One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 117 Ace Breakthrough


Seeing the figure of Ace soaring high, everyone felt a wave of fear. During this period of time, the father's attacks have not been so ruthless, and some people have even been severely injured.

But everyone knows what the old man means, he is teaching himself hand in hand, so it's nothing to suffer a little pain for it!

"Is it still not enough this time?" A figure descended from the sky, it was the captain of the first team, Marco.

Compared with the top war, Marco's face is obviously more vicissitudes, but it is more calm, and his half-closed eyes finally fully opened.

"Father has been fighting with Ace for almost two hours, but Ace has no signs of breakthrough." Shaking his head, Jozi is also helpless with Ace's current situation. It has been a few hours since Katie left. In January, my father fought with Ace almost every other day, the purpose was to let Ace break through his abilities, but who knows that it has not been achieved until now.

"By the way, what's going on with you?" Joz knew that when everyone was being trained by his father, Marco was responsible for defending the safety of the Whitebeard Pirates' territory. Marko is found on the Dick.

"It's still within the controllable range. The enemy is just a rookie who just came from the first half. Although he is courageous, he doesn't have the corresponding strength."

"How about we also recruit some newcomers to expand our strength?" Although Marko said it easily, Jozi is not stupid, how could he really believe what Marko said.

Recently, the number of pirates has almost doubled. There are too many people paying attention to the white group who has just experienced the war on the top. Marko is definitely under a lot of pressure, otherwise he will not see each other all day long. to people.

"Wait a minute, although we won the top war, we also lost a lot of people. We need time to buffer, not to mention the current situation is too chaotic. Who knows what kind of purpose those people who have taken refuge in us have? , we can't afford another traitor to appear." Marko obviously has his own concerns about expanding the recruitment.

"Okay, it's up to you, I don't understand anyway." Joz is very clear about what Marko is referring to, and what happened to Tiki has had a huge impact on the Whitebeard Pirates, if it wasn't for Katie's accident Help them dare not think what the result will be.

"I don't know how Boss Katie is doing now. It's been a few months and I haven't seen any news." Since Katie recognized her father as an uncle, everyone in the whole white group called Katie Katie. Boss, this is a thank you to Katie and an affirmation of his strength. Katie's performance in the top battle is also worthy of this title.

"Don't worry, didn't daddy already said that when Boss Katie shows up, it will be a headache for the navy, so you should worry about yourself. It's your turn after Ace." It wasn't the wind blowing.

"It's okay, I have rough skin and thick flesh!"

"That's fine, you stay here to accompany Dad well, I'll leave first if I have something else to do." As he said that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

However, at the moment Marco had just vacated, a touch of blue suddenly appeared.

"This this"

The sudden change made Marco stunned for a while, his eyes fixed on the figure in the center of the battlefield, for fear of missing something.

"Finally, finally let me do it!" Accompanied by Ace's excited voice, blue flames soared into the sky, and the temperature of the entire battlefield rose a lot.

"Breakthrough, Ace has made a breakthrough!" Everyone in the Baituan knew exactly what this scene meant.

Looking at the familiar figure standing in the center of the flames, many people shed tears of excitement because of this. They sacrificed too much in that battle, and even directly affected the status of the Whitebeard Pirates in the sea.

During this period of time, too many people have challenged Dad's throne. Although they were all repulsed by Marco, all of them weighed heavily on everyone's hearts like a boulder.

Until this moment, the breakthrough of Ace's ability made Baituan's strength once again increased. Although it failed to reach the strength of the general of the navy headquarters, it was also the strongest existence under the general, and it could definitely deter Xiaoxiao.

"Father, let Ace fight with me?" Seeing the flames surrounding Ace, Marco immediately made a request. It's time for the outside world to feel the power from the white group!

"Hahaha, go, teach me a lesson for those bastards who dare to hurt our family!" Whitebeard naturally knows what Marco is thinking, not to mention that Ace has just broken through and really needs to fight to understand the difference before and after.

"Don't worry, Dad, it will definitely make them remember! I want everyone to know who is the king of the sea!" Ace's declaration spread to everyone present.

Navy Headquarters Marine Vand.

"It's been a month and a half, and Katie seems to have disappeared from the world. No matter how many intelligence personnel we use, we still get nothing. Where do you think this guy is?"

"Is there really nothing we can do about him?"

At the moment, there are only Karp and Crane in the office of the Warring States, so the Warring States can complain a few words.

"The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, and Katie is different from ordinary pirates. His way of thinking is always different from ordinary people. The more you think it is impossible, the more likely it is."

"Then what am I going to do?" He said clearly, but no matter how clear he was, it was useless, and he couldn't catch anyone at all.

"Two things. Before Katie shows up, there are only two things I can do. The first is to wait for our people to confirm Katie's location. The second is to prepare, considering all possibilities What happened, make corresponding preparations, and once Katie shows up, he must control the situation with the power of thunder, and never give him another chance to escape!"

Despite his age, Crane's words were full of murderous intentions. She knew exactly how threatening Katie was. This person was different from the white-bearded and red-haired. There are principles and positions that are different.

Once this kind of person stands up and raises his arms, the respondent is absolutely beyond imagination, and it will even pose a threat to the world government.

"Garp, why don't you speak this time?" Zhan Guo looked at Garp curiously, wondering why he was so quiet, but it didn't fit his previous personality.

"Warring States, I have a bad premonition that our next battle with Katie will not end easily, and to some extent it will be even more intense than the top war that just ended."

Garp's words made the office silent for a while. Although it was just a hunch, Garp's hunch was extremely accurate, almost sure.

"It looks like it's time to fight again." A low but firm voice slowly spit out from Zhan Guo's mouth, and the air even became solemn and solemn.

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