One Man’s Power

Chapter 32 Where is Hope

The mood swings of medical staff are not so strong.

Compared with the golden red who has not yet finished the special training camp, the official members are calmer and more rational, because they have experienced extraordinary missions and witnessed silent battles.


The golden-red medical personnel in charge of medical treatment have received a lot of training, have a strong ability to withstand stress, and know how to face sudden crisis situations.

Even so, Lin Xiaoying, who was usually as cold as an iceberg, also clenched her fists, and drops of sweat rolled down her fair and delicate nose.

Not to mention the students who have not yet officially graduated from this camp, their faces are dull, and their heads and ears are all buzzing.


Xiao Ziyun was stunned on the seat of the transport plane, his legs trembling slightly.

He has always been three-pointedly proud. Looking at such a cruel and silent extraordinary battle from afar at this moment, Xiao Ziyun was terrified, he was afraid.


It's easy to talk about.

He wanted to join the battle and contribute his strength, but when the actual situation of the battle was in front of him, and seeing Tang Hong being persecuted by the god of routine, Xiao Ziyun had no urgency, no surprise, only endless chills.

No wonder everyone says you are born extraordinary.

The first test of entering the camp...

You have shown extraordinary light!

Xiao Ziyun used to be jealous of why Tang Hong was so far ahead of everyone. He is the No. 1 seed, and he is the talent of this year that everyone has placed high hopes on, but he meets Tang Hong who was born out of nowhere.

Except for the camp entrance test, he lost completely and neatly.

It can be said that the two have never competed at all.

What Xiao Ziyun regards as the end goal is like Tang Hong's starting point.

until now.

All Xiao Ziyun's thoughts were turned into dust, and he finally understood what kind of terrifying existence Tang Hong had to face.

Ask him to go, he dare not, really dare not.

Because Xiao Ziyun watched with his own eyes the top person in charge of No. 6 Sanatorium, the middle-aged lady's abdomen was instantly pierced by the regular god, blood was flowing, heart was beating, this tragic battle had just begun!

This, this, this!

Guo Bojun stood up suddenly, his upper and lower teeth trembling and knocking together.

He touched his chest.

His heart was pounding in panic, he would face such a situation in the future.

Panic was boiling, and the willpower was gradually restrained, replaced by passion: If we can't participate in the war, we will regret it for the rest of our lives!

I hope that one day.

He is also extraordinary.

Guo Bojun stared round his eyes, not missing any details of this silent battle.

When the special training camp was evacuated, everyone was sitting in the car, the windows couldn't be opened, and they could only hear loud noises, but they didn't have the chance to see the superhumans blocking the gods.

And this large transport plane has glass windows.

Dimly visible.

We are still in the second phase of training in the willpower of the special training camp.

None of the willpower and the five elements of the human body have broken through the limit, and they are far away from the standard transcendent.

Tang Hong, he, he...

The golden reds of several camps fell silent, with a hint of envy and pride and joy. This is Tang Hong, a student of the same class as us, who participated in the battle today and can be called the main force!

Agitated emotions spread.

Tension spread.

Everyone watched the battle on that side.


The propellers of the large transport plane began to turn.

Faster and faster, faster and faster, the transport plane left the lifting platform and flew towards the sky. Jiang Lulu with a tense face was lying on one of the windows.

Very different from everyone else.

She was about to cry.

It was like this last time.

Obviously, everyone can evacuate safely... Why are you the only one who wants to get out of the car, and why are you the only one who wants to join the battle!

Wouldn't it be nice to evacuate together?

You stupid.

stupid stupid stupid.

Jiang Lulu pressed herself against the glass desperately, as if she could get closer to Tang Hong by doing so, and even closer.

She also saw that head nurse Lin Yu was seriously injured.

Her eyes were slightly red: Tang Hong, you are the biggest fool in the world.

Come back soon...

Let's go back to Yunhai, please eat a lot of delicious food... Jiang Lulu will never forget the first time she met Tang Hong. Drinks for digestion, that's why there are hairy crabs and crayfish, street food that Jiang Lulu would never eat or order.

She watched Tang Hong eat.

feel very happy.

But at this moment, when the transport plane was about to lose sight of the situation of the battle, Jiang Lulu saw a figure suddenly hit Tang Hong in the waist. She was stunned on the seat as if struck by lightning, and let out a heart-piercing scream :


He wholeheartedly dealt with the regular god in front of him. Tang Hong never expected that Chaofan, a young man in his group, would sneak up on him.


This blow hit Tang Hong's waist, and his skin was torn apart.

Tang Hong resisted the desire to vomit blood and take a breath, the corners of his mouth twitched bitterly, and a sad and desperate truth emerged in his heart: believers at the extraordinary level.

Staggering a few steps, exiting the encirclement, Tang Hong looked around.

Already one dead and two wounded...

The top transcendent Xu Yunhan stepped forward to take over, temporarily stopped the normal god, and made a retreat gesture...

The head nurse Lin Yu, who was pale and paralyzed on the ground, looked over while clutching his abdominal wound, and met Tang Hong's blank eyes...


Lin Yu growled.


Lin Yu growled at Li Guanglei.

Destroy the lab!

Li Guanglei withdrew from the battle circle, ran back, and rushed to the glass door of Chaofan Sanatorium No. 6.

After Tang Hong.

Li Guanglei, who was running wildly, looked sideways at Tang Hong, who was sitting slumped on the ground, and their eyes collided.

Tang Hong opened his mouth completely unaware that his voice was crying and pleading: Guang Lei.


The farther you go, the better.

Li Guanglei said a few words with no expression on his face, his voice melted into the strong wind and became fragmented.

Without pausing, his body quickly broke into the glass automatic door, even smashing the tempered glass directly.

Tang Hong wanted to catch up.

But I can't catch up.

Li Guanglei mainly focused on the element of speed. Under full speed, he was more than 20 meters per second. This is the speed of ordinary top extraordinary people. How could Tang Hong catch up.

Even if the willpower breaks the limit...

Even if you have the confidence to become the top in two months...

But at this moment.

Tang Hong couldn't see a shred of hope. At the last moment, only deep and cold despair lingered on the tip of his heart.


A figure rushed over!

It was the believer who was surrounded by the top extraordinary Xu Yunhan... the extraordinary level!


Tang Hong lowered his head secretly, he was used to holding his breath and didn't make any sound, but that emotion, that power, was like a volcano erupting!

A tsunami-like sweep!

Sitting up angrily, with blood dripping from his waist, Tang Hong punched out a fist full of despair!

Boom! !

A believer at the extraordinary level, with his arms raised, couldn't stop Tang Hong's furious blow at all. The impact force of nearly forty tons was blasted out, splitting his arms in an instant, smashing into his chest, and smashing him. The bones and tendons were broken inch by inch.

Extraordinary believers based on sensitive elements.

too weak.

Who said that his strongest element is flexibility.

Who said that a fist cannot penetrate a human body.

Die! Die!

Tang Hong leaned forward with his upper body, half-clenched his left fist, and then exerted force halfway through, breaking the bones in his chest and penetrating into the depths of his chest. This force could even send people flying tens of meters.

This punch is stuck in the body.

He was punched through the chest by Tang Hong's punch and hung in the air, hot blood splashed on Tang Hong's face.

He, he...

The believer was still fanatical and waved his arms.

I'll send you to see Him now.

Tang Hong stood up, raised his left fist high, and smashed the believer's seriously injured body to the ground with all his strength.

The earth was trembling, the soil was flying, and blood was splashing everywhere.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A huge force close to forty tons exploded at this moment, and Tang Hong smashed it three times in a row, and the man was no longer alive.

Throw it away.

Tang Hong looked at where Xu Yunhan was.

She dodged to the side, and the others also dodged to the side at the same time, and no one stopped this humanoid regular god.

Where is hope...

Tang Hong's mind was blank, he let the blood flow, let the sweat drip, and stood alone, watching Xu Yunhan help Lin Yu to leave with his head sullenly, watching the normal god getting closer and closer to the broken glass of the No. 6 Transcendent Sanatorium door.

next moment.

There was a sound of breathing through the shattered glass door, and a puffing figure slowly walked out.

That is……

Li Guanglei, a registered standard transcendent with number 5039 in Huaguo.

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