One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 476: Hive Island Chamber of Secrets

The night was getting darker, and unlike the carnival atmosphere of the Fishman Island, the Hive Island was quiet.

Under the cover of the dark night, a masked man kept wandering around the island, and it was quite strange to look for his whereabouts here.

"Where is it? Why can't I find it?" The masked man said to himself, his voice full of doubts.

Finally, after searching unsuccessfully, he looked at the iconic building in the shape of a skull in the center of the island, with some hesitation in his eyes.

"Fight, there is no time to hesitate!"

After finishing speaking, the masked man sneaked all the way towards the destination, carefully avoiding every possible exposure position, until he came near the destination without making any movement.

Just when he was about to sneak in at the right time, a figure suddenly appeared.

Sensing the danger, he quickly lay down and remained motionless.

"Hahahaha, it must be here! It must be here!"

Accompanied by evil laughter, the person walked into the building first, perhaps because he was too excited and didn't notice that there was another person lying on his stomach beside him.

After a while, after confirming that the other party had really left, the masked man straightened up little by little, hesitated for a moment, and finally followed through gritting his teeth.

Follow the footsteps left by the other party all the way down, and finally stop at the corner of a certain staircase, quietly watching from behind.

"There is no way here, isn't it here?"

Looking at the seamless wall in front of him, Heibeard looked puzzled, thinking to himself that it was impossible.

I have searched everywhere except here, and my father has no reason to lie to himself, so where is the problem?

For a while, Blackbeard stared at the wall in a daze.

After a long time, a light flashed in Heibeard's eyes, and he thought of a possibility.

"Damn it, don't let me bleed for nothing!"

As he spoke, he took out the dagger hanging by his side and aimed it at the palm of his hand.

"Ah, pain, pain, pain!"

Blood and screams soared at the same time, and hot blood immediately sprinkled on the wall in front of him.

In the next second, mutants are born.

There was a sudden mechanical sound of the mechanism running inside the wall, and the entire wall rose rapidly.

"I knew it, I knew it! Only the blood of our D family can open it!"

Blackbeard laughed triumphantly, not worried whether his voice would wake others up.

Hearing this, the masked man hiding in the corner looked contemplative, frowning quite fiercely.

After a while, the wall rose to the highest point, and Blackbeard walked in without hesitation.

Seeing that the wall was about to fall and close after Blackbeard entered, the masked man gritted his teeth to keep up at the last moment, his body rubbing against the falling wall and sneaking into the secret room when there was no time left.


Almost at the same time, the black beard in front spotted the enemy.

He stared fixedly at the incoming person with a looming murderous intent, and at the same time his body retreated slowly to cover what was behind him.

It was a book, a book that had been stored for a long time, and the paper was obviously yellowed, not to mention that some places were damaged with several huge gaps.

"Give me that book, maybe I can spare you!" the masked man threatened, speaking in a very ruthless voice.

"Thief ha ha ha ha, just because you still want to kill me, you think you are Katie!" Blackbeard said angrily, with an extremely ferocious expression and his pupils were bloodshot red.

If Katie is so majestic these days, then I am so miserable.

Even though he issued an order to prohibit the mention of Katie on Hive Island, some people still secretly discussed that after he killed dozens of people in a row, finally no one mentioned Katie's name.

But the result later was that more than half of the people fled at night, and some even left a note arrogantly saying that they were going to join the Shadow House and lead Katie to capture it.

At that time, Blackbeard was almost pissed off!

But besides being angry, he also knew that he had to leave here immediately, because Katie might attack at any time!

Right now, I managed to find out the family secret my father said, but in the end I was followed by someone, and what was even more exasperating was that I was threatened by the other party first before I could speak harshly.

Taking a step back, the more you think about it, the more angry you become, and the more you bear it for a while, the more aggrieved; any cat or dog dares to threaten yourself!

"Dark water!"

Without saying a word, Blackbeard made his move directly, and the black substance between gas and liquid spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the masked man.

Looking at the attacking masked man, he was not in a hurry, and he didn't make a move until the moment before his body was about to be surrounded by black matter.

But he saw his hands raised quickly, and a word came out of his mouth: "Fen!"

The next moment, all the oncoming attacks disappeared in an instant.

"Bastard, bastard, who are you?" Seeing that his attack was easily resolved, Blackbeard panicked completely, because the opponent's attack was mixed with terrifying law power!

Half-step awakener! The opponent is a half-step awakener!

While shocked, Blackbeard was more puzzled. When did half-step awakeners become so common?

You know, apart from the Navy and the World Government, only the Four Emperors and a Golden Lion reached this level two years ago, but what's going on now?

There are only three half-step awakeners on the hive island! Can you still have fun with so many half-step awakened people!

Realizing that something was wrong, Blackbeard hurriedly picked up the ancient book behind him. He believed that since the other party didn't kill him immediately, he must value this book very much.

In other words, if you want to survive, you must hold this book!

"I'll say it again, call out the book and I'll spare you!"

Seeing the state of the masked man, Blackbeard became more and more sure of his guess.

Immediately said: "Don't be stupid, my life is only in my hands, if I really want to hand it over to you, won't you kill me every minute?"

Seeing that the breath fluctuations on the masked man became more and more unstable, and there was a great possibility of making a move at any time, which made Blackbeard hold the ancient book even more tightly.

This situation made the masked man frown, this is the base camp of the enemy, the longer the delay, the worse the situation will be for him!

"I'll ask one last time, will you give it or not!?"

At this moment, the masked man didn't want to talk any more nonsense. Although ancient books are important, his own life is even more important!

Raising his hands again, an invisible force quickly attacked the opponent, causing countless cracks on the ground and walls along the way.

"I give, I give!"

Seeing that the enemy's attack was about to devour him, Blackbeard gave up at the critical moment.

Hearing that the masked man paused his attack, he stretched out his hand to signal the other party to hand over the book.

"I can give you the book, but I have one condition."

"What conditions, tell me!" the masked man said impatiently.

"In order to ensure my safety, let's leave here first, and I will hand over the book to you after we get out, how about it?"

The masked man thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "I warn you better not to play tricks! Otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

Hearing this, Black Beard laughed and said nothing.

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