One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 514 Dragon's Explanation (1)

At this moment, the commanders of the Fourth Army and Sabo, the Chief of Staff, looked at Bonnie with tenderness, pity, and of course, unconcealable guilt.

No one is unfamiliar with Xiong, because he was the first group of people to follow the dragon, which even Karas, the commander of the Northern Army, could not deny.

But the most admirable thing about Xiong is not his qualifications, but his sacrifice

When the Revolutionary Army was just born more than ten years ago, the navy and the world government were like two giant mountains that could not be read, completely blocking the way of development of one's own side.

Just when the dragon was in a state of desperation, the bear stood up.

He joined King Shichibukai as a spy and broke into the enemy's interior. In the following two or three years, because of his intelligence support, the revolutionary army was able to develop.

If the dragon is the leader on the bright side, then the bear is the guardian walking in the dark world.

Because of the dragon, the revolutionary army can exist; and because of the bear, the revolutionary army can develop.

After the development of the Revolutionary Army was on track, Xiong Da could retire as a spy, but he did not do so. Instead, he continued to stick to his position in Qiwuhai to provide intelligence for the rear, and he worked for more than ten years.

Just when everyone got used to it and even said they had forgotten Xiong's true identity, the news of the exposure came in vain, and what made them even more unacceptable was that the pacifists' final transformation plan came along with them!

On that day, the revolutionary army was silent, especially the cadres who knew the truth wanted to lead their troops to the headquarters of the navy in person!

Especially Lindbergh, as a scientist, he knows too well what the final transformation means. Once the plan is completed, the bear's body will become a cold machine, and at the same time, the individual consciousness will disappear.

In other words, Xiong will be completely reduced to a killing machine without emotion, and they cannot accept such an ending!

However, in this matter, although Long could see that he was sad, he did nothing. He didn't organize a rescue plan and didn't give a half-sentence explanation.

Although all the cadres were unwilling, they just had more than enough heart and strength and could not do anything for Xiong.

Therefore, when they heard that Bonnie in front of them was Xiong's daughter, they had mixed feelings and didn't know how to face it.

"Hehe, don't mention my father's name in front of me, you don't deserve it!" The crying was mixed with a tearful growl.

"Bonnie, we are indeed sorry for you but there is a reason for everything, I hope you can let me explain a few words, and your father is not dead!"

Hearing that Bonnie's crying stopped abruptly, her body was swaying like a branch in a strong wind, as if she would fall to the ground with a slight poke.

"What are you talking about? My father, is he really alive or not?" He finished a simple sentence after a few stumbles, looking at Long with fearful eyes.

She is afraid, afraid that all this is fake, afraid that this is just a joke that Long said to comfort herself.

But she also hopes that all this is true, because if it is true, her family will still have a chance to be reunited.

"I didn't lie to you, the bear is really still alive." Long nodded his head and replied with certainty in his words.

"As Mr. Kitty said, things have come to this point and some secrets are no longer secrets. Let me tell you what happened to the bears over the years."

After saying this sentence, memories of the past flooded into his mind. Long was silent for a long time and stroked back and forth, and then said in a deep voice: "Seventeen years ago, your father and a few other like-minded friends and I established the Revolutionary Army .”

"However, the subsequent development was very unsatisfactory. The double targeting of the navy and the world government almost crushed us. In order to change this situation, we discussed and decided that someone must stand up and break into the enemy's interior. Because only in this way can we obtain intelligence first and make a decision. Targeted programs ensure development.”

"After some discussion, this task was taken over by your father."

Speaking of this, Long's face darkened in vain, and the fate of the bear changed at that moment. If he had known that things would happen to this situation, maybe he would not have let him go.

"Afterwards, Xiong broke away from the Revolutionary Army and went to be a pirate for a while, and then successfully sneaked into the enemy's interior through the implementation of the Qiwuhai system."

"With such an internal response, the development of the Revolutionary Army has gradually improved until it is on the right track. It can be said that half of the credit for the development of the Revolutionary Army to its current scale is due to your father alone."

Hearing what Long said, Bonnie subconsciously clenched her fists and was proud of her father, but this emotion was broken by Long's next sentence.

"However, just when I thought the spy mission was almost ready to recall the bear, an accident happened. The Navy headquarters suddenly announced the implementation of the pacifist plan."

Hearing this, Bonnie's heart trembled, her father's current situation had nothing to do with this shitty pacifist!

"At that time, we didn't know exactly what this plan was going to do. We only knew that the navy even said that the world government attached great importance to it, so your father hoped to extend the mission time. I'm sorry that I didn't refuse at that time."

Saying that, Long bent down again and bowed deeply to Bonnie.

This time, Bonnie didn't resist or complain, but she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. It was obvious that her father's change started from this moment.

After a while, Long straightened up and continued: "With your father's efforts, he got all the content related to the pacifist plan after a few months. When the plan was sent back to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, everyone was silent for a while. .”

"This plan is intended to rule the entire world by force, and the finished product of the plan is the war machine pacifist controlled by special naval forces in the world today."

"In the plan, the navy or the world government intends to build a large number of powerful machines that are far superior to ordinary people, and then put these machines into war to try to use these steel bodies to conquer the world."

"Perhaps the pacifists developed in today's world are nothing to you, but in the world of ordinary people or in large-scale wars, these machines are enough to decide everything."

"It is precisely because of this concern that your father Xiong is determined to prevent this plan no matter what."

"As the saying goes, the general's foreign military orders are not accepted. Although I told him that this matter can be discussed in the long run, he refused to listen and insisted on doing it in his own way."

"I had no choice but to find a way to help him, and finally came up with a method that could stop the plan from being implemented and in turn strengthen my own combat power, but"

Speaking of this, the dragon stopped, his lips squirmed back and forth but he couldn't say a word, and he didn't even dare to look directly into Bonnie's eyes.

Seeing Long like this, the silent Bonnie spoke the last words on his behalf.

"It's just that the plan required the sacrifice of his life."


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