One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter five hundred and fortieth second onslaught

The three of Katie, who discovered the clue, naturally wouldn't miss this great opportunity, and made an outrageous attack with all their strength!

"Break it!"

The majestic man roared, and the density of the fist shadow doubled again and turned into an airtight barrier.

There were bursts of golden light, and blood was rolling; although the appearance was not as exaggerated as Im's, it was still terrifying.

"Don't even think about succeeding!"

A hoarse voice came from Im's throat, and he did not intend to give up even though his head was in severe pain and seemed to be about to split.

He knew very well what his greatest advantage was, nothing more than super god-level physical strength and the law of destruction.

Once the domain is broken, he is like a goshawk with one wing cut off, unable to maintain an invincible posture.

Nourishing, nourishing, nourishing;

Without any warning, more than a dozen streams of blood suddenly gushed out from Im's body like a bucket with holes in it, which was very miserable.

His body, which was far harder than steel, also began to tremble, and the muscles all over his body convulsed, as if he was under tremendous pressure.

"Blood Sacrifice!"

At the critical juncture, Im tried his best to use the special secret method to consume the body's potential. The low breath quickly recovered, not only that, but also surpassed the peak!

The realm of destruction, which was about to collapse, became stable again, and there was even a trend of counterpressing the three of Katie.

"Damn it!"

Another increase in pressure made Katie's body stiff, and she was about to succeed just now, but she returned to the original point in the blink of an eye.

This feeling is not very comfortable.

What's worse, at this point, I have nothing to do.

The power of the five elements has been urged to the extreme, but Im's tenacity is beyond imagination. If he were a servant, he would have broken it long ago, so why is the stalemate so far.


At this moment, a piercing voice suddenly came from the back of my mind.

"Although the power of the five elements given to you by Zulong is powerful, the law of space is weak? What's more, don't you still have the law of fire? Why don't you use it?"

Hearing this, Katie was taken aback for a moment before reacting.

While mobilizing the power, he couldn't help saying: "Thank you!"


Leaving behind a cold snort, Pokong disappeared.

Katie, who was reminded, did not hesitate, and summoned Pokong with a thought.

"Swastika solution!"

As the sound fell, the body of the Pokong Saber was divided into twelve parts and turned into a circle of sword wheels hovering around Jinlong's body.

Afterwards, more than a dozen completely different auras suddenly emerged from Katie's body, and then wrapped the twelve Pokong respectively.

When everything was ready, the golden dragon roared: "Thousands of swords are fired!"

In an instant, Pokong, blessed with various powers, pierced through the thousand-meter-long sky and plunged into the field!

The golden flame that burns everything, the weird and changeable space law, the tearing sword intent that splits the sky, the annihilation sword intent that erodes everything, etc.

At this moment, Katie used all the abilities she possessed on the piercing sky, and it is no exaggeration to say that this blow was the strongest blow Katie had ever had!

boom! ! !

The huge sound like the opening of heaven and earth spread immediately, and the endless storm struck again.

Even Tsunade and the others, who are thousands of meters away from the battlefield, still need to go all out to stand firm.

"This, this is too scary!"

The huge disparity in strength made several people shocked, but also a little discouraged. Although there was a gap between myself and Katie before, the gap was measurable.

But now, there seems to be a galaxy between the two, and the gap should not be too big.

"Don't compete with me, I want to enter the star pool next!"

Weipa suddenly broke the silence, looking at the distant sky with unusually firm eyes.

The current self is something that I didn't even dare to think about before. If this is the case, who knows what the future will hold.

Although he can't catch up with the captain, he must be stronger than now!

For a moment, because of Wei Pa's words, the decadent atmosphere changed in vain.

"Hey, it's up to you who is next!" Tai Long, who was holding a golden trident, challenged.

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