One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 459 Warring States and Karp

click, click;

The supposedly quiet office is now full of abnormal noises, and the sound of chewing food can be heard one after another.

It's fine with Karp who has always been like this, but what happened to the former Marshal Sengoku on the other side?

Why is he holding a big bag of senbei and eating, and the speed of eating is no slower than that of Lieutenant General Garp.

If you ignore the office staff on the side, this look, this atmosphere is clearly holding the Navy's first Big Eater Competition!

However, the reality now is that a war is imminent.

Thirty-five nautical miles away, a total of 30,000 pirates led by the Shadow House sword demon Koshiro and the poisonous Magellan stared at them. In addition, there were two deep-sea sea kings with a body size of 5,000 meters to help out.

Even from a long distance, you can still vaguely see the general outline of the deep sea sea kings, even if you tie sixty or seventy warships together, it may not be comparable!

The problem is that the number of our own warships is only a little over one hundred, but there are two on the opposite side!

The determination they had when they set out for the expedition dissipated little by little in front of these two behemoths, because they found that they couldn't think of a way to effectively deal with those two guys.

Shots, shells?

Don't be kidding, I'm afraid I can't do these things even if I break the defense!

Deep-sea sea kings live below 5,000 meters under the sea all year round. In order to resist the super strong water pressure, the elasticity and hardness of the skin surface are enough to be immune to any artillery attack.

Only alternate generals or even strong generals can pose a threat to them.

Although the navy dispatched nearly ten such strong men for this operation, the shadow building side followed them one by one.

Once the war starts, there will be no room for the strong to deal with these deep sea sea kings.

What's even more frightening is that there seems to be a super-giant deep-sea Neptune with a body size of more than 10,000 meters in the shadow building.

Although it has not yet appeared, the impact on the 200,000 navy is far greater than that of the eight deep sea kings who appeared.

It was like a sword hanging overhead threatening all the navies present.

"Eat out! This is an office!"

The mild-tempered Lieutenant General He couldn't hold back in the end, and yelled at the two old men on the left and right.

As the front commander, the pressure on He should not be too great!

Because the strength of the shadow building members is far from what is shown in the report.

Although both sides are refraining from breaking out of a full-scale war, the confrontation between the leading powerhouses happens occasionally.

Especially in the southern battlefield, Thunder God Enilo of the Shadow House would come to challenge Huang Yuan almost every day.

After three days, the two played three games, and all of them ended in a draw without exception.

Moreover, in Huang Yuan's report, it was emphasized that Enilo's ability has become a black thunder, which is suspected to have awakened his ability.

In addition, the actual performance of Weipa the white ape, Tailong the golden body, Kuina the sword girl, etc. far exceeded the data analysis before the action.

This situation directly puts the navy into a passive position. Once a war starts, the shadow building with the help of the deep sea sea kings will undoubtedly have an advantage.

However, because of Garp's existence, he won't lose.

Fearingly glanced at Crane who lost his temper, Garp and Karp looked at each other and turned to leave.

Looking at the two lords who were "fleeing in a hurry", the remaining generals worked more and more seriously, and they couldn't afford to provoke them in their hearts.

You know, these two were once all-powerful figures, but they didn't dare to fart when facing the crane. Such an attitude really shocked them.

Looking at the vast sea in front of them, the two people leaning on the boat were silent, and did not continue to eat the happy senbei in their hands.

After a while, Zhan Guo was the first to break the silence.

"A few days ago, when Katie and her party were in Dressrosa, I took the opportunity to enter the airspace of Murloc Island to see what the capital of seven waters is like now."

"Guess what happened to me?"

Facing Zhan Guo's question, Karp couldn't help but frown slightly. While thinking about the answer, he couldn't help wondering why Zhan Guo asked such a question.

"Could it be that Katie has summoned new subordinates?" After some thinking, Garp could only come up with such an answer.

Because the meaning outside the Warring States dialect obviously means that he failed to see the capital of seven waters, which means that someone stopped him.

"Yes and no, to be precise, I saw the technological crystallization of the future country."

"What did you say!"

Faced with Sengoku's answer, Garp could not keep calm, his mouth was wide enough to swallow a fist, causing the passing soldiers to look sideways and wonder what happened.

"Do you want the whole world to know?"


Realizing something, Garp quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and glanced around vigilantly with his eyes, which looked a little like a thief.

Seeing his appearance, Zhan Guo shook his head helplessly.

Well, now they're getting more attention.

After a long while, the soldiers' attention finally left, and Zhan Guo continued: "That is a robot that is at least two eras more advanced than the pacifists, and its overall strength is equivalent to that of a general."

"Through the number of times in this world, I can't think of a second possibility except for the future country that has long disappeared in the long river of history."

Hearing this, Karp's face was full of solemnity.

Future country, even if I don't know much about it, I only know that it is a controversial country, and praise and criticism coexist.

However, compared to these, Garp cares more about the changes in his old friends.

"Why didn't you say it before the internal political meeting?"

Karp believes that once Sengoku tells Sora about this, the entire action plan may be changed accordingly.

At that time, it will not only be two hundred thousand navy, but two million combined army!

Even if eight hundred years have passed, the advanced technology of Future Country is still at least hundreds of years ahead of the world.

Vegapunk is the best example!

Although there is no evidence for the Warring States Period, his guess is enough to attract attention, and with such a famous name as the Future Kingdom, the Five Old Stars will definitely concentrate all their power to destroy the Fishman Island.

Zhan Guo knew these things better than himself, which meant that he was deliberately protecting the Murloc Island and the Shadow Building.

The previous Warring States would never do such behavior!

"Why, do you want me to tell you about this? If so, I can report now." Zhan Guo said, even taking out the phone bug that contacted Kong Kong.

Seeing that Zhan Guo was coming for real, Garp immediately faltered, and hurriedly covered Zhan Guo's hand. "Don't, don't, I'm joking!"

Seeing this, Zhan Guo pursed his lips and put away the phone bug.

Cap, on the other hand, shook his head helplessly.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that from the beginning of the Warring States Period, he had no intention of reporting it. He did this just to deceive his attitude.

Silence enveloped the two of them again, neither of them knew what to say.

"Warring States, me." This time, Garp spoke first.

However, it was stopped by Warring States.

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