
Impacted by the huge sword qi, Kaido tumbled into the air and was directly bombarded into the sky.

At a height of tens of meters, the white sword qi that Xiao Li cut out still did not dissipate, straight against the skin on Kaido’s stomach, roaring, tearing, peeling off the indestructible armor of the hundred beasts little by little.

With a blunt bang, Kaido landed heavily on the ground, and the whole person fell to the ground, rolling and letting out a cry of pain: “Woooooooo

The navies who witnessed this scene around them, looking at Kaido who fell to the ground, discovered a fact that they could not believe.

Kaido’s monster-like skin, which could not be broken through by any attack before, was now torn out of a bloody hole!

The entire cut spanned Kaido’s abdomen, tearing the indestructible skin to pieces. This was not the extent of the Akainu’s previous burns, but completely cut Kaido’s skin and muscles.

“No, he cut Kaido’s skin?”

“I cut my stomach with just one knife!”

Seeing this, the surrounding navies did not quite believe the current situation for a while.

“That’s it… It is worthy of Xiao Li! Up, cut him down! The students of the Naval Academy had a naturally excited expression when they saw such a scene.

Not afraid of any enemy, no matter what existence can be smashed with a knife, this is the invincible Xiao Li in their eyes.

Unlike the shocked and excited navies, Xiao Li held a knife in one hand, staring at Kaido on the opposite side with a very calm expression: “The name is worthy of the name, and the skin is really thick and hard.” ”

Because the knife just now did not directly cut Kaido down, but only caused flesh and skin injuries, breaking the defense of this invulnerable monster.

Being able to stab Xiao Li head-on without losing consciousness, the strength of his flesh can be imagined.

Facing such a slash-resistant enemy, the corners of Xiao Li’s mouth slowly turned up an arc, and a rare trace of expectation appeared in his lazy eyes: “Not bad, Hundred Beast Kaido, let me see how many knives you can take.” ”

“What, what—you bastard!” Hearing Xiao Li’s words, Kaido, who was lying on the ground howling, immediately became angry and sat up covering his wounds.

“Oh, you really hurt me!” Looking down at the large hole in his abdomen that had been torn open, Kaido stood up with a white breath, “But that’s fine!” You are strong, then I did not come to the naval base in vain this time! ”

“It’s rare to meet an existence who can fight each other. Just let me beat you up completely!” The bruises on his strong arms burst out, and Kaido ignored the wound on his stomach, and directly rushed towards Xiao Li and stabbed over.

“Okay, let me see what you can do.”

Facing Kaido, who roared and pounced, Xiao Li just stood quietly in place, holding the void with one hand.

“Woooo With the continuous acceleration, Kaido ran faster and faster, and the whole person crashed into Xiao Li like a moving armored car, and both fists were covered with armed color domineering.

Seeing this scene, the navies in front couldn’t help but sweat for Xiao Li. They had seen the impact of Kaido’s charge before, and if Xiao Li took it with a knife in one hand, I was afraid that he would be knocked into the sky.

“Drink!” Kaido punched out, the atmosphere shook, the ground cracked, and it was indeed an earth-shattering effect.

However, after receiving this blow head-on, Xiao Li did not fly out as expected, but firmly covered his fist with his scabbard!

“Nice force.” Assessing the weight of Kaido’s fist, Xiao Li felt that this punch was much more powerful than Green Pepper.

“Then eat me a few more punches! Woooooo Seeing that Xiao Li blocked his own blow, Kaido was not surprised and punched one after another.

The second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch… The successive punches were punched out from both sides and smashed heavily on Xiao Li’s scabbard, each punch had the power to collapse the ground.

Under the continuous heavy blows, the ground under Xiao’s feet cracked, and his whole person sank to a depth of several meters underground. But even so, the wooden scabbard still firmly blocked Kaido’s fist, and was not injured by the attack.

Seeing that the ground had broken so badly that he couldn’t stand on his feet, Xiao Li had to jump out of the small pit under his feet, go around Kaido’s side, and continue to fight Kaido’s boxing with his scabbard.

Seeing Xiao Li jumping to the side, Kaido also reacted very quickly, and immediately turned around and followed with a cannonball-like punch.

There was no place to land, and Xiao Li, who received this punch, flipped in the air, and immediately found his balance and stepped over Kaido’s head.

“Huh!” Kaido threw a punch in the air, trying to smash Xiao Li above his head to the ground.

But Xiao Li just flashed sideways, and perfectly wiped away the fist that could blast off the mountain, causing Kaido’s punch to hit the ground.


Suddenly, the ground under his feet cracked, and the entire square shook like an earthquake.

At this time, Xiao Li had landed firmly aside, Kaido threw his fist wildly again, and the two continued to fight quickly.

Kaido’s fists are violent and fast, carrying a heavy armed color domineering, like a cannonball out of the chest.

And no matter how terrifying attacks fell on the opposite side, Xiao Li could use the scabbard to dissolve them one by one, swimming and walking between Kaido’s fists, circling around this big man back and forth, sometimes dodging, sometimes blocking, and the defense was flawless.

As the battle continued, the speed and output of both sides increased, and the onlookers were a little confused for a while.

In order to capture his opponent, Kaido’s fists were whistling and dancing, and they had turned into a black afterimage, falling towards Xiao Li like a storm.

In the face of dense attacks, Xiao Li danced back and forth in the empty block, the trajectory of the scabbard was dazzling, and his steps were as fast as phantoms.

“Is this still a battle between humans?”

“There are monsters on both sides…”

Looking at Xiao Li and Kaido’s fierce attack and defense, which was difficult to catch with the naked eye, the onlookers could only sigh.

In this battle in front of him, strength and speed have been exerted to the extreme, and it is already a superhuman level contest.

Just by looking at this exaggerated scene, the navy understood that this was no longer a battle they could intervene in.

“Whew…” Finally, after dozens of seconds of continuous bombardment with a pair of giant fists, Kaido’s movements slowed down a bit, and he distanced himself from Xiao a little.

And Xiao Li’s defense still had no flaws to speak of, and the seemingly fragile wooden scabbard firmly held every punch of Kaido, and even bounced his fist away.

“I’ve seen your strength, Kaido.” Firmly holding Kaido’s fist, Xiao Li’s expression changed.

“Then next, it’s my turn.”


Sensing Xiao Li’s sudden transformation, Kaido instinctively had a premonition of something.

In the move just now, Xiao Li has always been only passive defense, Kaido originally thought that this was because his attack was too fierce, and the other party could not care about attacking.

But seeing the situation on the other side at this moment, Kaido understood. Xiao Li was just testing him before!

Flicking off Kaido’s fist, Xiao Li turned offensive, and the scabbard pointed straight at the behemoth in front of him.

Feeling the strong air flow attached to the scabbard, Kaido immediately dodged sideways, but it was still too late and was hit by the sword qi on the left side of the body.

The moment the attack hit, the skin of Kaido’s left shoulder was seriously cracked, and his whole person also slid back more than ten meters obliquely in the violent impact, and his feet cut two deep ditches and ravines on the ground.


However, when he raised his head, he saw that Xiao Li had jumped above his head, and the wooden scabbard turned into an afterimage.


There was a sudden sound in the air, and Xiao Li instantly stabbed out five swords.

The speed of the stab was too fast, Kaido couldn’t react at all, he could only see Xiao Li’s scabbard turn into a blurry shadow, and attacks came one after another.

Carrying a loud sound that pierced the air, five streams of white sword qi fell from the sky like five huge spears and fell on Kaido.

Hit head-on by Xiao Li’s five stabs in a row, Kaido provoked a violent explosion head-on.

His whole body tumbled and flew out, like a huge humanoid bowling ball, smashing countless buildings and walls along the way, crashing through piles of ruins, rolling and flying over a distance of hundreds of meters, and finally crashing deeply into the reinforced iron wall on the edge of the base, before stopping upside down.

When the rolling finally stopped, Kaido coughed up a mouthful of blood and let out a painful scream.

On his open body, there were five huge cracks in the flesh and skin!

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