Kurrison was also surprised to see the shells were stopped. Because the opponent's physical skills were definitely the Navy's Six Styles. But Kurrison was sure that the opponent was not a navy. So the opponent must have learned it secretly. Anyone who learned the Navy's Six Styles secretly must be wiped out. Kurrison shouted with a gloomy face,"Full speed ahead. Fire at me."

The Celestial Dragon Bex Saint smiled with satisfaction,"Lieutenant General Kurrison, you are very good. I will commend you when the time comes." The Celestial Dragon showed a ferocious smile on his face while holding the telescope.

"Boom boom boom"Countless shells bombarded the Death. Shaq and his men used their Storm Kicks to block the shells one by one. His face became increasingly ugly.

Robin intercepted the shells and said in a deep voice,"Shaq. The enemy is chasing us. It seems that the Celestial Dragons are not going to let us go.""

"Damn it. The clay man still has some temper. Luo, fire back. Leave it to me."Shaq's face showed a cold murderous intent. He thought to himself,"It's just right to kill this Celestial Dragon and hide away to practice for a while. In the original work, Luffy won Hancock's favor after beating the Celestial Dragon. Old���I don't believe Hancock won't look at me differently if I kill a Celestial Dragon. I'll fight for Hancock."

Luo didn't hesitate, walked to the turret, turned the shells,"boom" aimed at the navy ship and fired. He quickly loaded the shells and fired back. Shak drew out his long sword. The sword energy blocked all the shells.

On the opposite navy ship."Swish, swish"Several shells flew over. They were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect the other side to dare to fight back and attack the warship. By the time they reacted, the shells were already close.

"Be careful, Master Bex. Six guards rushed to block the way of the Celestial Dragon.

"Boom."Luo was not a sniper after all. Several shells missed and all fell into the sea. A shell that was closer exploded in the sea water in front of the warship, splashing countless water."Splash" immediately soaked the Tianlong man and his guards like a drowned chicken.

"Lanjiao""Double blades, double slash."Cullisson and his subordinate Colonel Mader reacted and immediately sniped the enemy's artillery shells.

"Damn the untouchables. I will chop them into pieces and throw them into the sea to feed the fish. Fire at me."The Celestial Dragon Bex Saint had never been insulted like this before. He was so angry that his face turned green. The untouchables on the opposite side not only fought back, but also soaked him like a drowned chicken.

"Boom boom boom"The two sides started to fire back and forth.

The chase and escape had been going on for an hour.

The distance between the two sides had become very close.

The warship that the Celestial Dragons were riding was the best warship of the Navy.

It was slightly faster than the Death.

It would definitely catch up with Shaq's Death in no time.

The two sides were only fifty meters apart.

The Navy's warships had run out of shells.

In an hour, the other side had used thousands of shells.

Even the gun barrels were scrapped.

Shaq had no shells left.

After all, he didn't have as many shells as the Navy.

"Shaq. What should I do? I'm about to be caught up."Robin said anxiously

"Damn Celestial Dragons. Don't move here. I'll go meet that Vice Admiral. Luo, find a chance to hold the Celestial Dragons hostage. Then they won't dare to do anything." Shak jumped up immediately after he finished speaking. He walked towards the warship on the opposite side with"Moon Steps".

On the warship, Vice Admiral Kurison's eyes flashed. He also jumped into the air and"Moon Stepped" to meet Shak. As soon as he saw Shak, Kurison immediately attacked,"Criminals on the opposite side. How dare you secretly learn the Six Styles of the Navy. And dare to attack the world's noble Celestial Dragons. Now surrender obediently."

"HahahaCelestial Dragons? A bunch of pig-like beasts are worthy of being called world nobles. Stop talking nonsense. Come on." After Shaq finished speaking, he immediately used the"Storm Kick. Crescent Slash" and attacked the opposite Kurison with more than a dozen vacuum slashes.

"Bastard. You dare to fight back. You are looking for death, kid." Kurrison yelled"Paper." After avoiding the vacuum slash, he immediately rushed towards Shaq

"Gunpointing."Kurison is a master of physical skills. He has reached the peak of the Six Styles. He has also mastered the extended skills.

Shaq is not afraid at all."""Gunpointing. Combo. Both of them have mastered the extension skills. Although Kurrison's power is stronger than Shaq's, Shaq's extension skills are evolved from the practice space. It is definitely more exquisite than Kurrison's.

"Bang Bang Bang"For a moment, the two of them were evenly matched. They attacked each other quickly in mid-air. Since there was no place to gain leverage in mid-air, neither of them used their full strength. They used part of their strength to maintain the Moon Step.

"Kid, who are you? When did such a strong man appear in the first half of the Grand Line?" After the two separated, Kurrison's clothes were already tattered. He looked at Shaq with a gloomy face.

Shaq was also in a mess, and his black coat was almost turned into a strip of cloth."Humph. My name is the God of Death. Elson J. Shaq. Remember this name. Because he will bring death to you."

Kurrison's face changed drastically. He immediately remembered who this young man was. The navy once invited this bounty hunter known as the God of Death. And Dorgo, who was already a vice admiral, was very optimistic about him. He strongly recommended him to join the navy. But Shaq refused."Okay.I didn't expect you to have grown to this point. But that's enough. Your existence is definitely a threat to the navy. Die!"

"Armament Haki. Gun pointing."Currissen intends to use all his strength to eliminate the threat of Shaq. Armament Haki covers the entire upper body. The dark fingers become stronger.

"Humph. Kill the God with one sword."Shaq did not hold back and drew out his long sword to use his special skills. A half-moon blade several meters long fiercely rushed towards Kurison.

""Shan Kick. Chaos." Kurison felt the threat of Shaq's sword energy and kicked out dozens of vacuum cuts without hesitation, which stopped Shaq's sword energy. His face was even gloomier."Swordsman. You are actually a swordsman. I can't let you stay. Iron. Steel. Armament color." Kurison immediately used 100% of his strength

"I'm not afraid of you. Are you the only one who can use Armament Haki?"The next moment, the long sword in Shaq's hand was immediately covered with black Armament Haki."Puff." With one sword, he broke through Kurison's defense and left a shallow wound on his chest.

"Bang."Shaq was also kicked down by Curryson and landed on the warship.

"kill"""Double sword style, double slash""Gun pointing." The two major general-level guards of the navy and the Celestial Dragons immediately surrounded them.

Shak's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He shouted,"The secret of the one sword style. Nine dragons ascending to the sky." Six giant dragons formed by sword energy immediately rushed towards the besieging navy.

"Not good."Lieutenant General Kurison's face changed drastically in the air. He didn't even dare to take Shaq's move head-on. Because he felt a strong threat from the sword dragon. He rushed to the bow to protect the Tianlong people.

"Damn it. Iron Armament Haki."The two Celestial Dragon guards hurriedly stopped attacking Shak. They used their strongest defense to block the Celestial Dragons. They tried to stop the sword dragons attacking the Celestial Dragons.

The other navy used their strongest attacks to bombard the sword dragons.


""ah"The Marine Colonel was the first to be hit.

Mad, who was a dual-sword wielder, was torn apart by the dragon of sword energy.

Six dragons of sword energy took away hundreds of marines' lives.

Although the two rear admiral-level guards were strong, they were directly hit by two dragons of sword energy.

The crossed arms of the two men disappeared.

A big hole was blasted in their chests.

Half of their internal organs disappeared.

Finally, the dragon of sword energy was blocked.

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