""Shaq" Robin walked towards Shaq step by step, with a charming smile on his face. He said,"Don't you want to have a few beauties like me? Think about it. Is Shaq tempted? Yeah." Robin began to seduce Shaq. The sweet voice made Shaq fall into fantasy.

He didn't know what he was thinking. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. In the end, he even drooled.

Iceberg looked at Robin's current appearance. There was a hairy black mole on his dark face. The fantasy of being surrounded by a group of such ugly monsters made Iceberg's stomach churn. He felt like vomiting. Looking at Shaq's pig-like appearance, he even drooled.

Iceberg, Robin and Bepo had black lines on their faces and thought to themselves,"This guy's taste is really special. He actually likes ugly monsters." The three of them left Shaq together because the illusory evil spirit behind Robin appeared again.

"Go to hell, you pervert." Robin kicked Shaq away

"Bang! Shaq was completely pressed against the wall. Then he fell down and lay on the ground. 'Instant Kill'

Then, with the help of Iceberg's men, Shaq transported all the materials on the old ship and the materials purchased yesterday to the new ship. The new ship set off immediately. Shaq was also fully revived. Standing at the bow, he shouted majestically,"Let's go. The target is the East China Sea. Let's go pick up our navigator!""

"Oh." Bepo was the only one who shouted. But the next moment, Robin's threatening look frightened him and he kept bowing."Private Marseille"

This time, Shak set out for the East China Sea via the river channel of the Red Earth Continent. Although he encountered a navy inspection, Shak and his crew were not pirates at the moment. Robin also put on makeup. The group passed the inspection smoothly and arrived in the East China Sea.

A month later, they finally arrived at a small island near the Cocosia Village. Because there was no record pointer for the East China Sea, a lot of time was wasted.

Shak wanted to bring Nami on board. He had to deal with the dragon and the rat colonel who was in cahoots with him. No, he was still the rat lieutenant colonel. The dragon was easy to deal with, just kill him. But the rat colonel was troublesome. If he was discovered, he would definitely be rewarded.

Shak was not ready yet. So he couldn't expose himself. So Shak asked Robin to help him put on makeup. When Shak put on makeup successfully, he looked like a completely different person. The whole person was full of vicissitudes. There were more wrinkles on his forehead. There were more dense beards on his chin and lips. He looked exactly like a middle-aged man in his forties.

Even Luo and Bepo couldn't recognize that this was Shak. If they didn't know that Shak was putting on makeup, they would have mistaken Shak for someone else. Shaq laughed with satisfaction,"Hahaha. Alice's skills are really amazing. I don't even recognize myself anymore. Then I'm going to set off."

"Be careful. Although the navy of the East China Sea is not very strong, it is still a naval base. If you can't kill Lieutenant Colonel Mouse, forget it. Don't be stubborn, okay?"Robin warned with some concern.

Shaq said with a sly smile,"Honey, are you worried about me? Don't worry, I haven't had a good chat with my dear about the continuation of mankind, and nothing will happen to me. Hehe"

"Go to hell. Humph." Robin kicked Shak off the boat in shame and anger.

Shak got on a small boat and paddled. The small boat rushed out very quickly, splashing countless waves. It was even faster than a car.

On the other side, inside the 16th branch of the East China Sea Navy, Lieutenant Colonel Mouse was sitting in his office with a greedy smile on his face.

There were no official documents on his desk, but stacks of Baileys.

These were bribes from nearby pirates, or bribes from merchants.


Not bad, not bad.

This year's protection fee has almost been paid.

Only the dragon's has not been paid yet.

It's just in time to go to Cocosia Village tomorrow.

" As night fell, in front of the gate of the 16th branch, Shak strode towards the gate.

The two navy soldiers on duty in front of the gate immediately shouted,"Who are you? This is the 16th branch of the Navy.

Please leave immediately and don't get close.


Shaq smiled evilly."Shave" Shaq appeared behind the two navy officers in a flash."Bang Bang" two muffled sounds were heard. The two navy officers were knocked unconscious by Shaq's hand knife. Shaq walked into the navy branch carelessly. He was soon discovered by the patrolling navy.

"Who are you? Stop. We don't seem to know you."A marine shouted to Shak

, but Shak didn't mean to stop and kept walking forward. Another marine immediately shouted,"He's not wearing a uniform. It's an intruder. Shoot!"

""Shaq's figure flashed by. Along with the screams of the navy soldiers,"Ah..."More than a dozen navy soldiers had already fallen to the ground without the ability to resist. You have to know that in the past month or so, Shaq has completely mastered the six styles. His own physical strength is enough. And with the help of the practice space, he quickly mastered the six styles. He even mastered the basics of Armament Haki and Observation Haki. His strength has more than doubled.

"Someone's intruding. Sound the alarm!"

"Woo woo woo"As the alarm sounded, a large number of navy soldiers rushed out of the dormitory and surrounded Shaq.

"Haha. No matter how many people there are, they are just trash. But I am afraid I can't hold back."Shaq looked indifferent. But he didn't stop. He used the speed of shaving to quickly kill the navy soldiers one by one.

"Don't be so arrogant. Let me, Lieutenant Commander Dodolo, teach you a lesson, sinner."At this time, the high-level naval officer finally arrived. A two-meter-tall man rushed towards Shak with a giant axe.

"Die, sinner." Dodolo swung his axe at Shak and tried to split him in half.

"Major Dodoro is here. Great! That criminal will definitely be punished.���"It was split in half by Major Luo," a navy soldier showed admiration to Duoduo Luo.

"Of course. You know, Major Dodoro can split rocks several meters high with one axe."

"Kill him. Lieutenant Commander."The navy soldiers shouted.

When Shak saw Dodolo's axe coming down, he was not nervous at all. Because in the eyes of the navy, the axe was extremely fast. But in Shak's eyes, it was too slow."Paper painting" Shak's whole body immediately became as unaffected as paper. The axe didn't even touch Shak's clothes.

""Gun pointing" Shaq's right hand immediately transformed into more than a dozen phantoms."Puff puff puff""In an instant, more than a dozen bloody holes appeared on Duoduoluo's body.

""Bang!" Dodolo was killed instantly by Shaq without even a scream. All the navy soldiers shut up. They all looked at Dodolo lying on the ground stupidly.

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