One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 104 Tyranny Enel

"Fire Curtain!"

When everyone panicked and didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly came. It was just a very common word, but it had a magical power that made people feel at ease. The young man at the front.

While everyone was watching, he raised his palm slightly, and then a circle of blue flames suddenly appeared and then rose rapidly, enveloping everyone in an instant, like an upside-down bowl.

In the next moment, all the turmoil and anxiety completely disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

"It's a flame, don't touch it." Seeing that many people tried to reach out and touch the fire curtain, Katie hurriedly reminded.

You must know that the temperature of the flames you control is five to six thousand degrees, and the fingers of ordinary people will be completely burned the moment they touch it. Since you plan to save people, you can't let them get hurt because of your own reasons.

Hearing Katie's reminder, others hurriedly stayed away from the flames. Although they were curious, they would not put themselves in danger. It wasn't until now that they really started to look at Katie. After all, Tyrone's performance just now was so shocking and amazing that it was easy to ignore the others.

"Thank you, my lord, for helping me out!" An elderly sky island resident who looked like the principal stood up and bowed to Katie to thank her.

"It's okay, it's easy to do." Regarding Sky Island, Katie has her own plan. Although she mainly runs to Enil Road, it doesn't mean that this island suspended at an altitude of 10,000 meters above sea level is not important in itself, it is better to say that it is very important. It's important, but no one has played its value.

Looking at Katie's clarification, the empty island resident let out a long breath.

They have seen how strong Tai Long is, and what they didn't expect was that the other two who appeared with Tai Long were also not weak, and even had similar strength to Enel.

They were grateful for the arrival of Katie and others, who helped them resist the attack of Enilo.

But at the same time, they have no lack of panic. They must know that one Enil is no longer something they can resist. Now three strong men who are not weaker than Enil suddenly appear. If you do something, people like yourself will be even more powerless to resist.

Fortunately, this sky island resident thinks he has a pretty good eye for seeing people. Katie gave him the first impression that he doesn't look like a person who wants to rule too much or a brutal murderer, which makes people feel at ease.

During the time of speaking, Katie had already waved off the fire curtain, and everyone saw the outside world again.

What you can see can be described as ruins, hundreds of meters of gullies are everywhere, spreading to the distance one by one, this shocking picture is so shocking to the residents of Sky Island watching the battle, that they have not been slowed down for a long time Come to God, while swallowing his saliva, he looked at the battle marks everywhere on the ground.

Fortunately, this is not a place where the residents of Sky Island live, otherwise, even if they defeat Enilo, the consequences will be extremely heavy.

"Look over there!"

A sudden exclamation attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked in the direction of his finger

Then I saw a scene that I had longed for but couldn't imagine. The invincible Enilu in their eyes was being held up high by his neck at this moment, and his face was as ugly as a pig's liver when his feet were off the ground. .

"Why don't you ask me?" Tai Long's mouth curled up slightly, the irony couldn't be more obvious.

"Cough, cough" Naturally, Enilu couldn't open his mouth to speak at this time.

But Enilo finally knew why his opponent's attack could hit him.

Just because of the black layer on his hand, it is not just a simple color, but an external manifestation of some kind of power.

Enilo clearly perceives that he cannot be elementalized in front of this kind of power, not only that, it also has extremely strong defense.

In the first round, his golden spear obviously hit the opponent, but he was completely unaffected as if nothing happened, as if what he was holding was just a wooden toothpick.

It's a pity that I just reacted, otherwise I would have avoided the opponent's fist in advance and it wouldn't be as unbearable as it is now.

"You, Uncle Tailong, dare not say a word when you ask you, are you not giving me face!" As he said that, he punched Enilu in the stomach again.


With a muffled snort, Anilu spit out a mouthful of blood. Of course, Tai Long had already let go of the neck that was holding Enilu, otherwise, he would not have been beaten to death this time.

Tai Long knew that Katie's order was to teach Enilo a lesson, not to really kill him, so Tai Long kept his hand despite his ruthless attack, not to mention that Tai Long himself did not intend to really kill him. After all, this guy's ability is still very exciting.

But although he couldn't really take his life, Tai Long didn't intend to let this man in his hands go easily.

Both hands were sent out one after another to hit the opponent's body again and again, but they kept holding Enilo with one hand to prevent him from escaping.

boom! boom! boom!

Although he didn't go all out, he still had at least 30% to 40% of his strength, which made Enilo's liver and stomach hurt for a while.

Looking at Enilo who was being beaten like a sandbag, not to mention others, even Weipa and Gan Fuer who were still hanging on the side felt a toothache for a while, the sound of punching to the flesh was really shocking .

But none of them would feel sorry for this man, let alone intercede for him.

During the six years he ruled Sky Island, he had killed countless people.

The beating of Enilo lasted for a full minute. When Tai Long stopped, no one could see the original appearance of Enilo.

"Captain, how to deal with this person."

Tai Long's words attracted everyone's attention, and no one thought that this youngest-looking talent was the leader of the three.

One must know that Tyrone's strength has become so strong, so what kind of strength will Katie, the captain, become!

They can't even imagine it!

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