afraid to race against wolves. But racing against wolves is a life-threatening race!

It is better to fight head-on than to run away. Tang Hong's eyes swept over Jiang Lulu who was panicked, passed through each student, and looked at Xiao Ziyun from the air.

The two looked at each other and knew that the other had the same plan.

Gather the strength of everyone, as long as you don't panic, you will not be afraid of wolves no matter how many.

Seven! Don't run away!

Niu Hechuan seemed to have seen through Tang Hong and Xiao Ziyun's thoughts, and yelled angrily, awakening everyone.


I don't know who yelled.

In an instant, from being stiff to terrified, from being stunned to running wildly, hundreds of people at the beginning of the runway immediately moved, huffing and rushing forward.

This is the herd mentality. If there is one person who takes the lead in fleeing for his life, all the members will flee.

All resistance mentality disintegrated in an instant. Everyone still had a sliver of sanity, and no stampede happened. The person in the lead ran desperately, and the people behind chased desperately.

Whoops, whoops.

More than a hundred people ran with all their strength, accelerated rapidly, and ran more than ten meters in just two seconds. This is not a solo run, crowded, too fast and easy to fall.

Even so, everyone was scrambling to be the first, each and every one of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.


Ladies first, the bottom line that I can't run and can't cheat people is still there. This is the number of people who have been discussed by several instructors. There should not be too many people, and problems will arise.

Not too little, less time wasted.


Niu Hechuan roared out this number.

At the start of the runway, only Jiang Lulu stayed in place.

Her low intelligence doesn't mean she's an idiot. How could someone be killed in a special training camp? Jiang Lulu didn't believe that the chief instructor would just sit back and watch someone die, so she simply raised her head.


After running more than ten meters, Tang Hong missed Jiang Lulu out of the corner of his eye, and his heart skipped a beat.

I knew it was broken.

Gua Wazi made a mistake at a critical moment, and he was really angry.

Jiang Lulu, run with me!

Tang Hong slowed down slightly, turned around and waved his hands. The roar of indignation and reproach made Jiang Lulu forget her clever thoughts, leaned forward, staggered a few steps and started running.

Waited for her for about two seconds.


Tang Hong raised his left palm, grabbed Jiang Lulu's left arm fiercely, and pulled her forward.

Nearly 50% of the power percentage value provides explosive power, which is no small matter. In just two or three seconds of sprinting, he led Jiang Lulu to catch up with the last group of people.

Run, you're not afraid of being disfigured if you get bitten!

Tang Hong gave a low drink to remind Jiang Lulu. If this girl who usually laughed heartlessly was bitten by a wolf a few times, she might collapse, and Tang Hong couldn't bear it.

If it was a death crisis, he would have already run away without a trace.

But now, it's not that serious. He couldn't just sit and watch Jiang Lulu stay at the start of the runway foolishly.

‘The special training camp only has the disability rate, not the death rate. '

'Jiang Lulu's brain circuit is usually naive, how did she become so smart at the critical moment. '

'Maybe she's doing the right thing...'

Maybe we shouldn't run...

No, no, the loophole that Jiang Lulu can think of, can't the chief instructor think of it? What method will the chief instructor use to dispel our conclusion that no one will die?

In the blink of an eye, his thoughts raced.

Tang Hong thought it was not that simple, the first special training test was not that easy. But what should the chief instructor, Niu Hechuan, do to force everyone to their full strength and make the students in the camp feel that their lives are really in danger.

While thinking, he dragged Jiang Lulu to run wildly.

Ever since she heard the word disfigurement, Jiang Lulu seemed to have taken a small pill, and her speed was barely keeping up with Tang Hong.

She is afraid of being disfigured.

She felt that Tang Hong's palm was very strong, and her arm hurt from holding it.

Facing the summer night wind, blowing past my ears, there is only the sound of heavy panting and scattered steps. As for Niu Hechuan's countdown, I can no longer hear it, and the crisp sound of the metal fence hitting the ground seems to be endless.

The wolf has come out...

Not the dozen or so that Tang Hong estimated, but a full thirty!


Hearing howling wolves, everyone accelerated again, and the whole army moved faster.

It should be safe.

Tang Hong looked at the people around him from the corner of his eye. He and Jiang Lulu belonged to the middle echelon.

But at this moment.


That desperate scream sounded from behind, extremely shrill!


Not fake!

Probably something hurt the other, everyone felt their hearts beating wildly, and their scalps exploded all of a sudden.

This scream was so real, it was so real that it made people panic and shudder. Doubts, expectations, disappeared without a trace.

Run or die, the roar of Chief Instructor Niu Hechuan once again filled his body and mind.


A second sharp cry came to an abrupt end.

It was horrific and horrifying, words were powerless at this moment, all thoughts disappeared, and his mind went blank. Tang Hong looked back.

Bloody people crawling on the ground...

What is he talking about, his forehead is broken...

I couldn't see the face clearly, only the second cry of panic that stopped abruptly!

One wolf pounced, two, three. Then there was no more sound, nearly a dozen wolves completely drowned the man.

That touch of blood was instantly buried.

The remaining ten or so hungry wolves couldn't grab the food and didn't stop at all. They raised their claws and chased after the crowd.


Jiang Lulu screamed in shock, she heard two screams with her own ears, she couldn't help turning her head, her short legs were a little weak in fright, and she stumbled and cried.

No, it won't.

We won't die here.

heard the words.

Tang Hong fell silent.

By this time, he was no longer so sure, and his inner speculation was also shaken. The skeptical mind was full of confusion and covered in cold sweat. Tang Hong just wanted to leave Jiang Lulu as a burden and escape alone.

Strong willpower forced him to calm down, and a person named Hua Yu suddenly flashed in Tang Hong's mind.

The dead man...

Is it Hua Yu?

Tang Hong really didn't dare to gamble. Panting for breath, he faintly heard the faint sound of hungry wolves chasing after him.

He and Jiang Lulu were almost at the end.


Tang Hong was about to let go and speed up by himself, letting Jiang Lulu run by himself.

People are selfish, it is impossible for him to take risks for Jiang Lulu. What's more, Jiang Lulu can run by herself.

But before he could let go of his palm, Jiang Lulu's small body exploded with strength and staggered away from Tang Hong.

Leave me alone! Run! Run!

That year when she was knocked on the head in elementary school, Jiang Lulu never ran away, and her mother didn't allow her to play like crazy anymore. As a jewel in the palm of their hands, everyone coaxes her, and no one urges her to exercise.

Because it doesn't make sense, it will only make the disease worse.

And now.

She shook off Tang Hong.

She slowed down suddenly.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly, but she didn't have the courage to look back after all.

I... your uncle's Jiang Lulu!!

Since the ex-girlfriend proposed to break up, Tang Hong swears for the first time and wants to curse someone, Jiang Lulu stands there with her head shrunk, thinking she is an ostrich.

But those hungry wolves wouldn't think she was an ostrich.


It's getting closer!

The fastest hungry wolf is about to jump up and pounce on Jiang Lulu!

The green eyes and the blood-stained fangs all indicate the ferocity of these wolves. A close glance makes people feel timid, and they dare not turn around and fight.

If it weren't for those two screams and the desperate blood color of that person before he died, Tang Hong would never have hesitated in the slightest.


Tang Hong tried his best, tried his best.

He didn't give up on Jiang Lulu just now, he didn't abandon her and just run away, what else do he want from him, what more does he want from him, isn't chief instructor Niu Hechuan still making a move?

Countless thoughts are all entangled together.

This second is like a century.

If you don't go back, if you don't go back, if the child dies.

The Yellow River Organization, the government and the military, what they saw and heard at the Special Cradle of Extraordinary Training Camp, and countless thoughts piled up at this moment.

The accelerated running, coupled with the difficult mood of struggling, made him sweat profusely.

Tang Hong only felt that the string in the back of his mind was torn instantly, his heart was beating powerfully, thumping, and the blood vessels in his heart were throbbing to the limit!

Facing the blazing summer day hanging high in the blue sky.

A drop of sweat flowed from the forehead, slid over the corners of the eyes, slid across the cheeks, and then hit the runway, as if the shattered beads of sweat reflected in the glass against the rainbow light hit the ground.


One foot on the ground!

turn back!

turn around!

The strength percentage value increased again, inexplicably excited emotions rushed to all parts of the body, and the silent world was far away from him!


Taking this step, the most difficult step, the willpower shattered all hesitation!

After walking more than ten meters two or three times, he penetrated the body in one breath, and all the emotions of fear, doubt, anger and annoyance exploded his thoughts!

Come! Come! Come!

Tang Hong roared inwardly, striding forward, he raised his fist and slashed out.

Don't touch that girl.

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