One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 245 Karp's Law

"To give you the simplest example, Edward Newgate with the white beard of the Four Emperors. At the same time as the old man, it was because his physical fitness did not meet the requirements of an awakened person, but he forcibly mobilized the power of the law many times, and the potential in his body was once With every consumption, the hidden damage will be accumulated accordingly."

At this moment, there was a bit of sigh in the dragon's voice, which was a sigh for the hero's twilight.

"It can be said that the white beard in the top war and he in the peak period are completely two people! Thinking about the demeanor of the white beard when he first ascended the throne of the Four Emperors, he was so amazing that even the old man had to avoid the edge for a while. .”

A picture after another quickly drifted past, as if returning to the era of strife back then.

"It is said that the four emperors are actually the three emperors, because the position of the emperor with white beard has been determined before the war. At that time, there were more than tens of thousands of people participating in the melee, and hundreds of pirates moved towards the only few emperors. Attack from the position. Whether it is Kaido, Big Mom or Red Hair, they have all suffered fierce attacks, but only the Whitebeard Pirates have no challenger!"

"Because everyone knows that the name of the era after Roger's death is Whitebeard! The title of the world's strongest man was made by him with his fists! The reason why he didn't become the One Piece was not because he was not strong enough, but because he didn't want to or didn't care about that. Title, otherwise who can hold it, who dares to block it!"

Listening to Long's passionate speech, Ai Nilu and the others couldn't help but feel excited, and their faces were full of yearning.

Seeing this, Katie couldn't help but secretly praised that he is indeed the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and his verbal skills are really good. A few simple words can control the emotions of Enel and others, which is comparable to Naruto's mouth!

"However, there is a price to pay for everything. The price Whitebeard pays is his own body. The frequent use of the power of the law has brought a strong burden to his body, just like an hourglass, which will eventually drain out one day."

"It's also because Whitebeard himself is tough enough, otherwise he would have been unable to handle it with just another person. It can be said that at least one of Whitebeard and Ace would have stayed there in the top battle without your participation!"

Hearing this, Katie couldn't help but nodded in agreement, because Long was right.

The original plot of the plot is that both white beard Ace died in battle, but at that time Ace had a chance to escape, but he fell into the red dog's aggressive method, and then died in the top battle because of saving Luffy.

"That's why I said that the next time I meet with Whitebeard, he will definitely tell you this, because your strength is already qualified to know all of this. I even said that if Whitebeard knew that your strength would improve so quickly, it would be too early. I told you when we parted last time."

"However, he should not be able to let you feel the power of the law at zero distance like the old man, after all, the body does not allow it."

Speaking of this, Long Youkong took a sip of tea, which was almost the explanation.

However, Katie's frown was not completely loosened, and she still had a question that she didn't understand.

"Then why Karp can use it at will. I don't believe that his physical fitness will not decline as he grows older. Even if he met the requirements at the beginning, it should have slipped after so many years?"

"good question."

Faced with Katie's questioning, Long couldn't help admiring, and even said that he looked at Katie with a bit of admiration. Not only did he understand and digest everything he said in a short time, but he also quickly discovered the hidden problems. .

"This is exactly what makes the old man so powerful."

Talking about this point, Long's voice was full of admiration.

"Unlike other people, the law of the old man's awakening is neither to control a certain natural force, nor a certain special attribute. It is pure physical fitness. Simply put, it is to break through the limits of human beings and reach a new height."

"The old man's physical fitness is simply terrifying. Even though his physical fitness has declined with age, he still maintains a level above the power of the law. Coupled with the increase in the power of the law, no one knows where his limit is!"

After speaking, there was a wry smile on Long's face. When he first heard about the Awakened, he thought he finally had a chance to defeat the old man.

However, when I figured out that the law of the old man's awakening is one-sided physical fitness, my mentality collapsed directly!

The ghost knows what will happen to the old man when he gets old and can't walk anymore, maybe it's the same as before.

"This is a fucking pervert! Can you give someone a way to survive! What an inappropriate person!"

After listening to Long's explanation, Anilu couldn't help but swear in front of Long, this guy can consume people to death.

Hearing Anilu's thoughts, Long's face turned dark. Although he thought so too, it was still a bit embarrassing to be said so in person.

"Ahem, be careful what you say."

Seeing the change in the face of the dragon, Tai Long hurriedly reminded Enilo that the two sides are still allies after all, and it would be bad if there was a estrangement because of this matter.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it, it's really because I can't think of a second word to describe your old man other than pervert."


Although he didn't drink any water, Tai Long still couldn't hold back after hearing Anilu's apology. Is this Nima apologizing? Is that the way to apologize?

Didn't you see that the dragon's face turned dark again?

"Well, Enel didn't mean it, he just wanted to say that your old man is too powerful, so he can only use perverts."

Looking at the dragon whose face was so dark that it was the bottom of the pot, Tai Long suddenly realized that his apology was no different from that of Enel!

"Pfft ha ha ha!!!"

Without waiting for Long to say anything, Enilu on the side was the first to burst out laughing.

"Look at you, you still have the face to say that I'm not the same as me in the end!"

"No, I. I."

Just when Tai Long was about to continue explaining, Long was the first to speak. He didn't dare to let these two continue, otherwise God knows how many perverts would come out of their mouths.

"I know what you mean, the old man's strength is really abnormal."

"Ahaha, that's fine, that's fine." The embarrassed Tai Long didn't know what to say.

At the same time, the words "sanctification of the body" could not help appearing in Katie's mind.

After realizing this, my first reaction was not the original, but suddenly felt that I was afraid that I had crossed into the fake world of pirates!

Why did the sanctification of the flesh come out, just play!

However, no matter what you think, the facts are in front of you and you have to admit it.

In desperation, Katie had no choice but to comfort herself when she crossed over to the fairy-tale version of One Piece, the author Dreaming of the Present.

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