One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 489 Thirteen Alternate Captains

After everyone calmed down a bit, Katie said: "Since everyone has seen our little baby from the Shadow House, let's move on to the next step."

Hearing this, all the announcers hurriedly turned the video call bug and pointed the camera at Katie.

Because Katie has used facts and actions to fully prove how shocking his words will bring.

"Next, I will announce the thirteen alternate captains of the Shadow House!"

Seeing this, everyone's heart tightened, and those who should take the pen should take the photo.

Pluto is powerful, but Katie's strong men are not weak at all, and compared to Pluto, their targets are smaller and more mobile, and they are not weak at all.

"First, Baloric Redfield!"

The moment the voice fell, a figure flew into the sky from the tall building in the center of the headquarters of the Shadow Tower.

The world only felt that a black and red lightning flashed across the sky, and there was an extra figure in the sky above Pluto.

The slim red and black suit perfectly presents the figure of the future man. Although the head is full of white hair, it gives people a contrast of vigor and vitality.

Looking at that figure, the people who were taking photos and videos below couldn't help shaking their hands, and countless emotions such as excitement, fear, shock, etc. spewed out and couldn't stop.

How strong this man is, for details, refer to former Navy Admiral Steel Bone Kong, One Piece Roger and the original strongest man Whitebeard.

Thirty-eight years ago, Rocks was defeated, and in the next ten years, all the heroes competed in the sea, leaving behind countless shocking legends.

It was in such a situation that a certain man stood at the same height as the strongest men in the world with his own strength.

On par with Whitebeard and Roger, the defeated admiral Steel Bone Kong!

Thirty years later, when Roger died with a white beard and steel bones half-hidden, this man appeared in the sea again.

People believe that he will continue the legend!

"I'm back!" Redfield said indifferently, his voice was neither happy nor angry, as if he was stating a fact, a fact that was bound to happen.

"What's the matter with this guy, why hasn't his vitality weakened after all these years!?" Looking at Redfield's state on the screen, Golden Lion was shocked.

I have personally experienced how poor the food in Push City is. It is a miracle that a person can live in that environment for twenty or thirty years.

However, Redfield not only survived, but also maintained a good physical condition, which is incredible and incomprehensible.

The white beard on the side stared closely and did not speak, but he felt infinitely emotional that he did not expect such a proud person like him to choose to join Katie.

In the whole world, there are some people who are silent, such as Rayleigh, Cyborg Kong, Sengoku, Garp and so on.

Even though their identities, positions, and positions are different, there is one thing that is the same. When talking about the person in front of them, they have to admit that this guy is really strong.

Especially Steel Bone Kong, the battle that lasted for three days and three nights even refreshed his understanding of battle to a certain extent. It turns out that battle can also be described by art.

"Second place, Douglas Barrett!"

A figure flew out of the tall building again, and before everyone could react, there was an extra strong man beside Redfield, no, it should be said to be a tough man!

If the person is three meters tall, then his shoulders are definitely two meters wide, and the muscles that explode all over his body contain destructive power.

"Ahahahaha, let's go together!"

The slightly hoarse voice made the hair stand on end, but the heart was beating uncontrollably despite not doing anything, and he didn't dare to look directly at the other party.

"The third place, Sword Demon Koshiro!"

"Fourth place, Thunder God Enel!"

After a while, the thirteen alternate captains appointed by Katie stood side by side in a row.

They are Redfield, Barrett, Koshiro, Enilo, Tyrone, Magellan, Tsunade, Rina, Tezolo, Zefa, Weipa, Kuina, and Doflamingo!

boom! ! !

The thirteen people just stopped there to bring endless deterrence. They have gone all over the world, except for the world government, and which organization forces can find the same cards as this one. To put it bluntly, even the Alliance of Four Emperors is almost there. .

Among all bystanders, Sakalski was the most shocked, because he found that the Navy could not produce such a lineup, and even said that it could only produce half of it.

Obviously half a year ago, the navy was still the overlord of the sea and the holder of the strongest combat power.

However, now, within half a year after I sat on the position of marshal, the navy lost its supremacy. The enemy is there, but I can only watch with my eyes open and unable to resist at all.

Shame, great shame!

From the establishment of the navy to the present, among the dozens of marshals, he is undoubtedly the most failed and useless!

Anger turned into flames and burned Sakaski's body and soul, which made him grit his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot. How beautiful the shadow building is at this moment, and the navy is so embarrassed.

After a period of time, the navy is bound to become the joke of the whole world.

Strength, I need strength!

Sakaski believes that the reason why everything is like this is because he is not strong enough. If he breaks through to the awakened, the situation will definitely not be like this.

However, strength can never be improved overnight. To become stronger, the accumulation of time is indispensable, but what I lack most now is time.

Once there are more than three Pluto battleships tens of thousands of meters long, even the world government will not be able to stop them.

At that time, everything will really be over.

Thinking of this, Sakaski couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately got up and left the office.


Seeing the Marshal walk out, the guards at the gate hurriedly saluted.

However, it was ignored by Sakaski, and now he has no time to pay attention to these.

Walk all the way to feel the port, just call a boat and start.

He is going to the Holy Land, to see Wu Lao Xing.

In Sakaski's view, since the other party can help him to become a half-step awakened person, there should be a way to raise himself to a real awakened person.

As everyone knows, they are also watching TV and worrying at the moment.

Because of the appearance of Pluto and the thirteen alternate captains, more than a dozen kingdoms sent messages categorically refusing to participate in the World Conference, and several arrogant kingdoms directly stated on the phone that they had joined the revolutionary army.

Such a message was a death call to them, or to the eldest of them.

The body sank into the sofa, and the leader only felt that his body was completely cold.

Tianshangjin, who was pardoned for one year, couldn't impress the other party at all, even if he gave an extra one billion Baileys, he still couldn't impress those who refused.

In such a situation, it means that one's own life has entered a countdown.

The lesson of the swordsman is right in front of his eyes. Obviously, Im is not joking. Once the kingdom arrives by then, less than 90% of the kingdom will come, and he will definitely die.

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