One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 500: Kuina Wins

"Then have you considered finding a mentor for her?" After some foreshadowing, Ryder finally expressed his true thoughts.

However, he insisted on saving face in the end, and did not expressly say that he wanted to accept apprentices.

Seeing that the other party is trying to save face, Koshiro is also happy, but he didn't expect Tangtang's lonely red face to be so thin-skinned, and while it was funny, he thought about how to punish him.

Looking over Katie, Koshiro thought inwardly.

"Indeed, it's time to find her a master." Koshiro nodded approvingly.

Then he turned his head to look at Ryder, and asked in the anticipation of the other party: "What do you think of the landlord?"

Cough cough cough! ! !

Hearing that Ryder coughed violently, the violent movement made people wonder if he would cough up his lungs.

Barrett, who hadn't planned to participate, suddenly interjected, "I think we can."

He doesn't like gossip, but he doesn't mind disgusting Ryder, who let this guy call himself 'minibus' all day long.

His sharp eyes swept over Barrett, who had nothing to do to make trouble, and the warning was obvious. If the situation wasn't right, he wouldn't mind educating him.

However, this trick may be useful to others, but it has no effect on Barrett.

Facing Ryder's warning, Barrett shrugged nonchalantly, completely ignoring the matter.

"Well, although the landlord's swordsmanship is strong, his path is not suitable for Kuina, and he must be busy in the days to come, so he may not be able to spare time to teach Kuina."

"If you don't mind, you can give Kuina to me. My laws are quite compatible with her soft sword intent. I can guarantee that she will be able to step into the realm of great swordsman under my guidance for at most two years." !"

Hearing this, Koshiro was silent for a while, he didn't expect the other party to talk about this.

There are only a few great swordsmen in the entire world, this promise is enough to prove his sincerity.

"I have no opinion, but this child is an adult, I can only make suggestions but not make decisions about her." Koshiro said, respecting Kuina's personal wishes more.

After all, I have denied Kuina more than once, but she has proved herself time and time again with practical actions, proving that girls can also become great swordsmen.

Hearing this, Ryder was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the seemingly conservative Koshiro to say that. After he realized it, he replied: "It's okay, if you agree to the matter, it's half the success."

"One Blade Style Hurricane!"

The moment the voice fell, a flash of sword light disappeared, covering half of the battlefield in the sky.

"I, am I okay?" Everyone subconsciously checked their bodies, but found that they were not injured.

However, the next moment, a hurricane with a diameter of 100 meters formed instantly, and the strong gravity directly sucked half of the challengers into the sky.

"Help, help!"

Exclamations and screams sounded quickly. At this moment, they were not only facing an unprecedented sense of weightlessness, but also the danger of being dumped at any time. Their personal strength was still too weak in the face of natural disasters.

It took a full half a minute for everything to stop. Thousands of people fell to the ground like dumplings and passed out.

Looking at the fallen people, the challenger who was still awake couldn't help trembling.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are the most terrible, but now they are combined into one.

Kuina's strength is already strong, coupled with the blessing of the hurricane, it is simply not something challengers like them can handle.

Three to five minutes later, the battle was over.

All the challengers either lay down on the ground and passed out, or dropped their weapons and gave up the fight.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, no one can pose a threat to Kuina, and they can't even interfere with her rhythm. Such a situation is really desperate.

"I announce that Kuina has officially become the team captain!"

With the fall of Morgans' voice, the scene was a little tense for a while.

The twelfth challenge ended, which meant that there was only one last chance left.

When the matter developed to this point, most of the people were desperate. The twelve consecutive battles allowed them to see the gap between each other and understand why Katie chose these people.

Because they are strong enough to represent the Shadow House and lead everyone to fight. After all, Alice, who followed Katie earlier than Ryder and others, was not elected.

However, there are still a small number of people who do not want to die, trying to make a last-ditch effort.

"Next, Don Quixote Doflamingo is invited to appear!" Morgans announced, his eyes were obviously different.

Because of this, he is very familiar with it.

Doflamingo, the Emperor of the Underworld, also known as Tian Yasha.

For various reasons, I have been in contact with him a lot over the years, and more importantly, the position of vice captain that Katie promised is to establish the intelligence system of the Shadow House with him.

For this decision Morgans is not disgusted.

Organizing the intelligence system is equivalent to continuing to work in the old line of work, just to play to one's own strengths, and of course it is also what one likes to do.

And with the support of the shadow building behind, there is no need to be scruples about things that I didn't dare to do or touch before, and naturally there is no reason to refuse.

Finally, there is Doflamingo.

Multiple contacts let Morgans know this person very well. It is undeniable that some of his actions are incomprehensible or even extremely cruel, but this guy's talent is directly proportional to his brutality

In the case of being double rejected by ordinary people and Tianlong people, not only did they not become negative, but instead established their own kingdom, how many people in the world can do it.


Feeling the solid sky battlefield under his feet, Dover couldn't help laughing out loud.

All kinds of experiences over the past month made him very fortunate to follow Katie.

If it was said that Katie had hoped to overthrow the world government at the beginning, now Dover firmly believes it.

With an army of 650,000, more than a dozen top powerhouses, the two ancient weapons of Pluto and Neptune, and the additional support of the Revolutionary Army, such power is completely fearless of the world government.

What moved Dover the most was Katie's attitude towards people.

As a surrender officer, Dover was constantly worried that Katie would belittle him.

However, the identity of the alternate captain and the double treatment of the strengthening potion, even now Dover still thinks it is a dream.

Otherwise, how could there be such a lucky thing?

Feeling the power in his body that was nearly ten times stronger than before, Dover trembled uncontrollably. This feeling is so wonderful!

So Dover said arrogantly: "Everyone, let's go together, I'm in a hurry!"

"Come on, brothers, this is our last chance!"

"Come on!"

The crowd boiled for the last time, but everyone stopped halfway, because the sky battlefield in front of them was daunting.

"Field Expand!"

With the fall of Doflamingo's voice, the brown land was quickly swallowed by thin white lines.

In three or two breaths, the original sky battlefield completely disappeared and was replaced by a huge ball of thread.

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